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Chloesue Sat, Jul-26-03 19:21

Looking for Ladies in their 50's
I am looking for female buddies in their 50's to join me in our weight loss journey.I am 52,married for 30 years.We have two daughters ages 25 and 26.We have been blessed with one grandson who is now 27 months old.
I have been on this WOE since January.I have lost 22 pounds.I am so glad that I have found this forum.It has given me the extra push that I need.As of yesterday I started riding my stationary bike again.I have set a goal to ride it at least 20 minutes a day for at least a week.After the first week I will see how I feel.If I am not too sore I will increase the time to 30 minutes.
Hope others my age will join me here.Will look forward to meeting you.
Nancy :wiggle:

MizSteaks Sat, Jul-26-03 21:02

I accept the bike riding challenge! WOOHOO! I need a push to get back on mine. How fast are we going to pedal? I like staying around 15 to 17 mph. Is that acceptable or shall we just go at our own speed? I will TRY for 20 minutes tomorrow. It's been a couple months since I've been on mine and my knees are a problem right now. excuses! Thanks for the 'push'...I needed it.

Hey...great 'given' name you've got there Chloesue! Us 'Nancys' have gotta stick together!

Low Carb Pedal Power!!

You know...we could have our own excercise thread geared to working around aching joints and call it the Pedal Pushers or something. Just another random thought. My brain is short circuiting today!

Chloesue Sat, Jul-26-03 22:13

Hi Nancy,
It's great meeting you.Glad you want to join me in riding our stationary bikes.To be honest I don't even know how fast I am pedaling.I got my bike at a yard sale last year.I still need to figure out how to take the cover off of the area where the battery goes.Until then I just pedal away and go for 20 minutes.
Chloesue is the name of one of my cats.It's always hard to pick a good username so I thought that I would give the name of one of my cats a try and it worked:)
Good luck with riding your bike.

MizSteaks Sat, Jul-26-03 22:31

Well it doesn't matter how fast...what matters is the DOING it right? Thanks for getting me motivated. That's what I was hoping to have happen on here!

Nancy to Nancy

MizSteaks Sun, Jul-27-03 11:31

Whew! I had forgotten how GOOD it feels to move! Thank you Chloemae for getting me up off my duff. Did 20 minutes this morning and that added up to 4.8 miles!

Have a great day!

Chloesue Sun, Jul-27-03 11:58

Good Sunday Afternoon Nance
Hope others join us here.It would be nice to have a few others join us in our exercise and being accountable to others.
I have riden my stationary bike for 20 mintues both Friday and Saturday.I just started riding it again on Friday so I am doing really good so far.
Haven't ridden it yet today but I will :wiggle:
I have noticed that I seem lighter on my feet now that I am exercising again.I did some shopping at our Super Wal-Mart already today.It was nice to walk around the store and get some walking in also.We have a huge Super Wal-Mart.I was all over the store so I am sure I got a lot of walking in.I would love to get a pedometer.Do you have one?
Keep up the good work on riding your bike. :thup:

RoseTattoo Sun, Jul-27-03 15:36

Hi, I'm 53 years old, with two young children (through the miracle of adoption). My issues aren't as much with weight as with very high cholesterol/triglycerides and a terrible familty history of heart attack, stroke, and vascular dementia. So I'm low carbing as a way to try to prevent these dire things. Anyway, I would love to be part of an exercise support system, because that's what I find the hardest. It's nice to meet you and hopefully we can all motivate one another. :)

Chloesue Sun, Jul-27-03 17:57

Hi Rose
Shall we call you Rose? I am Nancy and our other exerciser is Nance.

Congratulations on adopting your two children.How old are they?Please tell me about them.

I am the grandmother of a 2 year old grandson named Jeremy.I stay very busy during the week taking care of him while his parents work.Some people mistake me for his mother when my hubby are out and about with him.That is a good feeling since I will be 53 in a few months but still feel much younger.

Nance and I are both riding our exercise bikes for our daily exercise.I am riding mine 20 minutes a day.I started riding it again on Friday.I am a little sore today but know I need to keep riding it regardless.

What kind of exercise will you be doing?

I will be looking forward to getting to know and cheering you on with your exercise :wiggle:

MizSteaks Sun, Jul-27-03 19:51

Hi Rose! Boy! I bet you tired of people commenting on how tiny you are, don't you? My sister is almost exactly your size and she HATES it! To see the two of us together is almost comical. We not only are totally different sizes but we LOOK nothing alike! LOL!
I rode my bike for another 10 minutes this afternoon cause it made me feel so good to do that 20 minutes this morning. Bless Nancy (Chloesue) for issuing the challenge. It sure got me up and going!

