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GreenFern Wed, Dec-13-17 08:31

so many food sensitivities!
i'm trying so hard to stick to a low carb lifestyle but for a long time everything that I was eating was making me sick, so I finally got allergy tested and the results are disheartening. on a positive note, all grains except oats came up on my list rice included (so that takes away my want to eat any of these things) but so did beef, pork, all dairy and eggs,avocado,coconut,tomato, and a huge list of other things. I find it very hard to feed myself these days. ive been eating mostly canned fish with greens or chicken/turkey in a bone broth soup with chinese greens. im not bored but i do find i have almost 0 convenience foods whch means i miss a lot of meals. Im still nursing a baby and end up with headaches a lot and im very low energy despite taking lots of high quality suppliments.
I am also losing very slowly even with such a lack of food..
i have about 60 lbs to go

any thoughts?

JEY100 Wed, Dec-13-17 08:40

Contact Jean.
I’m headed out, sorry answer is short for now.

cotonpal Wed, Dec-13-17 09:39

I have multiple food sensitivities and have found a way to eat that works for me so don't despair.

The first thing I would say is that those blood tests for food sensitivities are unreliable meaning you can't really trust the results. The testing that I did that I found very helpful was from Enterolab. You can read about it here:

It's the best investment I have ever made in my health.

You can read about my story in 2 places. Here:

And on Diet doctor:

I'm happy to answer any questions you have.


JEY100 Wed, Dec-13-17 15:54

Later....basically I would have written what Jean already said about "allergy tests"...not always the most reliable. Consider an elimination diet keeping the common allergens out (that would be all grains, dairy and eggs) but then test the others on you. E.g. Eliminate coconut for three weeks...then challenge with a 3 day reintroduction. Chris Kresser had good instructions how to do one. If you are nursing you need extra energy. Doesn’t seem an ideal time to test allergens and lose weight also,a bit too strict for now.

cotonpal Wed, Dec-13-17 17:05

To Janet's list of common allergens I would add soy and other legumes. Also when you do an elimination diet you have to be extremely strict. Just a little bit of something can derail you. If you are worried about getting enough protein, 2 protein sources that hardly anyone seems to react to are lamb and turkey.


walnut Sun, Dec-17-17 10:23

the golden standard for figuring out food sensitivities is still an elimination/provocation diet.

a place to start might be something like dr. k's gut healing protocol. if you don't heal your leaky gut the offending proteins will keep seeping thru the gut wall to where they're not supposed to be. also babies have leaky guts by design, so if you're eating things that your baby is sensitive to, and it's getting thru your gut, it goes into your milk and your baby will also be exposed to it. fun hey!? :p

another thing to consider is that if you're sensitive to something like corn, and the beef that you're eating is being fed corn, then beef could show up as a sensitivity because of the corn, not because it's beef. so if you eat food that's eating what it should be eating, you may be able to expand your repertoire a bit. ie wild fish vs farmed fish, grass-fed vs cafo, etc.

headaches are a classic sign of not getting enough electrolytes while doing lowcarb, it could signal that you need more potassium, salt, calcium, etc

how is your milk supply? i was lowcarb throughout my last pregnancy and it was the best thing ever for the extreme morning sickness that i get, but i was unable to keep up my milk supply and eat lowcarb. it didn't take that many carbs for me to keep lactating properly, but i definitely was out of the range of ketosis. that's a ymmv type of thing though, there are plenty of women who are able to eat lowcarb and breastfeed at the same time. there are quite a few keto pregnancy/breastfeeding groups on facebook

re this: im not bored but i do find i have almost 0 convenience foods whch means i miss a lot of meals.

can you make extras when you're doing food prep so that you have leftovers that are easy to heat up. diy convenience meals. my family can't eat gluten/dairy/artificials, so basically everything that we eat is from scratch. i always batch cook and freeze extras so that there is always something easy to heat up.

re sensitivity to eggs: try eggs from chickens that are fed non-gmo/no-soy feed. also try quail or duck eggs, etc. i feed our chickens a non-gmo feed that is mostly pea protein instead and the eggs are soooo much better than when they're on regular conventional feed.

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