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kghamilton Tue, Feb-18-03 21:15

Any marathon runners out there
Hi everyone

I ran marathons in college at around 140lbs (5' 6")

through the 90s, work, family, etc I gained 75 pounds (ouch).

Last year, I managed to lose 45, with lots of running and loosely eating a Sugarbusters type of diet. I ran 3 marathons.
I have had trouble losing more weight and I know LC to be effective. Is anyone doing any serious running and following a reduced carb diet. I'd really like to see another 20 come off.

JKMOM Wed, Feb-19-03 14:43

way to go!!
Yes I have been low carb for a very long while. I run 10 miles per day and and maybe one long run on the weekends. I get my carbs from veggies. I feel great!!!

kghamilton Sat, Feb-22-03 16:04

10 miles per day and low carb?

Wich vegetables do you eat?
How many carbs on average do you take in?

I've got 3 marathons this year and I'm trying to figure out a diet that I can live with and lose another 15-20 pounds. Thanks.


JKMOM Sat, Feb-22-03 16:14

Yes ten per day! Today I did 15!!! Yesterday I ate very low carb by accident- just never got them in! I had a steak, salmon, eggs, and for veggies 2 salads. I usually have more vegetables though. The usual ones - salads and broccolli, cauliflower. You can do it!!!!

kghamilton Sat, Feb-22-03 16:22

Glad to see such a prompt response.
I haven't been able to run much without feeling really lethargic on my runs after a few days of low carbs.

Do you get better at it after your body becomes more efficient at burning fat?

Right now, I'm doing low carb and carb loading the day before my long run (I run 16-23 on Sat or Sun). This is something new that I'm trying.


JKMOM Sun, Feb-23-03 09:37

Hi again! Yes it does get much easier. But don't forget, I eat salads and that really does the trick for me. I don't need any additional carbs. I have never carb loaded only becaudse I did not need to. I don't do fruit either. Keep up the great work! Water Water Water!!!

kghamilton Sun, Feb-23-03 11:12

Thanks for your tips. I'm going to try it this week and give up on the fruit. I generally drink a fair amount of oj.

Three questions
Do you drink any vegetable juices?

Any idea on how many carbs a day you might actually be getting?

Do you use any types of special salad dressing?

Sorry for all the questions; but thanks for the information.

JKMOM Sun, Feb-23-03 18:11

I just realized you are from NC. You are soooo lucky! You would not believe the weather we have had in CT this winter! some of my runs were in temps of minus 20!
To answer your questions:
Never any veg juices. Before I run if I eat I have almond butter rolled in protein powder.
After my run a HUGE omlet with what ever - mushrooms pepppers, cream cheese, etc. Not big on regular cheese.
Salad dressing is straight olive oil. Sometimes real blue cheese. lots and lots of mayo on everything from salads to fish and chicken.
How many carbs? Not really sure. All veggies are fresh - well as fresh as we get at a grocery store in CT in the middle of winter!! I eat alot of orange and yellow peppers. lots of "watery" crisp vegetables. All of this has enough energy to sustain me. I probably eat more fat than anything else.
The best thing about this is it takes the "worry" out of my runs. I never have to pre plan. From the diet I am always well hydrated and my energy is level from all of the fat. Give it a try. Your stats look great!

kghamilton Mon, Feb-24-03 03:43

That sounds very interesting, I'm definitely going to try it.

I'm actually from Canada, I've only been here three years.
One of my biggest problems was always trying to keep running in the winter. It sounds like your doing better than I did at it.

I never even thought of real blue cheese. I think that will be my next purchase!
It also sounds like you're not too worried about counting, which is also great. People are doing so much math over their carb intake. If you exercise and eat right, it shouldn't be that stressful over a carb here and there.

Thanks...I'll let you know how it works.