Have a terrific evening Ladies!

Chloesue Sun, Jul-27-03 20:43

Way to go on riding your bike for 30 minutes today!!!
Are you sore at all?Today I am rather sore from riding the bike.I am just not used to it.I rode it the 20 minutes again today but it sure was hard.
Hope the soreness goes away soon.

RoseTattoo Mon, Jul-28-03 05:32

Good morning, Nancy and Nance. Congrats to both of you for such strenuous exercising. :) I have a bad knee, so my aerobic exercise is limited to walking. But I walk very briskly for about 3 miles a day. It's been much harder lately because it's so hot and humid here. But it's getting to the point where I am desperate to go wakling if I've missed a day, so I guess that's good.

I'd like to get some weight-bearing exercise in, too. It's just so boring! But I know I have to do it--so if you two could gently "force" me, it would be great. :lol:

My children are 14 and 7. The older child is Dominican, the younger is Mexican. They keep us hopping...but I have to admit, on occasion I've been mistaken for their GRANDMOTHER. Grr. So obviously I have to do more to keep in shape, LOL. Yes, I'm tiny, but preserved, like a lemon. :lol:

Anyway, I hope you two have a wonderful day.

Leidon Mon, Jul-28-03 06:47

Hey Ladies!

Congrats on your exercise programs!

I have just started my new WOE and happened across this website and this forum. Glad you have started this tread, just what I was thinking of the other day. Reading your posts have inspired me to get up and do something!

I am soon to be 52, ugh!, and really having a hard time getting up from this desk and start walking or any exercise.
I find my self at the computer at least 10 hours a day, and my butt shows it!!! :lol:

I have a treadmill right here behind me in my office at home, but it has stuff stacked or hanging off of it! I NEED TO GET IT CLEANED OFF! I did go for a walk yesterday, about 1 mile, and boy I was totally out of breath! What happened to the spring in my step???? :cry:

Well I am gonna try and get off here (GET UP!!!) and clean up that treadmill! Wish me luck! :agree:

MizSteaks Mon, Jul-28-03 07:45

LOL Leah!! Thank you for my first laugh of the day and welcome to the group!!! I love your 'touring' quote!! I WISH I had a treadmill so maybe if you cleaned yours off I could come use it too? (Did that work? LOL!)

Rose, I also have bad knees which is WHY I choose the excercise bike. I can set the tension for whatever is comfortable and I can peddle at any speed that feels good. Right now it is no tension and about 14 mph felt good yesterday. I live in the country and have unlevel dirt roads to walk on which is not safe with bad feet and bad knees. :(

Chloesue I am a tiny bit sore but (YEP..that's where! The BUTT!) not too bad. Might have to put a pillow under me today to manage but will give it a go. After all, a deal is a deal! My leg muscles seem fine today so that's good.

Have a glorious, heart pumping day today!

Leidon Mon, Jul-28-03 10:21

Glad I gave you your first laugh of the day!!!! :p

Well I will have all you know that since I posted earlier, I did get off the computer and started cleaning off the treadmill. Whew, that was exercise in it's self. I had to clean out the closets first to have a place to put all the stuff in. Why do I keep all that stuff anyway....clothes that don't fit, boxes and boxes of just plain stuff!!!! (note to self: either have a garage sale or sell it on ebay!!!)

Actually I had to clean the whole "office" room (where the treadmill is) because the cable co. was coming this AM to hook up Cable Internet Access, so there was no way a person could get around in there if they wanted. I finally got it all cleaned up and you can actually get to the Treadmill.:cheer:

Oh yeah Nance, the quote is because my hubby and I ride a Goldwing Motorcycle which is the love of our lives! We just love it. But even if we are lost for real, we just saying we are touring!! It's a nice quote for life also. :spin:

So here I sit at the computer again :nono: with the treadmill just behind me, all cleaned off and saying "Leah come on, get on, it will be just fine"...

Ok, here I go, I'm getting off the computer and on the treadmill :yay:
Will let you guys know later how it went!


MizSteaks Mon, Jul-28-03 14:00

Go! Leah Go! YEA for Leah!! WOOHOO...moving, she's moving!! LOL!

Sounds like the treadmill gave you an excuse for more excercise than you planned on! And...can I say that I am terribly jealous of anybody lucky enough to have cable access?! There is no chance for me here in the country. Have old telephone wires and dial up access...can you say sloooooooow?! One of the drawbacks of living here on 'Heaven on a Halfshell'.
The bike sounds like fun and getting lost/touring sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day. That is as long as you find your way back home eventually!
So glad you've joined us here. Look forward to really getting to know you. I look forward to really getting to know ALL of you!

To successful low carbing!

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