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sallyg724 Tue, Nov-22-16 08:33

New member. 67 years old, retired nurse. Married to long haul trucker. We are struggling to find a way to eat low carb while traveling. Would love to hear from others who are in this situation. If you are not a long haul trucker, you are probably unaware of the special challenges to this way of life. Truckers sometimes drive 10 to 12 hours without stopping, except to fuel up. Choices for food may be a convenience store, truck stops, etc., and a limited amount of time to eat. Keeping food in the truck is very challenging, and again the diet is. Rey limited. Convenience is a must. Would love to hear from other truckers.

DelaneyLC Tue, Nov-22-16 09:17

Not a trucker, but we have done lots of long road trips since going LC. We bring a cooler with stuff like deviled eggs or hard boiled eggs, cut up meat & veggies, olives, etc. DH likes salami & cheese, nuts and pork rinds on the road. If we do stop for something I get a bunless burger or grilled chicken or a salad. Last trip was to 7 states and we just kept loading up the cooler and ate out of that.

Bonnie OFS Tue, Nov-22-16 18:36

Sorry, not a trucker (tho in my youth I wanted to be :) ), but have done some longer drives. Cold meats (limited of course without refrigeration), tuna in pouches & sardines, squirt bottle or little fast-food packets of mayonnaise (neither has to be refrigerated), Epic bars (pricey but very good), pickles (also don't have to be refrigerated), and lots & lots of salads in restaurants. Or bacon & eggs, hold the toast & hash browns. :)

Charms09 Tue, Nov-22-16 22:57

Hi sallyg :wave:

I'm not a trucker but I have done my share of long distance drives & I know the challanges they create especially when you are trying to eat healthy! But there are some tips I can give you that may help!

Get a nice cooler like a Yeti, yes they are pricier but they will keep food colder for much longer! And they have some very compact model's. Then all you'll need is a couple of those small hard refreezeable ice things! (More room for food).

Plan for each haul!!! Boil & peel a dozen eggs, buy some cheese & counter deli meat & pack that cooler for when you feel hungry!

Count your carbs & keep them as low as you can! Packaged/processed foods will hide carbs a lot so be really careful which ones you choose!

If you stay away from foods that have any sugar in them your cravings will be much lower (& so will your carbs)! So read lables!!! (If the lables have words you don't know put it back on the shelf!)

Bacon & fried eggs can be your best friend (I eat them daily) good fat & protein content (no toast or hashbrowns sorry). I know all truck stops make them! (A ham & cheese omelet ((just go easy on the onions & green peppers have more carbs than you think)) or scrambled eggs w/cheese are also good!).

Make sure you get enough healthy real butter, heavy cream in your coffee & higher fat meats are a plus & fats will keep you full longer. (You can add coconut oil to your coffee along with heavy cream). Add butter on top of a steak or chicken breast! But carry your own butter as only the most fancy restaurants serve real butter! (Most cuts of steak & chicken breast don't have a high far content & animal fat is your friend when eating LC).

Once you've been eating low carb for a bit you may find that you are not hungry & that 10 or 12 hour driving stretch you may not even need to eat! Or maybe even a good time for intermittent fasting. I fast daily for 12+ hours from my dinner until my first meal of the next day & I only eat 2 time a day. You may even find that eating once a day works for you so you could get your driving in & then stop to eat!

The cool thing with LC way of eating/living is you eat when you're hungry & don't eat when your not hungry. So you can make eating fit your schedule.

:idea: Also drink enough water! If you can cut out juice & diet soda & only drink water! Morning coffee or tea is cool but the other drinks are not your best choices. :idea:

Oh yea...adding some good sea salt 1/2 tsp to 8oz daily will keep your salt level good as eating LC can deplete it. Plus if you get the "induction flu" or "Atkins flu" (usually in the first 2 weeks of starting LC eating) salt water will help ease those symptoms a lot!

I hope this is some help :D :D :D
Best of luck on your new way of eating for life & on all your trips!!! :) ;) :)

Charms09 Tue, Nov-22-16 23:11

Oh here is the where the Atkins Induction list is posted in case you don't have the book!

