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sarar Wed, Jan-11-06 18:45

Have you noticed that after losing a significant amount of weight.....
Note: These are my observations....I'd love to read what you have noticed.

*The little old men practically hurdle the pews to "pass me the peace" in church now.
*I am getting over old white pants. The last time I owned white pants, they were diapers. I've been afraid that those walking behind me would be tempted to show movies on my behind. Now I own two pair.
*Sizes are so confusing. I've even had to resort to asking for help. Here is a big example: I actually invited a sales person from Victoria's Secret into the very small, pink dressing room. "Here is the thing...I need to buy new bras. I've lost a lot of weight...well, 'my girls' have never been this size before and I don't exactly know what to do with them." I hoped she took my blush to be a reflection of the pink surroundings. You know what? She was great and I walked out of there with sexy, low-cut, push-up bras! The "girls" and I are perky. Wow.
*Did you know that belts could be so expensive?
*Children, old people, and those who have also lost weight are so supportive. They offer complements and observations that catch me by surprise. I'm a teacher and I always thought my size wasn't something kids noticed...I mean they always seem to offer unconditional love. Now when I walk my kids to the bus for their end-of-day hugs, former students come up to comment on my clothes or appearance. (I have taught them that it is not a good idea to ask people how much they weigh.)
*Then there are the unsolicted comments that leave me responseless. "Heavy" friends and aquaintences tell me why low carb diets or whatever diet won't work for detail. The first time it happened I wondered, "Where did that come from?" It has happened so often now that I'm tempted to say, "Whoa! I'm not judging you...who am I to judge anyone? You are speaking to the choir! I know diets don't work!"
*How about those other comments? Friends say things like, "You make me sick!" In any other context of success, would that be said? How about, "You don't need to lose any more!" I don't recall soliciting advice about being thin any more than I did at my heaviest. Thank goodness they didn't walk up to me when I was 210 and say, "You don't need to gain another ounce."
*Isn't it amazing that the comments and opinions of others mean so much less, now? What God and I think means so much more. I have even learned to say the powerful word, "No." Amazing! I still give to others, but I give to myself now, too. I even give myself down time now. I realize that I use to use food and alcohol as excuses to isolate myself. Now I recognize that I need some alone time and that is okay. Books and quiet nourish me.
*Have I always been kind and accepting? Absolutely not! I didn't understand all of the prissy fuss over clothes and appearance. I got up everyday and put on my "uniform" of 2X shirts and baggy pants. After all, I was a woman of "substance" (literally!) I judged my thin, "bombshell" friends. Get over yourself, I thought, there are so many important issues in the world! I use to think one of my friends stood in her closet each morning turning from one outfit to another saying," Not tight enough, not short enough, doesn't cling and squeeze..." Now, low and behold, I've become a p p p p princess. Now my derierre embracing pants have reached around to bite me in the butt! (It is kind of like how I used to think, "My kid will never do that before I had my son. And he didn't "do that" --he did worse.) Now my "outfits" are stylish and fitting. I must even confess that on occassion I've picked out what I was going to wear the night before. Maybe I won't go too far. I'm not like another one of my young, lithe friends who actually kept an outfit calendar to assure that she didn't repeat her wardrobe too often. If I begin to report that, please call for an intervention.
*Along the lines of the princess thang. I moved to Alabama 14 years ago. I was amazed at the efforts for style! I made my bow to my environment as best I could. I began getting acrylic nails and justified it by saying that the polish stayed on better and actually was a time saver. I allowed myself a few highlights in my hair and even wore a toe ring when I was feeling especially whimsical. But that was it!! Do you understand? Now I am a true Alabama girl. My clothes all match and are accessorized extensively. Where will this end? Will I begin to abide by the seven ring minimum? Yikes.
*Can you believe the parts of you that shrink? I used to wear a size 8 shoe, now I am 71/2. Now, c'mon...that's weird!
*As I get smaller, my heels get taller. My earrings get smaller--what's up with that?
*Do you have food dreams? I dream that I've eaten carbs (or drank alcohol) and wake up with rapid heart beat.
*I have a "phantom" belly. Ya know how they say that people with amputations sometimes still feel their leg or whatever? I swear I sometimes feel my big belly!
*I "feel myself up" as a way of getting in touch with reality. Holy mackeral! "I think that is a collar bone. Could those be hip bones?...ribs?"
*When did these crow's feet happen? I haven't really looked at my face in years--just enough to swipe on mascara or lipstick. Now I see myself in the mirror. Shocking.
*Doesn't it feel strange to get rid of "normal" sized clothes. And...I actually miss going into Lane Bryant's.
*Wasn't it weird to get into your "skinny jeans" and realize that they were so out of style, you wouldn't wear them anyway?
*Could you find a "before" picture? Please! I had an internal camera detector. There is little documentation that I've been on the planet for the last two decades.
*Have you noticed that you can't say these kind of things to the people in your life? It is embarrasing--it seems so self-absorbed. And, maybe it is...but these thoughts are definately running through my head making me go, "Hmmm." How about you.
Who says thin people can't be jolly?

jumpin' Wed, Jan-11-06 19:11

A great read Sarar :agree:

If you haven't got it(a big chassis) anymore, flaunt it :lol:

juelz4u Wed, Jan-11-06 19:24

:lol: Too funny!! :lol:

TrishkaD Wed, Jan-11-06 19:25

LOL, Are you me in another disguise? I too have the "phantom belly" syndrome. And I've started noticing more about my face as well.

