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stilldeb Thu, Feb-14-02 12:20

Happy Valentine's Day
1 Attachment(s)
Hi, all -

I have been a bit discouraged lately with an awful headache, no additional weight loss, etc., but never once diverted from plan, and have lost another pound, putting me back where I was the last time I was LC-ing (I had sort of gone "on vacation", and gained five pounds over several months, after losing 25).

I know this is going to be very slow going. I have little to no pituitary or adrenal function (which control metabolism) due to a catastrophic hemorrhage, and also must take glucocorticoids (Prednisone), so I have a lot working against me. I am flying out of town to see a specialist next Tuesday, who will hopefully be able to fine tune my medication to where the weight will come off faster. I was a "normal" person in size 8 jeans before all this happened!

I enjoy reading everybody's posts and all the encouragement offered here is great. I hope to be able to participate more, too.

Can't say as I share Gator's affection for those swamp critters, but I love the colorful way he has of expressing himself!

About the low-carb bars - I try not to rely on them as a food source, except for emergencies. I keep one in my car, and in my camera bag (I'm always taking pictures), one in my purse, one in my clarinet case, (I play in a church orchestra), but try to stick to real food most of the time. They sure did come in handy while traveling with my kids' basketball teams last weekend! The food at the various concession stands was awful!

Speaking of's a picture of what I've had to look at over the past two days. I'm the "senior class mom" at my kids' school, and I always make the goodies for them for their holiday parties. (I also feed all the basketball teams as they leave for away games.) Anyway, while up to my elbows in sugar, flour, and CHOCOLATE, I never once even licked a spoon or a beater. AND...those little tiny cheesecakes in the picture were lc and sugar free, so I will get to share a bit in their party this afternoon.

Hope everyone is doing well, and.....

Happy Valentine's Day! :rheart:

DWRolfe Thu, Feb-14-02 12:57

Valentine's food...
Happy Valentine's Day to All!

Stilldeb, the picture you sent in of the various goodies inspired me to mention the feeding frenzy directly across the aisle from my office this morning. Our company decided to put out a spread of bagels and cookies in honor of Valentine's Day. I sat back and watched my coworkers behave as though these were the last carbs and sugars they were ever gonna see! :p

I remained totally strong however, and found some amuzement (at first) by watching how many times people returned to gobble more, then I realized the hold that carbs and sugars have on people. :mad:

I took my SO to dinner last night and had a wonderful steak with a Julianne salad and am muching leftovers for lunch today. I am completely loving this this WOE and the way that I feel both physically and emotionally. I even survived a trip to my favorite bakers this morning to pick up a cake (also for the SO) and wasn't even tempted to munch the freebies. :D

Continued good luck and strength to all.

Stilldeb, I hope you're headaches subside soon!

Donald :wave:

Gator Thu, Feb-14-02 13:08

Thanks Debbie for the Valentine. :rheart: I know I speak for everyone when I say we will all be thinking of you next Tuesday, and will be anxiously waiting to hear from you when you get back. Please let us know how everything went.

Those gators are lovable creatures when you really get to know them. They don't keep you awake all night barking, you don't have to clean their litter box, they don't poop on the car (thank goodness for that!), or pee on your tires, and you don't have to worry about strangers wandering around the back yard at night. I love to sit on the back porch and watch their antics.

I could feel my salivary glands kicking into high gear when I saw the picture of that food table. :devil: That took some real strength to make all of that and not at least do a "taste test". You must be wearing a cape with a big "S" on the front.

Hang in there, we're all cheering :cheer: for you.

A thin me! Thu, Feb-14-02 13:08


Hi- I'm A Thin Me here on this bb.

I totally understand your disappointment, frustration and just plain arggggggghhhhhh!!! I have been there - alot.

When you have a chance, flip through my journal, and you will see the same struggles.

In the meantime, don't stop this WOE/WOL. Continue to drink your water and stay at whatever level of carbs. you are at.

Don't let the disappoint take you away from this -- It's hard - I will be the first to admit it... feeling blue and not seeing results really can play a mind game. If there is one thing I have learned on this WOE/WOL is PATIENCE.

Thinking of you,


ldypgmr Thu, Feb-14-02 18:15

Happy Valentine's
HI Deb

Happy Valentine's back....

Wow loosing weight on prednisone...I'm impressed. I am put on prednisone about 2 time a year. This last time was for 3 months and I gained 40 pounds ....

So I am praying that you will receive some help next week. Let us all know.


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