Following these guidelines for what you can eat for the first 2 weeks will get you off to a great start!

slwloser Thu, Nov-24-16 12:07

My hairdresser's husband is a trucker. She claims there is a small heater long haul trucker's can buy at trucking stores to warm up food. She cooks him complete meals in a container, freezes them and he puts them in a small cooler and just warms one meal up at a time. You guys could try that.

mten2015 Fri, Nov-25-16 07:47

We own a trucking company. Several drivers over weight and that includes my husband who takes loads occasionally. Mostly long haul, I know exactly what your concerns are. I make suggestions to my husband but due to time constraints and convenience he still ends up at fast food joints eating bad foods. From what I have learned myself and still trying to teach my husband is it takes "real commitment" whether home or not. I don't deny the challenges for these drivers because there are many. It is not easy but with huge commitment it can be done. I see so many drivers with real health problems due to their diets and it's sad really and only they can fix it. Even if it takes pre-planning, taking that extra time to stop and actually have a healthy salad or a sit down and eat that hamburger with no bun. Packing convenient things in the truck that are low carb. Truck drivers just don't take that time for themselves, that's what these mandatory half hour breaks really should be used for. Not going to sugar coat the problem so many drivers have but it initially will take a tremendous amount of planning, writing down on paper even a plan to tackle it head on. It really can be done. I know it seems nearly impossible but really it's about changing their habits that they have formed from so many years of long haul. Habits are hard to break and really at some point we would have all preferred a juicy fast food burger and fries but reality is, it's shortening the lives of many truck drivers. Many truck stops have salads, many dining places have omlets, burgers can be ordered without the bun, if time allows for a sit down, broiled fish and veggies. Intermittent fasting is very easy as a truck driver and so good for health, snacking I have learned can really be a bad thing for some of us, better to not snack and keep those blood sugars down. When I started this woe, salad was a must, if I felt like a small treat, I turned to sugar free jello until this became a way of life and I learned how to eat and cook low carb. With long haul drivers, I think it's really about managing their time so they have time to really take care of themselves. I see my own drivers not leave on their next load soon enough so they don't have time necessarily for a sit down healthy meal. It's a tough balance, it can be done. Long haul drivers must take care of themselves and put themselves first. We have all been through this struggle when we first jumped on this way of eating. It wasn't easy at first and has to become a lifestyle for it to really work. It takes a certain mindset to just decide enough is enough. I too wish I could get my drivers to really work on themselves, it's really hard as a company owner seeing some of them so unhealthy. I can't tell them what to do, I will share my experience with them if they ask but my heart really wants them to get rid of the poisons (unhealthy carbs and fats) they are putting in their bodies. Even a good run around the fuel stops while they are parked would be huge. Ultimately it's really not about the job. I have drivers who put themselves first, eat healthy and lift weights/run despite their cumbersome schedules, they take pride in themselves and their jobs. I really love to see that as a company owner. That said, this way of eating truly changes everthing. Stick to it for like a month, you will notice how good you both feel and better sleep, better general outlook on life and health. If you ride with him, you can read him this forum while he drives. There are so many great posts, tons of information and wonderful contributors here that you both can benefit from tremendously. Wishing you good health!

sallyg724 Fri, Nov-25-16 15:33

I can see you understand exactly what I'm talking about unfortunately we can't make another person do something they have to do it themselves I do not ride with him I think if I did he might have a little bit better control. But there is no easy answer and I think I really just wanted to vent I'm going to do all I can to help him and to come up with any good ideas that would be great it's too bad the trucking industry doesn't take a more active role helping these drivers remain healthy

sallyg724 Sat, Nov-26-16 07:59

Maybe I should get him to read this post. Is your hubby receptive to these ideas?

JEY100 Sat, Jul-29-17 04:36

Wasn't sure I could find this thread again, but think this is the one. Want to add this new story on DietDoctor.

Mentions a LC health advocate on the Sirius trucker channel. :idea:

In this terrific success story!

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