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jadeca Thu, Dec-16-04 19:41

A good way to break a stall (or even to help yourself lose more!)
Hey all,

I have been testing out this theory that I found on another forum I frequent, and I have been having TERRIFIC results with it! I was really STUCK in a stall for the last month, couldn't lose a single 1/10th of a pound. I got so fed up until I tried this.....

If you are having trouble breaking a stall (or going up and down the same couple pounds), or just want to lose more, try eating breakfast as your biggest meal of the day, and eating dinner as if it were breakfast. I did this for the first time on Monday night, and immediately the next morning I weighed myself and I was down TWO pounds after being stuck for a month! It really WORKS!!!

To give an idea of what I mean:

A normal day for me before trying this would look like this:

Breakfast ~ 2 hardboiled eggs, 2 strips of bacon, coffee
Lunch ~ 1 cup of salad w/cucumber & 2 tbsp dressing, 1 or 2 turkey/cheese roll ups, water
Dinner ~ 2 hamburger patties, 1 cup of veggies, and another cup of salad

NOW, on this WOE:

Breakfast ~ 3 scrambled eggs w/cheese, 3 strips of bacon, 4 slices of salami, coffee
Lunch ~ 1 lc tortilla filled with something like turkey & cheese or bologna & cheese w/mayo, 2 cups of salad w/2 tbsp dressing, water
Dinner ~ 1 hamburger patty, 1 cup of veggies. (And more often than not I will only have 1 cup of veggies or 1 cup of salad for dinner because I'm simply NOT hungry at night!)

No snacks, and no eating after 6 PM or 7 PM (depending on what time you go to for me, I go to bed no earlier than 1 am, so I can get away with 7:30.)

ANYWAY, the basis of it is, eat your biggest meal of the day for breakfast and work your way down from there.....huge breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner. I SWEAR this broke me out of my stall and I'm losing steadily again! Finally! Not only that, but there are a TON of other people in the other forum I frequent and almost ALL of them are having the same results!

Just thought I'd share with everyone since it's working so great for me! It's been a lifesaver, and I truly enjoy going to bed not having that 'overfull' feeling anymore! I wake up SUPER hungry, and that helps motivate me to eat a big breakfast, as I've never been a breakfast type person.

I think (and this IS going on theory here) that the reason this works is because at night when you're sleeping, instead of having to digest food, you're body is simply burning fat overnight since there's nothing to digest. This is the only point in time that your body is completely at rest and burning the least amount of calories, so when there's nothing to digest, the body has nothing to do but burn the all-dreaded F-A-T!!! And you wind up eating less during the day when you're burning more calories.

Well, this is a concept I've been testing for the last week and it's worked GREAT for me, I hope you have the same results! :thup:

BawdyWench Thu, Dec-16-04 19:44

It goes along with the old saying, "Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a pauper at dinner" (or something like that).

If only I had the time to eat a hearty breakfast. Up at 4:00 am and out the door.

Worth a try, though!

jadeca Thu, Dec-16-04 19:50

BawdyWench ~ that's EXACTLY the concept, breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper! It's a great concept and it seems to really work!

Dylan Thu, Dec-16-04 22:50

Yes! Great idea! I have been eating larger breakfasts and my dinners have naturally fallen less. Lunch is usually the smallest beacause I'm not hungry during the day, but since you are more apt to burning ebergy through the day as well as the fact that you go longer (through the night on a slower metabolism) without incoming energy, your theory sound right.

Dragonfly_ Thu, Dec-16-04 23:01

Thanks for the info!! :clap:
I will try eating before I have my morning coffee..because it seems to make me not want to eat very much..

jadeca Thu, Dec-16-04 23:03

When I did it the first day, it was kind of hard for me to make myself eat a breakfast that big.....I was so used to the big dinner small breakfast. Once you get going though, you don't get that hungry at night anymore. It's great!

NoBREAD Fri, Dec-17-04 06:28

This is a great idea jadeca. I have been in a stall for a few weeks now. I'm going to try this today. Starting with breakfast this morning. And no more evening snacks. Thanks.

ssofian Fri, Dec-17-04 08:22

Sounds like a plan! I am wary of the theory about breaking stalls by going off low carb for a few days (carb-up seems to work for people, but some seem to eat lots of sugar and white bread, etc. etc. - I think carb up should be about increasing carbs, but still eating GOOD carbs) Anyway, I'm not willing to go and try that yet- this sounds great though. And it really makes sense!

Thanks jadeca.

BadgerGirl Fri, Dec-17-04 08:49

Yes, this is a very good idea. Traditionally, I eat like a king at night.

As for those carb-ups to break stalls, like ssofian, I don't trust them. That is, I don't trust me! If I start permitting myself overindulgences, who knows where it will end. It'll end in tears, that's where!

After a terrible 2-3 week binge pre/post Thanksgiving, I suddenly am infused with determination and willpower. I don't want that to end.

I'll try the breakfast thing, but I am also up at 4:00 and out the door. I can't wait for my hours to become human again (10-6).

jadeca Fri, Dec-17-04 09:32

Originally Posted by ssofian
Sounds like a plan! I am wary of the theory about breaking stalls by going off low carb for a few days (carb-up seems to work for people, but some seem to eat lots of sugar and white bread, etc. etc. - I think carb up should be about increasing carbs, but still eating GOOD carbs) Anyway, I'm not willing to go and try that yet- this sounds great though. And it really makes sense!

Thanks jadeca.

Yep, you're absolutely right....some people use the carb up as an excuse to pig out on everything that this WOE is against. They fail to remember that these items are what got us FAT in the first place! Plus, most of us are addicted to carbs! I totally agree....if someone does the carb up thing, they should definitely stick to good carbs. (Add in more veggies, have a yam, something like that...but NO white bread, sugar, etc!)

monster66 Fri, Dec-17-04 10:05

I think I am going to try this. Since breakfast is over I think I will have my usual afternoon snack this morning instead and eat a later lunch and very light dinner. I'll officially start tomorrow though. Will let you know how it goes....

javamel Fri, Dec-17-04 10:13

I am going to try that, as I love breakfast food!!! But one question....could the loss be attributable to less mass in your stomach in the morning because you ate less the night before? Doesn't the body treat a calorie the same at night as in the morning? I'm still gonna try it anyway...just wonderin'. Thanks!

chann Fri, Dec-17-04 15:44

Thanks for the input Jadeca. I'm definitely going to try this since I have been losing very slowly.

DGO1223 Fri, Dec-17-04 15:52

Sounds like a plan to me! :D

I hope all who try this will post back here and let us know how it worked for them. :cheer:

EXLarge Fri, Dec-17-04 16:21

Why not get on the band wagon, I too will give it a shot. It will be interesting to find out if this works. I've always heard this theory, but never really put it into practice. I'm not a Breakfast person. Everytime I eat breakfast, it makes me hungrier all day long. However that was before the LC WOE.

Who knows maybe this is exactly what I need. I'll check back in a day or so, as it is nearly dinner time, I'll start tomorrow.

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