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doreen T Sat, Oct-21-23 08:37

Nestlé rides Ozempic boom with new ‘companion’ candy for weight loss drugs
Words fail :daze:

Nestlé rides Ozempic boom with new ‘companion’ candy for weight loss drugs

October 20, 2023, 3:54 PM ET

Nestlé, the world’s largest food and beverage company, is jumping on the Ozempic boom with a new candy that aims to be a perfect companion for weight loss drugs. This move comes as the demand for weight loss products continues to surge, driven by increasing health consciousness and the desire to maintain a healthy weight.

Ozempic is a drug developed by pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, known for its effectiveness in assisting patients with type 2 diabetes in managing their blood sugar levels and losing weight. Nestlé, seeing an opportunity in this market, has partnered with Novo Nordisk to create a candy that complements the effects of Ozempic.

Named “SlimBites,” these candies are specially formulated with ingredients that aim to enhance the weight loss benefits of Ozempic. They contain a blend of natural extracts such as green tea, citrus fruits, and Garcinia Cambogia, which are believed to have fat-burning properties. Additionally, SlimBites are made with low-calorie sweeteners such as stevia and erythritol to provide a guilt-free treat for consumers.

The idea behind SlimBites is to provide users with a convenient snack option that not only satisfies their sweet cravings but also aligns with their weight loss journey. By combining the effects of Ozempic with SlimBites, Nestlé hopes to tap into the growing market of consumers who are looking for effective weight loss solutions.

Nestlé’s partnership with Novo Nordisk is a strategic move that leverages the expertise of both companies. While Novo Nordisk specializes in developing pharmaceuticals that target diabetes and weight management, Nestlé has a deep understanding of the consumer packaged goods industry. This collaboration allows Nestlé to expand its product portfolio and enter the weight loss segment, catering to the needs of health-conscious consumers.

The success of Ozempic has laid the foundation for SlimBites. With Novo Nordisk reporting significant growth in sales of Ozempic, Nestlé is confident that SlimBites will find a receptive consumer base. The demand for weight loss products has been on the rise, with more individuals seeking effective and convenient solutions to manage their weight. SlimBites, with its complementary effects to Ozempic, aims to meet this demand head-on.

However, it is important to note that while weight loss drugs like Ozempic can be effective in aiding weight loss efforts, they should always be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Weight loss is a complex process that involves a combination of healthy eating, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Candy, even if formulated with weight loss-friendly ingredients, should not be seen as a sole solution for weight management.

Nonetheless, the introduction of SlimBites by Nestlé adds an interesting twist to the weight loss industry. By combining the science behind weight loss drugs with the convenience and indulgence of candies, Nestlé aims to provide consumers with a unique offering. It will be interesting to see how the market responds to this innovative approach and whether SlimBites can carve a niche for itself in the competitive weight loss market.

Nestlé wants to make your weight loss journey a little more fun.

People trying to lose weight are most likely trying to avoid chocolate as best they can, and with the craze surrounding Ozempic and other weight-loss medications, more and more people are likely to stop adding sweets to their shopping carts.

But Nestlé announced on Thursday that the company was working on ‘companion products’ for weight-loss drugs such as Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro.

Nestlé CEO Mark Schneider said there is a market for products that help people taking appetite suppressant medications get the nutrients, minerals and nutrients they need while still supporting weight loss.

The “companion products” could also help “limit loss of lean muscle mass” and “rapid weight gain” – especially since the drugs are not a “permanent” solution, Schneider told Bloomberg.

The Swiss food giant is also working on smaller portion sizes for their goods and already sells weight loss products such as Optifast meal replacements.

Ozempic is a drug designed for people with type 2 diabetes and is widely used as a weight loss drug.

Ozempic and Wegovy are semaglutides, which help the pancreas release the right amount of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. Its Eli Lilly counterpart Mounjaro is a tirzepatide that has also been shown to help control blood sugar levels.

The drugs work by mimicking a natural hormone, GLP-1, which slows the passage of food through the stomach, helping people feel full longer.

Although both Ozempic and Wegovy are commonly used for weight loss today, only Wegovy is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for weight loss.

But don’t worry: anyone who wants to indulge in sweet treats can still do so.

