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abb08 Thu, Dec-11-03 07:36

candida/ ibs questions
Hi all - obviously this is not the loveliest topic to discuss. I have IBS, GERD and Lactose intolerance. I'm on my 10th day of Atkins and the Lactose intolerance has been okay. I have not however, gone to the bathroom aside from when I had to take something to help me along. I usually have the oposite problem and the past two days have been particularly hard because I've been in a lot of pain and pretty bloated. Is this common? I have just barely been in ketosis and I'm concerned that I'm doing maybe some harm to my boday - is it time to see a doctor?

I'm also wondering if someone can explain candida - is it common for people on Atkins?

Very evasive questions, just wondering how common (if at all) it is for someone to go from IBS D to IBS C.

Thanks all!

Kent Thu, Dec-11-03 21:47

Hi Amy,

Your symptoms are common for people with IBS. Don't take fiber supplements. Instead take probiotics. A healthy balance of beneficial bacteria (called probiotics) must be restored in the intestines during the low-carbohydrate, anti-yeast diet. The most common approach is to supplement the diet with a probiotic containing live lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus bulgaricus and bifidobacterium bifidum as the better choices. Lactobacillus bulgaricus is intended to help the GI tract be more suitable for the survival and growth of lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum. Acidophilus is the primary bacteria of the small intestine while bifidum is the major bacteria of the large intestine. Others beneficial bacteria include bifidobacterium lactis, bifidobacterium longum, and/or others. New evidence points to lactobacillus sporogenes as being particularly effective against intestinal and vaginal infections and should also be taken. Most should be refrigerated. Capsules and liquids are available, but care should be taken in the selection because many brands contain dead spores. Quality products are usually kept in a cooler at the health food or vitamin store. Expect some or all products to contain rice flour, potato starch, maltodextrin and other fillers which are needed to keep the bacteria alive. Take only one tablet or one teaspoon with each meal or with water. Do not take high quantities as may be suggested on some bottles. Sporogenes is highly recommended for everyone, even healthy individuals. It does not require refrigeration.

Lactobacillus Sporogenes is AWESOME. Be sure you take it. It is hard to find but is available online. Additional information can be found on my web page below. Search the "Probiotic" sections, and click the links for additional information.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis & Candida.

huggs2ewe Tue, Dec-16-03 11:22

Hi Abb

I also have suffered for many many years with IBS the last 2 (prior to LC WOE) were especially bad and I was also diagnosed with diverticulitis. Since this WOE I have only had 1 attack which was when we were on holidays and I was eating alot of restaurant food, although I was keeping to the the LC my system got a bit off. I know that different people react differently to certain foods but I believe my triggers are high carb, processed foods. One of my old triggers (or so I thought was bacon, now I can eat it all I want without any difficulty) Now I was like you 6-10 x a day was a normal day for me along with pain and bloating. I went the other way soon after starting this WOE which is not good either. Part of my dietary suggestions by the internest was to take daily metamusil which only barely helped until this WOE. Now I take every night 1 tbsp in a large glass of water (sugar free) and this works great. If I forget I will take it 2 times in a day. This is not a drug... only psylium fibre and adds bulk which is good.
Make sure you are eating alot of good fiber vegetables and your waterthis helps as well.
I have been pain free for 6 months now, where I was in daily pain and discomfort with several severe bouts that just about put me in hsp. I will always keep to this WOE for my health!

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