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AmaniNura Thu, Mar-13-03 21:33

Here goes.. Tomorrow Day 1 BFL
Here are the numbers as depressing as they are..

Weight 271
Height 5'6

Neck 14
Upper chest 40
Waist 45
Hips 56
Thigh 30
Arm 16
Knee 18.5
wrist 7
Ankle 10

Tomorrow BFL begins..amazing motivation comes from anger. I am really feeling motivated. lol..
Wish me luck.. 12 weeks.. Here we go!

AmaniNura Sun, May-11-03 07:40

Posting today is almost humiliating. I have done horribly the last month. No gym time hardly my energy levels have sucked. To develop the gym as a part of my life, I have got to go at the same time every day. The workout has to be set before i ever go. I am struggling. Ballys which is my gym of preference, opens at 6am. Which is too late for me. There is another gym.. 25 minutes away from me Worlds Gym, where I can get help from a personal trainer who will push me and help me get results. Ballys is horrible about that. Their people are just not into helping customers. My weight is down.. yes.. but I dont feel solid.. I am no where close to toning and I am feeling discouraged.

Depression has been my enemy the last few months. I am going to start having a 9pm bed time during the week and getting up at 5:15 to get to the gym. Body for Life is the way to go.. I know it.

I just need some motivation. Anger only motivated me while I was angry. lol.. I dont hold a grudge well, so it is not a good motivator long term.
Perhaps just the desire to feel good and have energy and some self confidence.

Its Mid May, and I have my 20 year reunion in two months time.
I want to surprise the people I went to school with. They all knew me when I was thin. Its such a blow to have people look you over and determine that you are not a success because you are not a size 10 anymore.

Wish me luck. Today is Mother's Day! Maybe its time Mom gave herself a gift.

Take care everyone. :wave:

AmaniNura Thu, Apr-08-04 14:33

Wow.. less than a year ago.. I had a post about starting body for life..Much like the one I am posting today. It is depressing to see that I have gone an entire year without much progress. as a matter of fact.. I am several pounds above where I was last year. The new challenge for BFL starts on the 19th of April. Wish me luck.

Ok.. tonight I will post measurements.
I started doing some upper body last night. Today I will do it again.

AmaniNura Mon, Jan-24-05 11:25

Laughable reviews..
hehe.. looking back over the three entries in the gym journal, I can see I ahve done NOTHING in two years. LOL. And who is to blame? I would say me..
How come in my mind I want it.. but somewhere between my mind and my muscles, I lose track of that determination. Spring is not far away, and I do NOT want to find myself at 280 pounds dealing with warm days. Making time for the gym is harder than it seems. I have a treadmill now.. why am i not on it daily? I was on it for two weeks straight. Walking two miles per day and it seemed to lift my spirits as well as helping with my energy level. The scales werent moving so I assumed I was not doing enough. I gave up.. Now the treadmill is a nice place to put the baskets of clean laundry recently folded. Someone HELP! Where do you all find motivation?

galatia Mon, Jan-24-05 17:40

I am not a great motivator, but I've been in the same place you are. Wanting it in mind, but not in motion :rolleyes: . Just tell yourself that you are going to do it for 10 mins. Once you get started you will most probably go ahead and do the whole work-out. Don't let the scales scare you, when you first start working your muscles, they retain water, for doing their repair work.
You said: it seemed to lift my spirits as well as helping with my energy level.
My whole outlook on life is so much better when I'm exercising. I hope you will follow through with the Body for Life plan. I know you will love it once you get into it. It's a very good plan. Just know that once you get through the first couple of weeks, you'll be looking forward to it. Keep your gym log going, come by and visit mine too. I'll check back and see how well you are doing. You can do this-- and this summer, you'll be so glad you got started now. :cool:

nutsnseeds Mon, Jan-24-05 18:20

They say it takes 30 days to make a habit. Give yourself the gift of just 30 days of commitment - so much easier then the rest of your life - and take it 30 days at a time. Pick a goal you can easily exceed - not to far reaching (like I will exercise 2-3x a week) and then for your next 30 days push a little further. You will feel good about meeting your goals and will be on your way to making exercise a habit. Good luck!! You can do it!

another thought - you might want to try some fun tapes at home on days you can't get to the gym.

AmaniNura Fri, Jul-06-07 20:41

ok so I managed to get off my can and at least do the 10 minutes I promised myself I would do. Tomorrow to measure and get a pedometer.

AmaniNura Sun, Jul-08-07 17:32

I made it 12 minutes today. Totals So Far - 22 Min
Weight was 337.1
Speed on Bike 12.7
Distance 2.3 Miles 4.0 miles
Calories 97.1 176 calories burned through exer.
Pulse 136
Time 12 Minutes

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