Schneider reaffirmed that the majority of Nestlé products “will not be affected” by the increase in the use of weight-loss drugs, but that they will monitor “carefully” to see if product demand is affected.

The news comes after it was reported that Nestlé shares fell as much as 3.6% on Thursday and the company’s shares fell 6% in the past month – and there are concerns that the weight-loss drugs are partly the reason.

JEY100 Sat, Oct-21-23 08:49

Nestle owns OptiFast..of course their sales have been impacted In stories about using weight loss drugs, people are eating the same foods, but less of them. They will continue to eat Kit-Kats…and a win-win for Nestle.

Kristine Sun, Oct-22-23 02:05

I consider myself to be a very good technical writer. I used to rewrite terrible memos by my boss and hope she didn’t notice when I printed them off for her to sign.

In a parallel universe, I’d have a good career writing these fluff press releases.

WereBear Sun, Oct-29-23 04:50

Originally Posted by Kristine
I consider myself to be a very good technical writer. I used to rewrite terrible mIn a parallel universe, I’d have a good career writing these fluff press releases.

Apparently someone does, we see them all over. But perhaps that's AI? :lol: You might not have a career, after all, because AI is why there are so many bad movies out in Hollywood right now...

All they need to do is make a candy which is also a weight loss drug, no?

Dodger Sun, Oct-29-23 06:57

Ah yes, continue to feed the sweet taste addiction.

Ms Arielle Sun, Oct-29-23 08:04

For the month of October I stopped all AS. No cravings for sweets. What a shocker. 40 years of dealing with sugar addiction gone.

Found which foods, at least some of them, that trigger cravings. Took going full carnivore to eliminate all: AS, fruits, veg, nuts , dairy. Then add back. Wow! Shocker!! Even AS keeps the cravings going!!

Stop the cravings stops the need for Ozempic.

WereBear Sun, Oct-29-23 10:24

Originally Posted by Ms Arielle
For the month of October I stopped all AS. No cravings for sweets. What a shocker. 40 years of dealing with sugar addiction gone.

Found which foods, at least some of them, that trigger cravings. Took going full carnivore to eliminate all: AS, fruits, veg, nuts , dairy. Then add back. Wow! Shocker!! Even AS keeps the cravings going!!

Stop the cravings stops the need for Ozempic.

That's amazing! I'm so happy for you.

doreen T Sun, Oct-29-23 11:12

Originally Posted by WereBear
.... But perhaps that's AI? :lol: You might not have a career, after all, because AI is why there are so many bad movies out in Hollywood right now...

Yes, I was thinking the article reads like a bad cut & paste job by some AI, without benefit of editorial oversight.

On the subject of these "companion candies" .. Besides keeping up with sweet addiction, a lot of folks might find a synthetic chocolatey confection more appealing than Real Food because they're nauseated all the time. (insert face-palm emoji here)

teaser Sat, Nov-11-23 12:51

If you're craving candy, is the Ozempic really doing its job?

Calianna Sat, Nov-11-23 22:21

Originally Posted by teaser
If you're craving candy, is the Ozempic really doing its job?

Yes, I believe it is doing what it's intended to do, since it's intended to slow down digestion and absorption of food so much that patients sometimes find themselves with a complete aversion to meats and fats.

They're discouraged from eating much meat and fat anyway, even if they don't develop an aversion to those things. Meat proteins and fats already digest far more slowly than carbs, and as people who have done LC know, you can feel satiated for hours and hours on just meats and fats, whereas on a high carb diet, it's not unusual to be ravenously hungry every couple of hours.

From what I've heard from the friend who is on Wegovy, it sounds like the semaglutide drugs slow the digestion to the point that carbs are at least as slow to digest as meats and fats would be normally. So you can imagine what eating meats and fats on those drugs would do to your digestion - they feel like they're going to hurl because of how full it leaves them for such an insanely long time.

Even though the semaglutide lowers A1C and slows the absorption of glucose from their primarily carb diet, their metabolism is still getting more glucose than if they were on LC, so their blood sugar will still fluctuate far more than the blood sugar of someone on LC, so they're going to crave more carbs, including candy.