JKMOM Mon, Feb-24-03 11:13

I am so proud of you! I used to be very scared of the weather. Cold, rain, wind, ice, etc.. Every time I thought I was being "smart" by skipping my run due to the weather I would hear someone talk aboout what a great run they had! I "faced my fears" and started to challenge myself. It was such a great feeling to know you are out running in snow etc.. while others are sleeping in! Even as recent as yesterday...a friend of mine is training for a March marathon and did not run because we had terrential downpours and some lightening. (We run at 3:15 am) I ran after the lightning stopped and - big deal- got wet! Still had a great 10! Today - major ice on the road but managed to get the goal! There is a great site called They have a no excuse email everyday - sign up it is great! Committ to your plan, you won't be disappointed!
As for counting...never! Like you said, as long as it is low carb and natural I feel good. I would count if I ate chemical or frankenfoods - but I don't!
Stay health and keep me posted on you progress!

MaineDaddy Mon, Feb-24-03 11:22

Another great thread Ken.
Looks like we found some more long distance LC data!

JKMOM it sounds like you have no problem at all with keeping up the miles while LC. I think that is great news. Currently I am still a few pounds away from building any distance. It has been ten years since I last ran, that and quite a few pounds. I am taking it slow and using weight training to lose the weight. I'll start adding the miles after I get below 200.
I have been running two to three miles and feeling ok. I'm so out of shape I would'nt know if I was tired from that or from the LC!!

I'm getting there though..

Livvy Mon, Feb-24-03 12:09

I've been training for a marathon am just now up to 12 miles. It feels like I've hit a brick wall, though, when I reach 12 miles. I don't run very fast -- about 12-minute miles on long runs -- so when I get to 12 miles I've been running for about 2 and a half hours. I probably eat about 40 carbs a day, but on these long runs sometimes I have that very weak, no energy feeling like I've been fasting. I don't eat fruit, but I do eat low-carb bread (5 grams a slice, 2 slices a day maximum). The short runs are wonderful and I can run them faster. I used to do the short runs on 20 carbs a day with no problem. While I was a competitive middle-distance runner 10 years ago, I don't know anything about marathon running. I've been reading on marathons but all of the training programs seem geared towards a high carb diet. I know everyone's body is different, and it seems that I need more energy, but I don't want sugar or high-carb products to be a part of my life. Have you found anything particularly helpful (i.e. eating more vegetables than meat, less dairy, etc.)? Thanks so much!


kghamilton Mon, Feb-24-03 15:56

Now I have to worry more about the heat and humidity than the cold. but there really are no excuses. Do you race at all or just run for enjoyment? Keep up the great work.

I ate more vegetables in the past 2 days than I have in about a month...

I got the website of some electrical company for Could you double check that when you have chance. Thanks.

We may soon need a runner's forum :)

JKMOM Mon, Feb-24-03 17:34

Too funny! Sorry about the website! I have the info at work I will get it to you ASAP! It has something to do with bob green and Oprah. I think it might be connecting connectors . com (?) I am proud of your veg intake!!! I hope you feel good.
In response to Maine daddy- Way To Go!! Get out there and put in the miles- You CAN do it!!! I also weight train - (I do personal training as a side job) and find the training has really improved my running. Don't stop the weights!!
Livvy --great work!!! Keep it up! Try adding more fat like almond butter to your diet. It sounds like you need more pre run fuel. I take a tbsp of almond butter and roll it in protein powder. This is a handy snack and you can bring it with you on your run. While my running group eats goo, I eat this! They laugh!

You guys are wonderful! Keep up the hard work and you will be so glad you did! You make me proud! I will think of you when everyone talks about their pasta carbo load while I am eating steak! Great to know I have support!

kghamilton Mon, Feb-24-03 18:04

Where do you buy almond butter? I don't thnik I've seen it. I take soy protein every day, might be a good change of pace with the almond butter.

JKMOM Mon, Feb-24-03 18:42

I either buy it in the grocery store - it is next to natural peanut butter, you already know...check ingredients! There should only be almonds and maybe salt. - or I make it. All you need is to take a handful of almonds and toss them in to your coffee grinder. Turn it on until the almonds grind in to a pase. If you stop early you will get almond flour which is wonderful for baking!
Did you run today?

kghamilton Mon, Feb-24-03 18:59

I'm going to look for that it sounds good.

