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2bthinner! Sun, May-19-13 19:40

More aspartame sneaking

Dear Friend,

Right now, in the midst of a major childhood obesity epidemic, the giant dairy lobby is trying to force the federal government to redefine “milk” to include artificial sweeteners such as aspartame in children’s school lunches without proper labels. So instead of chocolate or strawberry milk with sugar, high fructose corn syrup or some natural sweetener, Big Dairy now wants to replace that with aspartame in our children’s milk and pretend it’s a healthy choice for you and America’s children and keep this all a secret by not requiring proper labels!

Aspartame has a long clouded history, with fraudulent science submitted during the original FDA approval process, links to mood alterations including anxiety, agitation, depression, headaches, insomnia, and memory, learning problems and seizures and brain tumors. And not surprising, the company that created by aspartame was bought by Monsanto in the 1985. In 1999, Monsanto admitted to using genetic engineering of bacteria to create aspartame, which is now used widely as an artificial sweetener in diet soft drinks, chewing gum and diet foods as a sugar substitute.

Tell the FDA not to cave to Big Dairy - Keep improperly labeled Aspartame out of our milk!

WereBear Mon, May-20-13 04:07

In 1985 Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in NutraSweet. Monsanto was apparently untroubled by aspartame's clouded past, including a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, comprised of three independent scientists, which confirmed that it "might induce brain tumors."

The FDA had actually banned aspartame based on this finding, only to have Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld (currently the Secretary of Defense) vow to "call in his markers," to get it approved.

How Aspartame Became Legal - The Timeline

This seems especially pertinent:

Fall 1967-- Dr. Harold Waisman, a biochemist at the University of Wisconsin, conducts aspartame safety tests on infant monkeys on behalf of the Searle Company. Of the seven monkeys that were being fed aspartame mixed with milk, one dies and five others have grand mal seizures.

Nancy LC Mon, May-20-13 10:51

They can't put undisclosed aspartame in milk. It could make someone with PKU very, very ill.

WereBear Mon, May-20-13 17:53

Originally Posted by Nancy LC
They can't put undisclosed aspartame in milk. It could make someone with PKU very, very ill.

You speak as though Monsanto cares.

Mistizoom Tue, May-21-13 19:11

The law is allowing for artifical sweeteners to be put in milk and still call it milk instead of "dairy beverage" or some such. It will be labeled with ingredients like any other chocolate (or other flavor) milk label. In fact I recently was thrilled to find chocolate milk at the store made with Splenda (prominently labeled). This is not a battle that LCers should fight. Are you trying to get all diet beverages sweetened with aspartame pulled off the shelf too?

deirdra Tue, May-21-13 19:36

LCer's won't fight it, we just marvel at the hypocracy of the Dairy lobby. Others cannot use "milk" in the name of their product if it contains non-dairy additives, but BigAgraPharma companies can.

We want to make sure all the unnatural additives are included in the ingredients list, not hidden.

JoreyTK Wed, May-22-13 08:19

Originally Posted by Mistizoom
The law is allowing for artifical sweeteners to be put in milk and still call it milk instead of "dairy beverage" or some such. It will be labeled with ingredients like any other chocolate (or other flavor) milk label. In fact I recently was thrilled to find chocolate milk at the store made with Splenda (prominently labeled). This is not a battle that LCers should fight. Are you trying to get all diet beverages sweetened with aspartame pulled off the shelf too?

I don't think it's that a lot of us want to fight something that is sweetened with aspartame, it's that we want to know exactly what's in our food.

Nancy LC Wed, May-22-13 08:36

Originally Posted by WereBear
You speak as though Monsanto cares.

They might when a class action lawsuit is leveled at them.

keith v Wed, May-22-13 10:11

Originally Posted by Nancy LC
They might when a class action lawsuit is leveled at them.

Well of course, that would cost them money

Mistizoom Sun, May-26-13 11:23

Originally Posted by JoreyTK
I don't think it's that a lot of us want to fight something that is sweetened with aspartame, it's that we want to know exactly what's in our food.

Right, and all ingredients will still be labeled even with this law. So I don't understand the problem? Here's the actual information from the Federal Register, not the partial infomation from the Food Democracry Now website:

And lest you all think I am some Monsanto shill, I certainly am not. I am a big fan of local, organic, pastured foods. But for LC to work for me, I cannot eat only those foods, so I do use artifical sweeteners, as many low carbers do. With this change all ingredients will still be listed on the ingredient list, period. We are all very used to reading labels I am sure.

2bthinner! Mon, May-27-13 20:15

I know they can be sneaky about adding it. Did you see all those big campains when they added it to your regular gum? Yeah, me neither. They didn't change the labels either, though it is added to the ingredients. I only realized it because aspartame makes me sick. If they add it, but don't put something to that effect on the label, do you read familar items every single time you ingest them? Someone with PKU could get very ill or die.

teaser Tue, May-28-13 05:56 eners.html

Furthermore, contra the ad campaign’s implications, the industry petition before the FDA wouldn’t permit producers to sneak new chemicals into our milk supply, even when it comes to flavored beverages. Dairy producers are already allowed to spike flavored milk with aspartame, sucralose, or any other government-approved, zero-calorie sweetener. The proposed rules would only change the way those additives are listed on the package.

Currently, a dairy producer can make flavored milk with artificial sweeteners so long as two requirements are met. First, the sweeteners must be listed among the ingredients with an asterisk leading to a tiny note saying they’re “not contained in regular chocolate milk.” Second, the front of the package must include a prominent health claim, along the lines of “Reduced Sugar” or “Reduced Calories.” If the FDA approves the industry petition—it’s accepting public comments on the matter until the end of May—then both those requirements will disappear. (Zero-calorie sweeteners would still show up on the list of ingredients, just like sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.)

I'm not really sure aspartame is all that bad for most people. But the idea that its inclusion should demand a health claim is kinda weird. This isn't really reduced calorie milk, it's just milk that calories haven't been added to. But... if industry wants to get rid of this... it sort of does look like they're hoping people won't notice the food's got artificial sweeteners (or at least that the kids won't notice, if their parents buy them this stuff).

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