I don't think those who developed these new diet drugs were necessarily expecting the possibility of marketing new candy to satisfy the continued sweet cravings of those who use the drugs - but I believe that in the eyes of a candy manufacturer, craving more carbs is certainly a convenient "side effect" of the drug for their business.

WereBear Sun, Nov-12-23 03:41

The longterm danger of bariatric surgery is how easy it is for a patient for eat nothing but UPF-4 carbs, because these are essentially pre-digested. It's a portion control method, and even this can be sabotaged by not eating in a healthy, nutrition-heavy manner, and stretching their stomach into its old proportions.

Eating manufactured food will never satisfy naturally. It has been invented not to!

The drugs mimic the effect without the surgery. In all the bad ways, too. 30-40% of the loss is muscle. And if you are nauseated and low energy you aren't even going for walks. And if you are spiking your blood sugar regardless, you are locking up your fat, essentially. You are forcing the body to run on sugar even more.

Can't see a good ending to this. I find it distinctive that the people who are okay with these drugs "as a tool" are recommending "more activity and eating healthier" as how to use them "for a limited time."

But that is not what is happening. They are on a drug-enforced Rice Diet. And the scientist who came up with it used to say "he'd have to whip them" to keep them on it.

But it seems like the drug is changing people's diets in the wrong direction. Towards MORE UPF-4 foods because they can actually digest them. As they lose muscle and enjoy "freedom from cravings."

Sorry for all the quotes, but it shows how language is being used. Ms. Arielle got rid of her cravings and improved her health and mobility. I used a similar method.

And despite the fear-mongers, eating actual food isn't dangerous at all. What kind of point have we reached where science is now about adapting the human to the manufactured food?

Why is this OUR fault? When the magic of stopping cravings is really about not eating what does not satisfy. Our ancestors would have regarded a food that makes you hungry as some kind of evil magic. And I can't help but think the same thing.

Calianna Sun, Nov-12-23 22:46

And if you are nauseated and low energy you aren't even going for walks. And if you are spiking your blood sugar regardless, you are locking up your fat, essentially. You are forcing the body to run on sugar even more.

This is mostly what I was trying to say in my long rambling post up there - they're eating mostly carbs, which means in spite of the lowered blood sugar levels because of the delayed digestion, they're still running on carbs.

Although aside from days when this friend is feeling really sick from the Wegovy (and not every day is bad), they are making an effort to exercise, even if it's only for a short time.

the people who are okay with these drugs "as a tool" are recommending "more activity and eating healthier" as how to use them "for a limited time."

That was the initial reason that Wegovy friend went on the drug - Hoping to use it as a kick-start to lose weight, then switch right back to LC.

It does not appear that's going to happen.

And even if (when) the side effects become too difficult to live with, then I see this person trying to go back to LC, but the induction flu is likely to be horrific, between food cravings in general from going off the drug, the stretched stomach (which make no mistake - they digest so slowly that their stomach doesn't truly empty, so when they eat, even if it's really only a very small amount of food, it's stretching their stomach a little bit), and the carb cravings from eating a mostly carb diet.

But it seems like the drug is changing people's diets in the wrong direction. Towards MORE UPF-4 foods because they can actually digest them. As they lose muscle and enjoy "freedom from cravings."

This part, at least I can say for the most part**, Wegovy friend is not eating UPF. It's still carbs, but at least it's whole grains fresh fruits, and vegetables, even if some of those "vegetables" are potatoes and corn.

(**Except when the wegovy makes this person really, really sick - then it's saltines, applesauce, and toast to try to calm the stomach)

WereBear Mon, Nov-13-23 05:11

Originally Posted by Calianna
This part, at least I can say for the most part**, Wegovy friend is not eating UPF. It's still carbs, but at least it's whole grains fresh fruits, and vegetables, even if some of those "vegetables" are potatoes and corn.

(**Except when the wegovy makes this person really, really sick - then it's saltines, applesauce, and toast to try to calm the stomach)

That helps, and it sounds like she's trying to get her protein in. But the way the drugs work, she needs it more than ever.

My own theory, now that I know UPF-4 makes the appetite center in the brain actually GROW, is that it's really another form of carb craving. It slows down the stomach and so it does send a signal to the brain to stop being hungry.