Today I did run 2.2 miles before work. I'm adding some early runs to my mileage to increase fat burning. I'm usually up anyway, so I might as well do a few miles....
I'm starting to take the time for the weights. It used to be kind of an afterthought but I'm making it a priority now as well. I just finished as well. good thing to do while the kids are practicing clarinets and saxophones. :)

So you do 10 miles every day? that's alot of mileage.

MaineDaddy Mon, Feb-24-03 19:02

Thanks for the support. I like the almond butter idea. I have made my own almond flour and used it in a few things. I'll have to take it a step further.

Glad to see this forum growing!

JK I think I could run all day if I was 95lbs LOL My college race weight was 170. I'm looking to get there or better.

kghamilton Mon, Feb-24-03 19:44

I haven't weighed 95 pounds since I as 8 years old.

No luck in my local grocery store for the almond butter. I'm going to keep looking though.

Any thoughts on supplements, vitamins, etc. I take a Centrum Complete; don't really know what else to take.

JKMOM Tue, Feb-25-03 06:54

Hi Kg -Hi Maine Daddy!! Great to hear from you! I knew better than to look for your replys while at work(!) Just can't help myself! Yes - I love being 95lbs and having a breakfast like I did today that i Never would have done when I was 135 and eating low fat!! Todays breakfast was 3 eggs with hoop cheese - it is a type of nonfat cheese (don't get scared!) that is made for people with food allergies. The company removes all of the milk sugar (lactose) so there are no carbs or fat. You can find more info on this product in the book called Specific Carbohydrate Diet. Web site has the same name. Anyway, I added 2 slices of bacon and ofcourse my favorite - a wallop - not dollop! of mayo. YUM!!!
Today was one of those days where everything came together. You will have many of these. Since increasing my protein and being consistent with weight training my runs have been AWESOME! I had to make myself stop at 10 miles today! I averaged 8:25 per mile and followed this with a good bicep/tricep workout. Tonights work out is low intensity - yuck(!) walking on the treadmill while reading a great book about Carly Fiorina who took over Hewlett Packard - I think - only on page 30! Followed by abdominals and push ups.
Maine Daddy - Portland and Freeport are my FAVORITE!! Beware tomorrow is going to be cold. Run anyway - it is only air!
KG Way to Go 2.2 AWESOME! You will be amazed at how good those endorphins feel - you remeber! Let's work toward the labor day rock and roll 1/2 marathon in VA beach?!
Supplements -NOOOO! Too many fillers and junk. We don't need them. We eat excellent, - our bodies will crave what we need. If you get cramps your body wants more greens - simple! If you are hungry you need water and food. If you are injured slow down. As an ex vitamin taker I spent gajillions of $$$ on this stuff only to find my liver enzymes elevated and my blood cell counts always off. When my doctor said stop the supplements for a month and lets re test I was fine for the first time in ages! The best source of L carnatine,etc is red meat so enjoy!
Keep up the great work guys!!!!!

kghamilton Tue, Feb-25-03 14:22

Your energy level comes through in your posts....

The easy morning run was greta yesterday. I'm not setting my alarm, so I'l do it when I wake up naturally. My wife really hates my alarm going off that early. I don't blame her. Today I woke at 5:45 so no time to run; but my main workout is some hill training tonight (I'm cutting my night class to go workout).

As for the Rock and Roll 1/2 that's a neat idea; but you have to get your entry in early. It filled by April last year.

What about just a multi vitamin?

I bought a big hunk of blue cheese last night for my salads. A friend of mine is a chef and he crumbles it on steak while its grilling. Its delicious if you haven't tried it. Hoop cheese is next I guess.

Keep up the good work. 8:25 miles, that's great!