MrMoose Wed, Jan-11-06 21:28

I have only lost 54 pounds but I noticed one night that I could actually feel the end of my breastbone. Wasn't sure I even had one. The really strange thing is that it is a little sensitive to the touch. I guess it has to ket used to less padding. ;)


RhondaK Wed, Jan-11-06 22:39

OMG I swear I wrote that. lol ALL OF IT. I too have now fallen prey to pppp princess syndrome. The clothes, the haircut, the acrylic nails the rings and other jewlery. My DH says your becoming a princess. I said I always was I just felt like a frog for so long lmao. Oh and just yesterday I was talking to a hair stylist and we were picking out the highlights I am going to get lol.
Tommorrow is go thru bedroom and throw out old clothes. My cousin ( a size 8) gave me a huge bag of pants and tops that FIT ME!!!! so out with the 18s, 16s, 14s, 12s, 10s, gonna be almost sad I mean it shows a journey I almost wanna keep em as a reminder lol. Can't wait tho til I am having to throw out the 8s for a 6. ;)
Yes I have the "I ate a carb " nightmare.
And this makes my husband laugh...I too have "felt my body" my new bones and all. I don't recognize the feel of me anymore. But what makes him laugh is I am totally grossed out by my sternum. I forgot I had one and it's gross. My DH suggest if it bothers me so much I should have it removed lol.
I often rub my shoulders...because I like to feel the bones and the firmness of somehow reassures me when I feel I am not quite there yet. They used to be so round and mushy and hunched looking.
I so totally relate. I got a giggle out of your post also. Thanks for letting me know I am not the only one with these thought proccesses lol :thup:

AZDweller Wed, Jan-11-06 23:41

Yep. And a few more.
Occasionally wandering over to your old sizes in the store and thinking "I couldn't have worn that, could I?"
Stretching and touching your toes, because you can.
Looking at yourself naked in the mirror and actually appreciating the curves of normal proportion (OK, even if there's still a bit to go)
Appreciating the second looks.
Keeping mental notes of wonderful comments: My favorite one from a dear lady who hasn't seen me in months, was "What happened to the rest of you?"
Sitting in chairs and theatre seats and noticing the room that wasn't there before.
Buying something a size too small for the delayed pleasure of getting into it soon.
Buying something in a smaller size that's on clearance, because you know you're going to need it soon (like you used to buy kids' clothing in the next sizes because they were cheap).
Uncovering parts of your body (legs, upper arms) that you would die before uncovering before.

Jonahsafta Thu, Jan-12-06 05:51

SARA..oh my goodness....that has me in stitches over here...its perfect and sooooooooo true for me.....Im sending it over to a friend of mine! It will make her day too!!! LOL

monster66 Thu, Jan-12-06 06:31

That was great and I could have written it about myself too. I was always in my uniform of white t shirt (or some other boring solid color) and khaki or navy pants or sometimes jeans but I didnt pretty myself up at all. Now, I find myself looking at all kinds of things to complement my look. Others have noticed too. We look great dont we!!!

Qmass Thu, Jan-12-06 08:52

Belts? You still buy BELTS?! When I found out how expensive they are, I just didn't buy any. I haven't worn a belt in at least a year! (Luckily, I did buy smaller pants, so they don't fall down...)

Nancy LC Thu, Jan-12-06 09:00

Sara, that was great! You should publish this.

Bon Thu, Jan-12-06 11:32

Originally Posted by sarar
*I "feel myself up" as a way of getting in touch with reality. Holy mackeral! "I think that is a collar bone. Could those be hip bones?...ribs?"
*When did these crow's feet happen? I haven't really looked at my face in years--just enough to swipe on mascara or lipstick. Now I see myself in the mirror. Shocking.

:lol: Great post! I can definately identify with the collar bone and crow's feet comment. I hadn't seen my collar bones in DECADES. The crow's feet appeared on my face as the fat disappeared. Wish those under-eye raccoon circles would go away. They may have been there all along, but I never noticed them.

Congrats on your success and for re-discovering yourself! You go girl!


kevinpa Thu, Jan-12-06 11:36

when i first saw my rib bone i asked my dw if i had a deformed bone cause i never saw it stick out like that before.....she said no its just been so long since you have seen

sarar Thu, Jan-12-06 19:18

Here is another one...have you noticed how wonderful lotions are? It is like loving and nourishing your body...what a change! I am into those aromatherapy ones. I have a morning ritual of slathering these yummy lotions. My dappled doxie, Stella Belle, appreciates them too. She waits patiently for me to rub some on her puppy tummy.

sarar Thu, Jan-12-06 20:12

Pardon me....I just want to see if my cute little TickerFactory signature worked.

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