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mum2four Thu, Mar-20-03 11:58

I've done something really dumb...
today I caved in after I didn;t yesterday and I ate 3 count them 3! bowls of Lucky Charms. What is wrong with me. Now I feel sick on my stomach :Puke: and head and my heart is heartsick for doing this to myself. Bad bad gumby. :cry: :cry:

I feel so dumb. I've done so good for the last three weeks. Stupid stupid girl.


Vicki :mad: :( :mad: :(

AmyTN Thu, Mar-20-03 12:10

You made a mistake, now it's time to get back on track. No use beating yourself up over it. You know what you did wrong, & you know how to do things right. So start over right now, a fresh start. You're not stupid, if you were stupid you wouldn't see the problem with this momentary lapse and would just continue. It was a momentary lapse of weakness and lack of good judgement, nothing more & nothing less. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get right back to low carbing. Good luck.
God Bless,

Goat Lady Thu, Mar-20-03 12:11

Viki....try, try again! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Put the lucky charms behind you now...and kick that magicly delicious guy out of your house!!!!

You noticed what you did, so that's by no means stupid!!! We have faith in you Viki! Let it go and get back on track!

Good Luck! (not that you'll need it!!)

Crimson Thu, Mar-20-03 12:18

wow.. I know that feeling. I also live in the house where tossing all temptations out the window is a lost cause. I try and keep snacks around that won't throw me off tarket.. mac nuts, jello, whipped cream, beef jerky, low carb chocolates, and of course Atkin's bars. When I want something carbie, I grab an alternative, and it usually does the trick. Don't beat yourself up over this... just look at it like a learning experience :daze:

lkonzelman Thu, Mar-20-03 12:20

Hey Vicki -

You need to think of this more in your control and long term.

You are going to get to your goal weight.
You are going to feel good and healthy.
You are going to feel good about your appearance.
You are going to chose a few high carb meals along the way... (get it ;) )

Own this... your choice now back on to eating healthy.

vbrowne Thu, Mar-20-03 12:32

Hi Viki - I posted something similar yesterday - I ate tons of chocolate covered almonds and the day before a bunch of cheese crackers (stressed at work and wasn't prepared). I felt very sick to my stomach, in fact I was, however, this morning, no weight gain :) . Today I'm back on track and feeling great. I don't know if this is a factor, but for the past few days I was out of potassium, I bought some last night and feel much better - between the "cheat" and no vitamins I felt so sluggish. Today is much better and just looking ahead. Last night because I felt so bad, I tried on summer stuff which helped with the motivation.

It happens, don't beat yourself up, just get back on track and you'll be fine!


kwarfield Thu, Mar-20-03 17:28

Don't feel bad my mistake was even bigger than yours. I was at the end of week 4 and didn't see a loss for 2 weeks in a row. I got so depressed I went on a 3 day binge and ate and ate and ate. A huge sandwhich, cheetos, cheesecake, chinese food, corned beef & potatoes. Needless to say I am now back on my 3rd day of induction. So like they say don't beat yourself up just get right back at it. This is a new WOL & WOE and I know I am going to make mistakes from time to time. Nextime I hope I am smart enough to catch it quicker though. :) :) :) :) :roll:

KellyG5 Thu, Mar-20-03 17:56

It happens....I think we all have done it at one time or another...fallen off the wagon. Now get back up, brush yourself off and look ahead...not behind you.

I see you are a mom of 4 kids. Do you have the lucky charms in the house for your kids?

I didn't offically put my kids on low carb, but did cut back on their processed foods and sugars. This also helps me fight those attacks of the carbs if there is nothing tempting.

My girls usually will have a hot bowl of oatmeal in the morning, only typw of cold cereal we have in the house is raisin bran, kix or cheerios. Nothing that I would go crazy over. they don't seem to mind not having the sugary cereals in the house.

I never buy cookies (except for those nasty girl scout cookies) and crackers are few and far betweem. My girls mostly eat yougurt, fruit or veggies for snacks...or cheese.

So maybe if you put your kids on a reduced sugar way of eating then those temptations won't be lingering around the house. And this will be teaching my girls to eat heathly, and maybe they won't have to "diet" when they are older, eating healthy will be natural for them.

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