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nawchem Mon, May-01-17 20:28

Vitamin D and multiple chemical sensitivities
I lived with this dumbbell that loved his chemicals, unfortunately shared them with me. I moved out 2 months ago and have been very slowly recovering - some energy, less coughing etc. So today I got the diagnosis I have no environmental allergies. (She didn't test me for the chemicals I was exposed to -adhesives, paint, pesticides and FEBREEZE PLUG INS). I have multiple chemical sensitivity that has caused moderate asthma.

I found a research paper about the benefits of Vitamin D reversing this disorder. My dr put me on double doses of steroid inhaler/flonase/allergy eyedrops/emergency inhaler and zyrtec. She said it can help get rid of the inflammation. I'm willing to try it for a month and get retested.

I know close to nothing about asthma but my peak flow volume was 66%, I took albuterol and it went to 100%.

Do just take 1 vitamin D a day and then slowly increase? They gave the persons blood levels in the study so I don't know how much they took. It was called high dose VitD therapy.

nawchem Mon, May-01-17 20:30

Successful treatment of reactive airways dysfunction syndrome by high-dose vitamin D

Zuleikaa Tue, May-02-17 06:07

You can start at 10k/day D3. No need to start slowly. With vitamin D you have to fill the deficit first so high dose D3 needs to continue for 3 to six months.

To repair lungs, tissues, blockages, inflammation, lung damage and tissue damage I'm found that serrapeptase is a miracle treatment.

I've been taking it for other two years now. Rightnow has taken it off and on for a while. It's improved lung function and eyesight for both of us.

Take together, serrapeptase, selenium, and nattokinase capsules ½ hour before meals or 1 hour after meals.
Under 300 lbs – 80,000 IU capsule serrapeptase and 1,000 IU capsule nattokinase 3X/day
Over 300 lbs – 250.000 IU capsule serrapeptase and 2,000 IU capsule nattokinase 3X/day
200 mcg capsule selenium 2x/day
Take also but away from Serrapeptase dose, can be taken either alone or immediately before or after meals
Doctors’ Best Chelated magnesium 200 mg 2x/day
Vitamin C 2,000 3x/day
Broken cell wall chlorella 800-1,000 mg 2x/day

“Serrapeptase dissolves non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque, and inflammation…”
It eliminates:

Scar tissue and adhesions
Uterine Fibroids
Verrucous veins


Blood pressure
Breast Engorgement
Cardiac Disease
Chronic Cough
Cystic Fibrosis
Coronary Artery Disease
Crohn’s disease
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Diseased Heart Valves
Heart function
Lung function
Menstrual Cramps
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle function and strength
Parkinson’s disease
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Post-Operative Pain, Swelling, and Scarring
Pulmonary Embolism
Sleep Apnea
Stroke Health
Swollen glands
Vascular Disease

Vision --
Dry Eye
Light Sensitivity
Macular Degeneration
Night Blindness
Retinal Artery and Vein Occlusion


Side Effects
High blood pressure, vomiting, headaches, frequent urination, fatigue, weakness, and lethargy on taking too high a dose or detoxing too quickly for your body to handle.

The dose you can take and that your body can tolerate is also dependent on your weight, and the number of and severity of your internal problems. Also you should start with a smaller dose and ramp up slowly so your body can eliminate the resulting debris without negative effects.
You can also have negative reactions if you are not taking nattokinase, broken cell wall chlorella, and selenium with the serrapeptase.
Solution: use smaller dose serrapeptase and or at less frequency and build up amounts taken slowly. Also use magnesium and drink plenty of water to ensure quicker elimination.
Must take with nattokinase (k2), selenium, and broken cell wall chlorella; magnesium and vitamin C is also good to take while taking serrapeptase.

Nattokinase (Mk-7/Vitamin k2) prevents the wastes from resettling in your body and reduces inflammation.
Chlorella gobbles up the toxins from the wastes.
Selenium is an essential trace element which supports your immune system and thyroid hormone metabolism, promotes antioxidant defense, and protects muscles and muscle function.

Magnesium is also good to take as it helps your body eliminate the wastes quicker via your stools.


nawchem Tue, May-02-17 18:56

Wow you are a wonder! :thup:

I got so used to walking slowly because I was out of breath that I was not aware of the damage. I hate the way my face looks with weird black shadows under my eyes, she said its classic oxygen deprivation.

So I'm going to ramp but much, much steeper. Pretty sure there will be detox symptoms.

Do you think fish oil and CoQ10 can help?

Zuleikaa Sat, Aug-19-17 09:26

Sorry I didn't see this.

CoQ10 is excellent for heart function. Fish oil is great for inflammation.

You could also follow the Linus Pauling protocol for heat disease for 2-3 months along with other supplements. The Pauling protocol will remove plague from arteries and improve heart and lung function which improves oxygen uptake.

SilverEm Thu, Apr-19-18 06:28

Nawchem, I have found molybdenum very helpful. And some use germanium sesquioxide as well.

Here is a paper on molybdenum and aldehydes:

And, perhaps this MCS support group would be of great help to you:

And the Chemical Injury Information Network has good information:

Good info at The Chemical Sensitivity Foundation:

and, the HEAL group in Tucson, Arizona has a good newsletter.

Here is a link to support groups and resources, from the MCS Friends site:

How did your Vitamin D protocol work out? Has it helped you?

Have you read anything by Dr. Theron G. Randolph? He was the pioneer of environmental medicine, and loved helping those with MCS. He is one of those pioneers I really would like to have met.

I hope you are doing well. :)

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