JKMOM Tue, Feb-25-03 19:11

Yeah! I hope you have a great run! I just finished my boring walk on the treadmill and a good shoulder work out! Bleu cheese on steak is the best! Put in under the broiler oh yummmmm! We use Franks Red Hot on the steak as well. We put it on the grill, pour the sause over it and it cooks in. It is soo good! If you get the cance pick up the daily newspaper Investor Business Daily. Read the 3rd page each day called Leaders and Success. They have great motivational quotes as well as good goal setting strategies. I read a great one today about the 1% rule. Accomplish 1% more than usual each day. Good advice!
Have a great night and I will think of a ton of things to pass on tomorrow - or until you get sick of me - which ever comes first!!!!

MaineDaddy Wed, Feb-26-03 11:01

Found my Zen today...on the treadmill
For those who may not know I am "SLOWLY" getting back into running shape after ten long years off. I am running short distances until I lose more weight. With that said I had a bit of a breakthrough today.

I found my Zen while running on the treadmill. It has been a very long time since I have been in this zone. It probably lasted a mile, but for that time it was just striding, breathing,and being. I was not on a treadmill or even at the gym...I was running. It was a good pace 7:20 and I had a great open stride. It was a really great feeling to have. I am taking it slowly for a few reasons and I can't say it is'nt tempting to push things after feeling that good. I will continue to take it slow though. But for now I know what a good run reels like...again.

Note: I know that it was only two miles but I felt no LC fatague. I have increased the salads I have been eating. I will watch how I feel when I increase the mileage. I think when i do it will be in 1/2 mile intervals. Slowly...and I will look for signs of fatague, and watch my carb levels. If I can run this machine on fat for miles on end then all the better.

kghamilton Wed, Feb-26-03 14:02

Glad to hear you had a good run. You will avert injury by following your current plan.

I did a hard 7 miler (hills) last night on the treadmill. I am also having no problem with the added veggies for carbs. Last week I ate a lot of meat/cheese and almost no veg and felt worse. I also am drinking some tomato juice, as its the only way I'll have vegetables at 6am. With egg salad and some soy protein its pretty filling.

If the freezing rain holds off, I'm going to run the stairs at the track.

Only a few pounds off; but with the added intensity to my workouts and weights the past few weeks, my clothes are getting loose.

MaineDaddy Wed, Feb-26-03 15:10

I have found that the more salad I eat the better I feel. The tomato juice sounds good...does it have suger though?

I will stay the course with my training, no matter how tempting it is to alter my plan. I will be happy to get outside though...I do hate the tread-mill. I'm thinking I will start doing my short runs in the morning with my Golden Retrever. We are both up early so it should'nt be too hard. I will wait a couple more weeks though for the weather to warm up a bit. It was below zero this A.M. again. The good thing is that it is getting light earlier finaly.

I picked up a New-England road-race calander at the gym today. It is fun to scope out some of the races. There is a four miler on St. Patricks day here in town. I may do it just as a benchmark to see where I am. It would be the first race I ran as an official "back of the packer". There was a time when I would not even consider racing if I was'nt in top shape but I think the experience might be a good one.

JKMOM Wed, Feb-26-03 15:13

Miane Daddy, KG
I'm beaming I'm so proud!!!! Your progress is GREAT!!! Keep up the good work and keep me informed. WAY TO GO!!!

kghamilton Wed, Feb-26-03 15:32

The tomato juice is basically tomatoes, salt and vitamin c.

Its always good to put a race on the calendar, especially for motivation. that's why I'm trying to stay several months ahead, so that there is always something on the horizon.

No workout tonight, I'm taking a deserved day off.

JKMOM Wed, Feb-26-03 18:12

I have my alarm set for midnight Friday. I am going to register for the Disney Mararthon!!!

kghamilton Wed, Feb-26-03 19:21


Is that your first marathon?

I'm hoping to run 5 this year

hithere Thu, Feb-27-03 10:48

I'm a marathon runner (for the past 4 years), and I'm in the induction mode of Atkins. I know that you're not supposed to have nuts during induction (although I sneak an almond or two sometimes!), but I liked your idea of almond butter before your training run. Because I am running 80+ miles/week, I need some ideas for "induction-friendly" pre-training snacks. Would a tbsp of almond butter be alright on induction, or do you have any other ideas? Thanks!

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