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Vel Tue, Sep-02-03 04:59

September Challenge
I have just posted a challenge to myself to limit the amount of sweet items that I have in my reward meal. It has occured to me lately that I have been overdoing it and I think I might feel better with less sugar in my diet. So, I am challenging myself for the rest of September to have only one sweet item and one fruit (the prunes I have for "medicinal" reason, usually) at each RM. The most challenging part for me is that fact that there will be a limit of any kind on my RM. I have to watch how that makes me feel.

If anyone has anything that they might like to work on, I would love to have someone join me. It doesn't need to be the same thing.. just something about CAD that you think you could do better at. Whether it is water, exercise, CM simplicity, or RM balance. It would be nice to have someone to check in with.

I didn't post this in the challenges forum on purpose. I think we CADdettes have different issues around our reward meals and my challenge is specifically about that.

Take care, all :)

BeccaResRN Tue, Sep-02-03 06:12

Hello i love a good challenge so Thanks vel for starting this thread. I have already removed sugar from RM so mine will be exercise. I used to be sooo good and walked all the time. I got out of the habit and so I need to do it again. I want to exercise, walk or 15-30 mins indoor exercises if its raining, 5 days a week. Must be only 15 mins to count because I'm really busy but its the habit I want to create. I will strive for 30 mins per session ...If I do it all month I will reward myself with...hmmm I'll have to think on that but I will do/get something for myself.

Vel Tue, Sep-02-03 09:42

Excellent Rebecca, I am so glad to have you join me. I think you are right, it is the habits that make the difference, same for my sweets. So, I will check up on you and you can do the same for me :)


quikdeb Tue, Sep-02-03 14:59's what comes to mind. Not really a CAD issue per se, but a challenge for me.

I will keep the dr. appt. I have for tomorrow am. AND all subsequent appts. resulting from this one....follow ups, labs, mammogram, etc. I PROMISE I will not cancel any appt until I am caught wise.

I'm just not wanting to fool with RM's right now and happily, I did start the exercise, so this was the next thing on my list and truthfully, if I wasn't afraid of going bald....I'd probably still be dragging my feet, so the challenge is a good thing and I will follow through.

Good luck to us all! Anyone else????


Vel Tue, Sep-02-03 16:12

Great Deb! Thanks for joining me in this. It never hurts to know you have to check in with someone. I will certainly be glad to nag you about your appointments :)

Well, I just finished my first dinner with my new limitation on dessert. I told my family about it too so that they could offer extra "support" (read:hassling) if I stray at all. I had my ice cream cone and prunes- not together! and I was fine.

So far, so good :)

lowco Tue, Sep-02-03 17:34

HI, i think that's a good idea.
my challenge is to quit sugar & wheat for the next two weeks and stay on cad during my vacation .from august 14-28 i'll be travelling to the US. i hope to bring home LC protein shakes and bars as they help greatly in balancing my RM when i need a quick protein. I also want to excercise 30 minutes a day. And because cad is working so well for me get urges to skip RM's for quick weight loss but as the hellers says..quick weight loss often lead to slow metabolism and quicker weight gain.....

BeccaResRN Tue, Sep-02-03 22:23

Hey All I did walk today...didn't want to be I did..15 minutes but the first day in making a new habit. there was a show on TV that i wanted to watch and I was tired and lazy but I thought of my commitment and I thought I'll be back and catch the rest of the show...and I just walked in my jeans insted of changing and dragging my feet.

Deb Good idea on keeping your appointment...good health is definetely a part of CAD. And Lowco good plan to stay on CAD during vacation believe me I messed up and gained on vaction and felt awful too

Good job Vel on RM today. You can do it :)

Vel Wed, Sep-03-03 03:23

Hi Lowco, glad to have you join us :)

So, we will watch you for no sugar and wheat until you leave for vacation and then CAD for the last two weeks.... sounds good. And you also want to do 30mins of exercise every day. Ambitious, good for you! :)

Rebecca, way to go on going for the walk! The hardest part is the getting up off the couch and starting. I went for a few walks at work on my lunch hour last week and now there is a co-worker who wants to go with me. I got out of it yesterday because I had something else I had to do but today she will ask me again I'm sure. Trouble is, she is a real walker and I know she will be amazed at my slow pace and the shortness of ground covered. Oh well.. that's where I'm at, can't fake it.

Tess M Wed, Sep-03-03 03:47

Hi guys! I'd like to join in the challenge too, if you all don't mind. I have already set a goal for myself for Sept.--to be at any weight at all under 170 by the end of the month. Now--the problem--how to get there. :rolleyes: I'm already faithfully exercising (and HOW) every day, so the work is going to have to be done on the rms. Looks like I'm going to have to give up my goodies, or at least partially give them up if I'm going to lose better than I have been. The best thing I can think of right now is to do without the high sugar desserts (I've already cut portion sizes to microscopic and that's not helping) and replace them with fruit, and maybe making sure that I stick strictly to the more simple and plain meals. Any other suggestions that you all might have would be greatly appreciated. All of your goals look great, and I know that we can do this!

quikdeb Wed, Sep-03-03 13:59

Made it to the dr. Whew~!!!! Now will make my mammogram appt. as soon as they open this afternoon. Did the lab work and have a re-check at the end of the month. More details in journal.

We're all on target.... :yay:


Tess M Wed, Sep-03-03 16:58

Deb-- :thup: Good job!! :p

quikdeb Wed, Sep-03-03 18:25

Thanks, Tess, and welcome!

Made the mammogram appt. too! Not until Nov. 6! :rolleyes: Can't believe it. Oh, well, once made I don't usually cancel. Know it must be done. SQUISH! :lol:


lowco Wed, Sep-03-03 20:09

hi everyone!!!!
i did do 15 min on the bike this morning and i'll do 30 min tonight.
RM:Salad, 2 skinless chicken thighs,banana, papAya, water melon, oatmeal with raison & sliced almonds(sweetned with splenda).i love variety.
vel & becca RN: that's the plan .I AM NOT GOING OFF PLAN TO eat food.(thats the only reason i'd get offplan)...carbs are my best friend at RM and that's that.
quickdeb: the doctor is your friend...ok.

Tess M: the body adapt very easily. rotating carbs and or calories may be better. some days in the week you could limit rm foods and the type of carbs...and other days increase so that you body will always be guessing what your doing. And you'll keep yourself from being deprived. Work on your cm's. decrease the food at cm's. Cut out dairy and AS at cm's. Days that i really want dessert i have a big salad with everything, protein and dessert. this makes balancing easy for me.

with the way the scale is going my average weight will drop 1 pound again this weeK....My body is finaly respounding. 7 (SEVEN) months of cad. it took 7 months of strict cad to get out of the candy store syndrome. And some rude awakening to Artificial sweetners.They prolonged the disease....i am so glad to be in control.

Vel Thu, Sep-04-03 03:35

Hi Tess, glad to see you in here :)

Hey so far so good, we are all doing what we said we would. Very cool :)

Tess, I am going to have a look at your journal later and see if any little things jump out at me :)

Tess M Thu, Sep-04-03 04:17

Thanks Vel--I would appreciate it! :p

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