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Linnea Mon, Dec-17-01 10:17

17 days smoke free!!!
Well, here I go again. Failing at quiting will only happen if you quit trying.

I have tried the gum, the it is time for the Zyban. It is actually quite amazing, it seems to take the craving right away (well, for the most part).

I totally changed my lifestyle, more than just the LC. I drink about 3 litres of water a day...I can't get enough's weird! I take my vitamins every morning. And I am going to the gym. Abs & Stretch, I must say is the best class at Fitness World...and the instructor is a man-god!

Oh I hope I never start again! And if I relapse, I know you guys will be here for support.

Thanks everyone,


zellie Mon, Dec-17-01 14:01

Congratulations, Linnea!

I'm going to give up very soon, hang in there, I'll be joining you soon!


alto Thu, Dec-20-01 16:21

Congratulations, Linnea. I'm so used to being "smoke free" that it's good to remember how great it felt when I first quit. It's so satisfying to STOP doing something and get almost instant results. (Good grief, you're at goal, you're exercising, you drink enough water. You've turned into a perfect person :) )

Sharon Thu, Dec-20-01 17:29

smoke free
Way to go on not smoking for 17 days. That's fantastic. A guy I work with did the Zyban thing successfully. I would say almost 18 months ago.. He originally gained weight, but kept up with the exercise and LOW CARBING and now he looks better than ever.

You must be really proud of yourself.... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Atriana Thu, Dec-20-01 20:12

Wow, you are doing great. Did you notice any problems with losing weight with the Zyban?
Tomorrow is my quit day. I hope I am doing as well as you are on Day 17.

alto Thu, Dec-20-01 20:39

Atriana -- I remembered tomorrow was your quit day -- Winter Solstice :) A fine day for a new beginning. All best to you :)

liddle Thu, Dec-20-01 20:52

Good for you! Just think of all the new clothes you can buy with the money you would have spent on cigs! They are getting way too expensive anyway! Your lungs will love you for this!!!!! ;)

Believe me, I know how hard it is to quit and you will get over it!
Pretty soon even the smell will make you sick!

Good Luck!

Linnea Fri, Dec-21-01 10:39

You guys are great!
Thank you so much everyone! It is so nice to have the support the you all provide.


As for the question of weight on Zyban. Yeah, I was warned by a a few people when I was thinking of going on it that I might gain weight. Granted I haven't lost any, but I am not really trying anyway. However, I haven't gained either. I think drinking a lot of water helps. For some reason I just feel like it makes a difference. (They also say that if you are quitting smoking, drinking water helps to flush out the nicotine) And as for the cravings...the Zyban is great!

I hope anyone that is thinking of quitting should go for it! I feel a hundred times better already...21 days!

Thank you everyone, and good luck!


Linnea Thu, Dec-27-01 14:14

Still going!
Well, I made it through a depressing Christmas smoke free! 27 days!!! Yeah.


zellie Thu, Dec-27-01 14:26

Congratulations, you are over your dependancy on cigarettes. :) You have won the battle! ;)

tamarian Thu, Dec-27-01 14:41

Originally posted by zellie
Congratulations, you are over your dependancy on cigarettes. :) You have won the battle! ;)

And inspite of those nasty smokers around you xmass day! :p Well done! :thup:


Linnea Wed, Jan-02-02 16:15

Officially a month!!
Well, I have made it a month! yyaaaaaaayyy!

I feel way better. However my lungs are hurting a bit, I think they are pushing the junk that was in there, out. But I know it is for the better. I never really have smokers cough until I try and quit.

I have all you guys to thank for me making it so far. Reading everyone else's trials is alot better than trying to get help from my non-smoking friends. I don't know how many times they say "You can do it, just think of something else" Yeah, like they have any idea! :)

Anyway, thanks!


zellie Wed, Jan-02-02 18:01

Lol.. It's a very bright red flag to me the motivational preaching. Became enraged and willing to do serious damage :D In my case it was physical addiction to a chemical.

So few acknowledge the physical symptoms, so few give practical advice about dealing with the cravings. That's why I refused to use the patch this time, I was still getting my "fix". I was on the patch for 2 months. As the patch dosage reduced, I started sneaking cigarettes to make up the lack of nicotine.

Linnea, you'll get your food right :) None of us are perfect. Remember, we are our own harshest critics.

Linnea Wed, Apr-24-02 12:52

Trying again
Okay, I am trying again with everything.

First of all, I totally fell off of the WOL. Got myself a roomie....I asked for a non-smoker, no pets, working person....and was hoping for someone who would join me in this WOL. Well, she smokes, has a cat, and just started working. (She is an awesome roommate so these things I can deal with). The WOE, that was the hardest part. It's hard to stick to what you know you should eat when there are such temptations at every turn.

Then to make matters worse I started dating a smoker. I always promised myself that I would never date a smoker, just because I knew how hard that would make it for me. One week and I was smoking again.

Well the smoker is gone, Tania (my roomie) wants to try low carb....SO HERE WE GO AGAIN.

I am trying the patch. Official quit date was Monday, April 22 at 7 am (had to have the morning one).

Drinking my water again, trying to get back into taking my vitamins...and so on.

Talk to you all again,

tamarian Wed, Apr-24-02 13:19

Re: Trying again
Originally posted by Linnea
Tania (my roomie) wants to try low carb....SO HERE WE GO AGAIN.

