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dizzyd Sun, Feb-24-02 19:46

Quitting on 2002-02-25
I'm going to be attempting to quit smoking tomorrow morning. I'm going to allow myself my morning ciggie that I always have with morning coffee (tomorrow only), and then when I get out of the shower, on goes the patch!!

This will be my second ever attempt after smoking for almost 20 years. I tried about 6 months ago with the patch. Everyone told me that I would have NO cravings, and boy were they wrong. I had cravings. Not intense cravings, but more than I expected. I lasted a whopping 3 days, and on the third day, wolfed my dinner down so I could get to the store to buy a pack.

This time I have two things in my favor. I know what to expect from the patch, and the Government of BC (who I am not happy with to begin with) just raised taxes on cigarettes so that they are 6.50-7.00 per pack. I am really upset with the government at the moment, and don't feel inclined to give them any more of my money than I absolutely have to!!

So... I'll be visiting these boards in addition to the other ones that I frequent.

Just wanted to say :wave:

Talk to ya later!

Atriana Sun, Feb-24-02 20:11

Well, let me be the first to wish you good luck!
This is not the generally accepted way to do things, but it was told to me by my doctor during a previous quit attempt. I was still having terrible cravings with the patch. He told me that when they were really intense, to use a piece of nicotine gum along with the patch. He said the only danger in this was overdosing on nicotine - but that I had been self medicating myself with nicotine for 20 years and wouldn't have any problems. He was right. I only did that for the first week or so, then just the patch was enough.

dizzyd Sun, Feb-24-02 20:45

That's a great idea! I was thinking about putting the 10 or so I will have left in a ziplock bag in the freezer for an emergency. I think the gum may be a better idea!

Thanks for good wishes!

Atriana Sun, Feb-24-02 20:53

Better idea - take those 10 or so with you in the shower. Trash them. There is no emergency that a cigarette will fix. Knowing that they are in the freezer will drive you nuts, plus how many non smokers do you know that keep cigarettes in their freezer? Ex-smokers shouldn't either! :D

dizzyd Mon, Feb-25-02 20:41

Day 1 is almost over!
Ya know, it hasn't been as bad as I expected so far. However, I recall from my first attempt that day 2 was harder than day 1. How's that for unfair!! I think I've gone into with more wide open eyes this time, so I know that the cravings will come. I also know that if I really want to, I can get past them.

Will check in again tomorrow!


Atriana Mon, Feb-25-02 21:45

Sounds like you are doing great - did you trash or freeze those last 10?

dizzyd Thu, Feb-28-02 20:30

The end of day 4...
And so far, so good! I can't believe how different this attempt has been from the last one. The last one, I psyched myself well ahead of time, and this time decided about 2 days before hand. Weird. :confused:

I've had two major cravings so far, and have beaten them both. The first was the after dinner smoke on Monday, which was day 1. I went to Steve's that night, and it's probably a good thing because he is very supportive. We went shopping instead! I bought a burner and scanner for my PC, hence the new avatar. I'll probably be changing it frequently till the newness wears off.

I've had one more naggish craving on what would be my normal morning smoke break at work, and that's really it.

Thank god for support (here and Steve, and of course the 20 nurses that I work with!) and for the patch!! Yahoo! The patch is giving me some really wild dreams, which is a bit of a trip really. :lol:

So, still hanging in there!!! :help: (Just kiddin, I'm okay!)

starlite Fri, Mar-01-02 22:10

I am really upset with the government at the moment, and don't feel inclined to give them any more of my money than I absolutely have to!!

Boy, can I relate to that! And just when I couldn't stand it anymore, I found a web site selling Marlboro's for $15.00 a carton - and yes, I ordered some...

Heavy sigh.

dizzyd Sat, Mar-02-02 10:26

Ahhh... beginning of day 6!
Today will be a big test. I'm shopping and having lunch with my chain-smoking landlady! Ay-yi-yi-yi!! :(

I think if I can make it to the end of next week, I should be okay. I have today to deal with, then any day PMS should be settling in for a few days. If I can get through that, I think I can make it. (fingers crossed... :rolleyes: )

And just when I couldn't stand it anymore, I found a web site selling Marlboro's for $15.00 a carton - and yes, I ordered some...

