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Lessara Wed, Feb-13-02 11:23

I would like to start a forum for people with depression or anxiety.
Because from time to time I get blue. No its not always because something bad happened to me or like that. My mind just gets blue. I have anxiety (probably with a little bit of depression). :rolleyes:

Since being LC, I've been able to lower my meds and completed my counsilling sessions. I feel good about that.
But sometimes you just feel blue for no reason and need someone who understands. Not so much to give advice though some would be nice I'm sure. But to have someone to remind you that "This too, shall pass" :)

Debi Warne Thu, Feb-14-02 10:00

I do understand -- there are days I just want to curl up in a blanket and just sit and do nothing.

I found it interesting also, that Carnie Wilson now that she has lost 150 pounds has suffered anxiety -- she said she had to say goodbye to the old Carnie and that she once used to console herself with food and was now looking for other more healthy ways.

You welcomed me on my first day here and that really meant a lot to me and I always read and check up on how you are doing tho I'm not real good at responding -- I know you also mentioned one time about family and friends maybe ignoring you to some degree.

So just know, I am pulling for you in your corner and I find so much encouragement from all your successes and way you give encouragement to others.

When you feel blue, just take some time for you, my favorite is a bubble bath and I light candles -- of course it's late at night or the kids come in constantly to see what I'm doing, can I play in the bubbles, etc!

Take care.

HelloKitty Thu, Feb-14-02 10:48

You are completely right about the blues. (I had that problem recently.) It would be nice to have a place to come where you can just talk with people that are/have experienced the same down days.
I'm just glad that I found LC, so that the gloomy days frequent are less and the medication is gone!


Lessara Thu, Feb-14-02 11:35

I'm always listening
Just wanted people to know that if you want to let me know how blue you are I, too, will understand. Sometimes its just knowing someone is there. I honestly believe no one is actually alone.
So please, higher beings, can we get a Blues forum??

captxray Thu, Feb-14-02 12:01

Well, sometimes, even cowboys get the blues...I go to the local library and get video tapes of all sorts of subjects. Yesterday, I got 3 Depak Chopra tapes. What an incredible man! I got to feeling better just watching and hearing him speak! He's a medical doctor, an endocrinologist, to be exact. He really knows his stuff...and he's also gone back to India to study the ancient healing methods and has found out some very interesting things about our bodies and how we react to stress, anxiety, and depression...I recommend that you either pick up one of his tapes, or read a book that he has written. Believe me, as a psychotherapist, by trade, and a person who suffers chronic depression and anxiety caused by Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, I have read hundreds of books on the subjects at hand. His approach is extremely refreshing in this "New Age" when everybody is writting some psychobabble book about depression. I have also discovered an added bonus to LCing...I am less anxious and less depressed on this WOE. I have also been researching the other things I eat and put into my body and have found out about cooking oils, nightshades, grains, etc. that are detrimental to our health. Since going on Neanderthin, a paleolithic diet that doesn't allow grains, tubers, corn, sugar, etc., I have noticed that my moods are always better, even when under a tremendous amount of stress. Don't "try" to feel better. That just causes more stress and anxiety, and, eventually ...depression...because you can't make yourself feel better, even though your friends will tell you to do so. Decide what is priority in your life and concentrate on that, to the exclusion of other things...take a warm, soothing bath with some nice bath beads...go for a walk...A great psychotherapist was once asked the secret to curing depression...He said, "Go home. Put on your jacket and hat. Go out and find someone else to help feel better!" Service to others is the best cure for depression.

Lessara Fri, Feb-15-02 14:20

I agree with you.
I actually go to this site to see if I can help anyone. It does make me feel alot better. I was diagnosed PTSD years back and supposedly I am "better". I think so, though I would love the day when my startled reflex would stop! :D
I have to admit I get blue if I'm reminded about something in my past. How do you stop your brain from doing that? I've been in counsilling for two decades.
I agree with you also about LCing. It does help doesn't it? Especially if you find a good substitute for comfort food like exercise or a hobby. Don't you think?

captxray Fri, Feb-15-02 15:09

You betcha! Sounds like you're doing all the right things. Keep at it. It will help you to feel better. And, about PTSD...I've had it since I was 5 years old, seen a myriad of therapists, too...tried "everything" on my own...not as bad as it used to be, but I still have it...Just the other day, someone made me feel quite powerless and I started seeing him as a Viet Cong! Brother! I often ask, "Will I ever be normal, again?" Then, I realize I was never "Normal" to start off.