That's great news! Pass her this link from today's Vancouver Sun: :

Turning conventional food wisdom upside down


gwilson38 Thu, Apr-25-02 09:19

hey Linnea
Just wanted to wish U good luck on quitting smoking again. They say most people quit and re-start at least 3 times B 4 they becoming a non-smoker for life. Well this is my 3rd time and 5 weeks without puffing!! LOL Im on the patch too and really have done well. Im on step 2 as of today and hoping I dont suffer many cravings from the transfer. Good luck again both with being a non-smoker and getting back to your WOL.

fiona Thu, Apr-25-02 12:57

That is the spirit : Get up and go again
I am trying again with everything
That is the right spirit. Just think: As a toddler you fell down much more than you stood or stepped. Did you give up? Of course you didn't - you kept picking yourself up and trying again. That is why you can walk today. You are exhibiting that same spirit again. You succeeded then and you will succeed now - easy.

Take care.

Linnea Tue, Apr-30-02 13:05

Neat little quitters site
I checked out this put in your quit date and then it keeps track of this stuff.

(The Priceless part I added myself)

Time Smoke-Free: 8 days, 8 hours, 3 minutes and 41 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 167

Lifetime Saved: 1 day, 6 hours

Money Saved: $56.00

Not smelling like an ashtray...PRICELESS!!!


Linnea Wed, May-22-02 10:59

Hello everyone!!!!
30 days! And going strong. I am off the patch now. About two and a half weeks ago I went to an archery tournament (I whooped butt!) in the States. It was a weekend long one and wouldn't you know it, I forgot my patch. Made it the weekend without a smoke and really didn't have much of a craving for one. So I figured what the heck...the patch was making me feel all high and yucky for the first hour or two off putting it on anyways.

I feel so much better already. It's like I can't stop moving. On the weekends I am also now volunteering for St. John's perfect I walk around A LOT and you're not allowed to smoke in uniform. It's great!

Anyway...have a good to you all again!

gwilson38 Wed, May-22-02 13:23

Thats great to hear!! Keep up the good work. Today it has been 9 weeks for me as a non-smoker. Have U found U put on any weight?

Linnea Wed, May-29-02 12:03

Putting on weight.
Yes...yes I am putting on weight. I'd say I am between 138 and 140 now. It's not a lot of extra, maybe just 5lbs. But that is what I said each time I gained another 5lbs....a total of 30 extra pounds...."Oh, it's only 5lbs!"

I am determined to not gain any more...and to get rid of that 5lbs! And maybe get right down to my 125....we'll see though.


Linnea Tue, Jul-30-02 10:56

Still going!
The lastest from!

Time Smoke-Free: 99 days, 5 hours, 53 minutes and 58 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 1985

Lifetime Saved: 15 days, 3 hours

Money Saved: $693.00

My weight did go up to about 148....but back down to 143.5! Argh, what a battle!


culliallen Tue, Jul-30-02 11:09

good news
i've been sticking to both the Atkins induction and non-smoking since july far so cigs and I've lost 8 lbs!

who'd have thought it was possible...i mainly went lc not to GAIN weight...but the whole thing has been easy!


life is good...and my lungs feel good, too.

Linnea Tue, Jul-30-02 11:13

Way to go!
Good job Culli!

Keep it up!


Linnea Tue, Apr-22-03 10:17

Well here I am!!! One whole year later!

Time Smoke-Free: 365 days, 5 hours, 13 minutes and 54 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 7304

Lifetime Saved: 1 month, 25 days, 19 hours

Money Saved: $2,555.00

So this just goes to show ya, if I can do it, ANYONE can!

Whooo hoooooo!


pbastian Mon, Apr-28-03 06:11

:hyper: :cheer: :hyper: :cheer: :hyper: :cheer: :hyper: :cheer:

Gotta LOVE those success stories! Thanks for letting us all know that IT CAN BE DONE! And congratulations on sticking to it, getting healthy and being an all 'round strong and smart person.

I'm starting my 5th month smoke-free and your story is inspiring. Thanks!

nikkil Tue, May-06-03 01:08

How 'bout those Canucks tonight-- :( :( :( :tears: :tears: :tears:

Congrats on the quitting smoking (wow, a whole year!!). My husband and I have both started on Zyban and I'm setting my quit date for May 16th. I want to make sure the meds have plenty of time to build up in my system before I do it. I'm also going to do the patch. SO, May 16th is payday and the money I would have spent (for 2 smokers--~225!!!! insanity :rolleyes: ) I'll be using to get enough patches for 2 weeks and the rest my husband and I are going to blow on something great...haven't decided yet what that will be exactly :) ). I cannot believe the amount of money we spend on those stupid things, and we could be using it for something that we really want.

Anyway, wish me luck??? I'm terrified!! First giving up my carby support system, now my nicotine support, I guess I'll have to become a gym rat and get addicted to that instead ;)


Linnea Tue, May-06-03 13:10

Hey Nicole
Good choice to quit smoking! It may seem terrifying.. but you'll do great I'm sure.

If you ever need to get out with a fellow low-carber and non-smoker, just let me know.

I'm still looking for a gym partner.... and a running partner (I'll be happy to settle for a gym partner though).

By the way, are you still subscribed to this thread?

Took a while but I finally got back to your messages there.

Later gator,


nikkil Sun, May-11-03 01:24

Hi, Linnea!

Thanks for the encouragement. I've found that I can't taste the cigarette like I used to! Tastes like nothing, but makes me a bit nauseated, so I've cut down, so that's good. I'm pretty much just smoking to feed my nicotine addiction, so I'm looking forward to getting the patch (low on funds right now :rolleyes: ).

I would love to meet up with you sometime. I'm just a pretty shy person face-to-face. I hate that about myself!!

Take care,


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