Now THAT is a big deal, and I sympathize with the people who talk about the relief from hunger, which I know very well. I was one of those people who should have stuck with Induction while I got better metabolically. Carnivore gave me the freedom to go very low, and for me, that's when the autoimmune magic happened. The weight loss down to what I feel healthiest at came along for the ride -- naturally.

That's what I worry all these folks are missing. JEY's success with Marty's system is the most exciting part of this, because this is a real, drug free, and lasting way towards health success, not even weight loss, and it's about finding out what works the best for each individual.

Then, weight loss becomes a side effect of health. And we've so lost sight of what health IS that I fear some people will never experience it. Also, had I not, I would be gone too soon. Last few years not the time to have autoimmune :agree:

If I get better under such stressful conditions, this is a power there is no substitute for.

WereBear Mon, Nov-13-23 05:22

How can people call this kind of nauseated/stomach pain/can't eat fat or meat experience "easy"?

As my autoimmune fluctuated, so did my appetite. I spent days essentially living on cold cuts and ice cream, two things I can always choke down. As a result, when I would tell a stream of doctors about my Addison's symptoms, they would see I wasn't underweight and dismiss my report. I bullied the worst of them into ordering a test -- and he did it wrong -- but it told me I was actually too high. Though this doctor missed that too.

And -- I just realized -- all animal based except for the sugar! And I figured out ways to add protein shake mix to Greek yogurt, and upgraded. But now I know those processed non-food chemicals were doing the same number on me as the sugar did.

Here's the amazing part: now, healing up, I had to bump my carbs. So I wouldn't be underweight since I still have some appetite issues. And to take the oxalate detoxing stress off my liver by giving it sugar to run on.

It seems weird, but I'm happy with a couple of gluten free cookies and a spoonful of jam as part of my diet. Because it doesn't cause cravings at this level. Should I let it creep up, so does my weight :)

More proof I am eating according to my genome! And I make myself eat more than I actually want to because it rewards me with more healing. Which apparently takes a lot of fat and protein, preferentially.

Which makes me think: how can anyone get better from anything on a carb heavy diet, much less one with a lot of UPF-4? Everything frozen or already cooked that I find my local supermarket, including those pop-in-the-oven meals, have some UPF-4. I found them over-seasoned and the butter topping wasn't all butter, and I cook.

It's not even how many do. It's how many actually can? I saw a health vlog where someone moved to a state where she had to drive down a long highway to get to a grocery store. And there were 10+ fast food outlets on the way there, and 10+ on the way back.

They are corporatizing food, when it should be a utility like water.

Calianna Tue, Nov-14-23 09:30

I'm not so sure that Wegovy friend considers it to be easy with the constant stomach upset going on right now. I keep hoping that there will be a decision to discontinue the Wegovy, as I don't see how it's possible to consume enough protein or essential fatty acids on it, and carbs are the biggest part of the diet.

I think it messes with the ability to think of how it's affecting them, because the day of the shot there may be nausea, maybe the next day too. Another day or two of it, and they'll blame feeling sick on waiting too long to eat because they weren't hungry (so ate more than they should have when they did finally get hungry), or eating something they shouldn't have eaten (hard to digest meat), or on another medication (such as a strong antibiotic for a stubborn bacterial infection). After a few days, the digestive issues have cleared up, and by the 7th day they're actually HUNGRY all day long, so their eating is suddenly out of control again. But the scale shows they've lost a little more weight, so those miserable few days are mostly forgotten, and they inject again the next day, which results in feeling bad for a few days, but the appetite control is back.

Reminds me of how they say women forget the pain of childbirth as soon as the baby is born... until they're in labor with the next baby, but as soon as that baby is born, they forget about the pain of childbirth again.

So I definitely understand the relief Wegovy uses must feel when their every thought is not being ruled by that desperate hunger. Carbs did such a number on me that I'd be hungry within an hour after stuffing myself. I was terrible on car trips - brought snacks with me to eat on the road, but still wanted a full meal after only a couple of hours on the road because the snacks just weren't doing the trick.

I feel so much freedom from hunger on LC - I'm rarely hungry until at least 6 hours after I eat. After breakfast, I often don't even realize just how much time has passed until I start to feel just a little bit hungry around 3 or 4 pm. At that point, I often just wait until dinner time to eat, because it's just a couple more hours.

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