Lessara Fri, Feb-15-02 16:37

Thank you again!
It is so nice to meet someone who knows what I go through! I had many tramas that happened to me. My Dad was in Vietnam when I was 7-9 and I remember looking at the list of names on the TV to see if his name was on it. I was scared for two years. I am a daddy's Girl if you know what I mean. A real tomboy as a kid.
I remember how it change my Father.
I get my startled reflex from when I was 3 and I had a balloon pop in my mouth and down my throat. I don't remember it but any loud sound or someone/ something touching my back or arm causes it.
I was raped in college so that's why the touch thing happens.
Oh don't worry about me. I've had so much counsilling that I can talk very freely about it. I joked to my old counsillor once. I said I think therepy reprogrammed me. I was in therepy for 20 years and I believe it true.
So should I just stop thinking there is a real cure for this?
I figured so. But I'm glad I have training so I can deal with it better! I'm not depressed like I was as a kid. Its just the anxiety that gets me from time to time.

captxray Fri, Feb-15-02 17:52

Never Give UP!
I'm not sure if there is truly a "cure" yet for PTSD. However, there are many things that we can do to alleviate a lot of the stress. One of the biggest problems we face is our "thinking errors," or "cognative distortions." When we say things like, "I just never get it right..." or something like that, we are making a cognative distortion. I Must away, Fair Maid! I won't be around for most of the weekend, but let me know how you're doing. Always nice to talk with someone who understands on a deeper level than what is in a book.

allisonm Fri, Feb-15-02 18:01

Hi Lessara! :wave:

I think you've raised an important topic in suggesting a forum for depression. I went through an eleven year depression that was devastating. That was back in the late seventies/early eighties when people didn't talk about it. I think it's pretty common and worse for those of us who are fat. Worse in part because many of us have blood sugar problems and are screwed up hormonally. Both of those factors exacerbate emotional problems. Add to that the pressure and scrutiny and rejection we face daily (or self-contempt for putting ourselves in this position) and it all adds up to a lot of heartache.

Originally posted by Lessara
So should I just stop thinking there is a real cure for this? I figured so.

Your question above about a cure reminded me of Dr. Phil (Oprah's Dr. Phil, the psychiatrist). In his books he says over and over, "Problems are not cured; they are managed. Problems are not cured; they are managed." Sort of like Karen's "Progress, not perfection. Progress, not perfection." It would be nice to think that you could just fix it once, permanently. Just find the right diet or medication or philosophy. But I think it doesn't work that way. I think you just handle it day to day, focusing only on the immediate problem at hand or just sitting it out.

Any time you need to bend someone's ear you can just email or PM me.

By the way, I think your solution of helping other people is brilliant.

Allison :)

Lessara Mon, Feb-18-02 16:13

My offer
If I am on or if anyone would like a shoulder to lean on, I'm here to help. I've been dealing with so many "Issues" in my life so far that I'm open minded and willing to listen. I know it helps so much to share a pain or hurt better here than a food fix or a self hurting other method.
Just drop by and say you feel blue if that is how you feel.
You just might feel better.. Right?
Wow, did that sound like an ad or what?!

Sometimes I feel just like :eek:
or :mad:
or :D
or :confused:
or :rolleyes:
When all I really want is to feel :cool:
I'm getting there.

I'm having a good day, hope you all are too!

tamarian Mon, Feb-18-02 23:33

Forum is now officially open. It currently combines depression and addiction issues for no obvious reason other than sharing a space until both issues merit their own space.


Jen Tue, Feb-19-02 09:14

Great Initiative

Well, this forum couldn't have opened at a better time for me. This is exactly what I need right now. I have to leave for work (first day in a veeeery long time). But I'll be back tonight and share with you. Thank you so much... I feel less lonely all of a sudden. :)

CarrieAnn8 Tue, Feb-19-02 11:02

Well everyone its great to have this and to talk about it. And Lessara its also good to see someone out there that is very similar to me. I have lots of stuff in my past as well and i bring them up and get feeling crappy about them too. I as well have no problem telling everyone about it. Im not getting into it here cause i dont want to get into a discussion about whose life has sucked worse..... lol Please feel free to email me or whatever. Thanks again, this is great.

Im on a downer now so this has come at a good time.


slim2none Tue, Feb-19-02 11:21

Hey guys, this couldn't have come at a better time. I awoke this morning and just wanted to crawl back in the bed. I have suffered from chronic clinical depression for most of my life and most of my friends and family don't understand. My family's way of dealing with everything is "just don't think about it, think about positive things!" As most of you know that doesn't work.

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