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guest Mon, Jun-18-07 05:16

Splenda Anyone?
I like My coffe in the morning but I heard that splenda isnt good when doing the atkins diet. can someone help me out here and let me know what you know about using these?

~Renee~ Mon, Jun-18-07 05:44

It won't hurt you to give Splenda a try. Most people are able to use it without any problems at all. From all of my reading it seems to be a staple for the majority of low carbers. If you are worried that it may stall your weight loss keep an eye on how much of it you consume, just like you would anything else that you are eating, so that if you do experience a stall you'll have an idea of what, if anything, you need to cut back on or out all together to get things moving again. HTH

hayes Mon, Jun-18-07 05:59

I have always used some sort of artifical sweetner. I started out with the packets and then bought some liquid splenda. You don't have to count carbs for the liquid. I only use it in my coffee in the mornings and whenever I make some whipped, or chocolate whipped cream. It has not stalled my weight loss.
Everyone is different though. Just try it and see what happens!

Demokat Mon, Jun-18-07 06:09

If you're doing induction, I would avoid artificial sweeteners. They can stall weight loss. Once you get through induction, I would add Splenda in small doses to see how much you can tolerate without impacting weight loss.

fetch Mon, Jun-18-07 09:41

There is a four paragraph discussion regarding artificial sweeteners and Induction (assuming that's where you are) in the 2002 edition of DANDR beginning on page 128.

The Cliff Notes:
1. It is listed as the preferred one to use
2. Count the carbohydrate in the form of maltodextrin from the packet or granular forms of Splenda accordingly as part of your carb intake.

Also, there is a commonly cited rule of thumb floating out there to limit yourself to three servings of artificial sweetener per day while on Induction - whether that "one serving" is one packet of Splenda or one 12 oz can of liquid Splenda (sucralose) containing diet soda (per labeling). Some will do this and some won't, arguing liquid Splenda has no maltodextrin associated with it and therefore no carbohydrate to count.

As always, YMMV, as it will on numerous things. Like Jell-o. I'll never personally never understand why people eat or recommend to eat this on Induction because every box and pre-made cup I've seen lists aspartame and/or maltodextrin in it. Since the Induction rules say to avoid aspartame and maltodextrin is an unwanted source of carbohydrate (to me), I don't. However, I've seen bunches of people do so and still lose weight. Same with Crystal Light - which I used with wild abandon back in 2003 but have forsaken this time around.

Kim8461 Mon, Jun-18-07 10:05

According to my Atkins book, Splenda (Sucralose) is the preferred sweetener. I've used it since beginning Atkins over 3 years ago & I've never had a problem with it. I never use any more than 2 packets per day.

mike_d Mon, Jun-18-07 10:51

I think too much of it (6 or more servings / day) can have side effects like anxiety, constipation and insomnia.

Elizellen Mon, Jun-18-07 13:42

Dr Atkins does state a limit in DANDR
13. You may use up to three packets of sucralose (SplendaŽ) daily.

Note that each packet of sugar substitute contains about 1 gram of carbohydrate, so don't forget to include the amount in your daily totals.

amberview Mon, Jun-18-07 18:53

Originally Posted by hayes
I have always used some sort of artifical sweetner. I started out with the packets and then bought some liquid splenda. You don't have to count carbs for the liquid. I only use it in my coffee in the mornings and whenever I make some whipped, or chocolate whipped cream. It has not stalled my weight loss.
Everyone is different though. Just try it and see what happens!

where do you get the liquid splenda. I use stevia.

ruthla Mon, Jun-18-07 21:32

I'm not personally a fan of artificial sweeteners at all. I'm extremely sensitive to a variety of environmental chemicals (the smells of cleaners, etc) that don't bother most people, and I'm not taking chances with what I put in my body.

I just don't feel safe ingesting a substance that's been created in a lab and has only been "tested" for a few years on humans. I don't put stevia in that category since it's a minimally processed natural herb that's been used safely for quite a while.

What I do is have less sweet stuff. I don't use honey or sugar in my tea anymore, so I have it plain or with a little fresh lemon juice. I don't put sugar in my coffee anymore, so I use fresh cream and maybe a little cinnamon as well.

I was never a big fan of sweets to begin with. What I liked about sugar was the "carb rush"- and now that I'm cutting that out, I find I don't really miss the sweet part so much. You may have a different experience.

Disclaimer: I'm in the midst of PMS carb cravings right now and I'm planning to buy some stevia tomorrow!!

Kisal Tue, Jun-19-07 02:56

I've used Splenda for the entire 2 1/2 years I've been following the lc wol, and I've had no problems with it. I do get sick when I eat anything that contains aspartame, however, so I make my own sf gelatin desserts, using Kool-Aid for the flavoring.

MizKitty Tue, Jun-19-07 11:57

Sweetzfree is liquid sucralose. I've never tried it, but it seems to be very popular among many on this board. It's not sold in stores in the US, and can only be ordered online during certain times of the year - someone will usually post when the "ordering window" is open. It's expensive, but very concentrated, so probably doesn't cost more in actual use than the packets.

If you like flavored coffee, then get out to Marshall's or TJMaxx, and look for sugar-free Davinci Syrups. They use liquid sucralose and are carb-free, and come in many flavors. They are not concentrates though. You can order them online as well, but can usually find them cheaper at the above mentioned stores. There's lots of tasty uses for them.

txlashes Tue, Jun-19-07 12:30

Next SweetzFree Order Window is Open June 20!
Here's a link to order. They will not take orders until Wednesday, June 20th starting at 8:00am EasternTime. They stop taking orders when supplies are gone.

Or you can order Pure Liquid Sweetness which is the same but you can order it anytime.

ElleH Tue, Jun-19-07 14:00

Originally Posted by laurie0515
I like My coffe in the morning but I heard that splenda isnt good when doing the atkins diet. can someone help me out here and let me know what you know about using these?


Your profile says you've read Atkins for Life. What does it say about Splenda?

I use Splenda every day, about 1-2 packets. No problems for me.

hayes Wed, Jun-20-07 04:02

Hey Elle, I know you didn't ask me but in Atkins for LIfe, it says that their preference is Splenda. It also says that ones with acesulfame K (sweet one, swiss sweet) and those with saccharin (sweet N low, sweet twin and other generic brands) are ok to use. Just use the one you feel tastes better. It also mentions stevia but says that the FDA does not recognize the use of it as a sweetner.
It does not give a limited amount to use daily. It just says they are intence, a little goes a long way.

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