I must admit that if I knew anyone that could get me black market ciggies, I probably wouldn't be here now. But, I think rather than skulking around the dark dingy alleys downtown at 2:00 a.m. in search of sketchy looking characters, I'll just hit WalMart today for another weeks worth of lovely nicotine patches! :lol:

Atriana: Notice I've avoided your question about the leftover 10? Well, they are still in my freezer. They can live there until March 11, then they go in the trash or down the loo. I haven't smoked one, and it kind of feels like a bigger test of my willingness to really quit if they're that accessable and I can just choose not have one. Know what I mean?

Anyway, keep thinking good thoughts for me! I need all the help I can get this weekend and coming week!!

Thanks everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!! :bhug:

starlite Sat, Mar-02-02 21:43

PMS should be settling in for a few days. If I can get through that, I think I can make it. (fingers crossed...

Boy, I"ll say! But you sound really geared up and ready - that is great and I sure wish you the best of luck! Truly.

A chain smoker, then PMS - wow, no kidding, you beat those two odds and you're going to be just fine as a non-smoker!!

dizzyd Sun, Mar-03-02 18:39

Passed another "test" today
My usual Sunday thing is to go visit my brother and sister in law. My ex-boyfriend hangs out there too, but we're still friends, so that's not as weird at it could be. We ALL smoke. All but me today. I had second thoughts about even going over today, but I feel like I have to stick as close to my normal routine as possible to make sure I can really do this. They were all smoking and when I first came in it smelled really good, but by them time I left (I only stayed about an hour) it just smelled. How strange!

I think my taste buds may be coming back to life too. I had sausages with my breakfast yesterday, like I usually do on W/E, and they were so salty I could barely eat them! I managed :lol:
I don't know if it was me or them, but still...

Thank you everyone for your support. I'll let you know how I manage with PMS. That's gonna be the biggest test of all. If I make it through that, I can make it through anything!! Right? Right!!!

dizzyd Mon, Mar-04-02 19:57

Hi all!

Just thought that I would pop in and say:

7 days, 10 hours and 56 minutes!


Moving down to the next level in patch next Saturday. That could be tough...

I can do this, I'm like the little red engine...

I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can... :D

starlite Mon, Mar-04-02 21:14

good going!
Good going - I think that is GREAT!! I never made it past 7 hours for pity's sakes...pathetic, I know.

This morning I felt a bit encouraged from hanging out here a while and really felt I could do it. I think that lasted about 4 hours today and well, I needn't tell you. There are now eight butts in my ashtray for the day - a little better than usual, but darn I just wish that "I can do it" feeling would stay with me!!!
Arg and sniff sniff!! I feel so weak (as in no will power..)! :mad:

starlite Mon, Mar-04-02 21:16

I'll let you know how I manage with PMS. That's gonna be the biggest test of all.

Forgot to add - yes, I seriously think that will be your biggest test! And I sincerely wish you luck!

dizzyd Sat, Mar-09-02 12:24

I made it through TOM!
Whew that was a wild ride! Starlite, I couldn't do it without the patch. It's my new best friend right now! :lol:

I have had so much support it's been amazing! I have one friend who works at the cancer clinic, another who is a respitory specialist, and I work at a blood donor clinic with 20 nurses. So, needless to say I have had a lot of encouragement!

Today is 13 days, 3 hours and 6 minutes. I can't believe that I've made it this far. I went out and bought a new pair of sweats yesterday as a little 2 week reward (2 days early, but I know I won't be smoking again, so that's okay). I can't wait to tell my parents when I hit the two week mark. They are both so happy that I've quit. My mom has never smoked, but my Dad did when he was younger and they both hate that I smoke.

I have gained weight back, but I guess that's the lesser of the two evils at the moment. And I know that it'll come off again, so I can't worry about that too much. It's not a good enough reason to smoke anyway.

Give it another try and just keep trying. I've been told that everytime you try it gets a little easier. Eventually it's gonna happen for you, I just know it!

Thanks for checking in! :bhug:

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