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DelaneyLC Sun, Apr-08-18 10:01

All Atkins 72 followers, join me on this new buddy thread!


Just Jo Sun, Apr-08-18 10:17

Okey dokey, I've got this new thread "saved"! :thup:

Glad you started a thread where all A '72 devotees will feel comfortable, supported, etc! Most excellent! :agree:

Bernie2014 Sun, Apr-08-18 12:23

Hello De,

I am here to supporting all Atkins 72 participants in their journey!

DelaneyLC Sun, Apr-08-18 12:50

Yeah, this feels good! :thup:

My deal is I started Atkins 72 in May 2014. I stayed on induction to goal which was in Jan 2016. Due to some health issues I added more carbs, mostly in the way of vegetables around the end of 2016. I have always had weight issues and finally discovered that I am very carb sensitive and need to keep eating LC for life.

So now I am no longer doing induction levels but still on Atkins 72. It’s my WOE and I can’t see changing it up again.

I hope anyone on Atkins 72 feels comfortable coming here for support and encouragement!

ForeverLC Sun, Apr-08-18 13:48

I’d like to stop in and say hello! 😊
My name is JoAnn and I am a long time A 72 believer! During this process I seemed to have stumbled into a pathway with this WOE that finally agrees with me! I am able to add daily LC veggies along with Greek Fage yogurt, frozen berries & the occasional almonds while still remaining “in control “

So I guess I identify as A72 while climbing the carb ladder.

In the past I’ve never found success climbing the often times “slippery slope”. However, I’m hopeful I’ve find it this time around. It will always be a daily descision to be mindful of the additional carbs...and still remain in control. Portion control is always in the forefront as well.

Thanks for starting this thread of supporters! :wave:

DelaneyLC Sun, Apr-08-18 13:58

Hey JoAnn, happy to see you join us!

I love your user name ForeverLC. I feel that way too. I have to watch portion control and calories, in addition to carbs.

I eat mostly chicken, fish, egg whites and vegetables. On occasion I have some plain Greek yogurt and blueberries. Right now I am not eating much dairy though. I have a few raw walnuts now and then too. I am working on trying to get my cholesterol down. I eat avocado and use either avocado oil or olive oil. One way to get my veggies in is with a big salad.

PauletteB1 Sun, Apr-08-18 14:18

Here I am! I want to join this thread, too! I am very very happy to be back and posting. I missed seeing all my old A72 friends!

Hi Joann! I am also a long time A72 believer. It is the ONLY plan that allows me to control my weight and lose.

I am not pure induction, as I allow yogurt and cottage cheese. And the occasional almonds. So I am similar to you, Joann. :)

I still have a way to go, but this plan will get me there, with the support of all you. I know this thread will help us all! :)

DelaneyLC Sun, Apr-08-18 14:32

Hi Paulette,

I am not doing strict induction anymore either. So I am not hardcore. That’s one reason I wanted to start an Atkins 72 thread that includes everyone!

I think we can get a good group going and be supportive to all.

It’s so nice to see you back!

ForeverLC Sun, Apr-08-18 15:57

So I made the best egg and cream cheese quiche today!

Recipe called for 12 eggs, 1 stick of butter ( I use Kerrygold unsalted) and 6 oz cream cheese. Blended the eggs and cream cheese in my Ninja, sprayed a glass pie pan with Pam, poured in the egg mixture then drizzled in the melted butter. Baked for around 35-40 minutes at 375 degrees. Sliced it in wedges. I should have plenty for meals and snacks during the week.

DelaneyLC Sun, Apr-08-18 17:28

I love quiches, that sounds great! I like making egg muffins too.

Just Jo Mon, Apr-09-18 05:11

Good Monday Morning A '72 devotees! :wave:

A little back story: Imma one of the HARD Core A '72 Warriors. Haven't changed anything from when I first re-started back on 5 July 2013 b/c Induction level carbs work for me.

So I don't bore you to tears :tears: with more, if you're interested in my journey, you can click the "success" button on this post at the bottom right corner...

Anyhoo... dear De, Imma so glad you started a thread that allows every A '72 follower an encouraging, supportive place to kick back and share their experiences! Thanks for that!

BTW: I love your new avatar. Pics of your furbabies always make me smile! :)

Today is back to school for me after a terrific Spring Break "stay-cation"! Counting down the days until the last day of school... only 35 more to go! Holy Hannah, it's gonna fly by.

I hope everyone has a terrific day! :wave:

Angiann Mon, Apr-09-18 05:23

I was with LCF for many years and finding ideas and recipes to try.
Trying induction again and glad to find this induction thread with this new group.

DelaneyLC Mon, Apr-09-18 08:48

Hi Angiann, so glad to have you join this group. Some of us are on induction and some are not. I did induction to goal and now I have added a few more carbs!

We are all here to support each other during induction and beyond induction!

I am working to maintain my loss & keep healthy. I have had some set backs with health issues that I’ve had to work on.

barb712 Mon, Apr-09-18 09:29

Thank you for starting this thread, Delaney. I'm in! I read the original 1972 book back in the '70s, and have more recently read and followed the 2002 version. It's really not very different except for more green vegetables at the outset.

What trips me up every time, though, is getting jaded down the road, believing I can have a little bit of this or that once in a while and then it becomes mountains of this or that. I need the support, encouragement and camaraderie of others like me who know the truth, that it works if you stick with it and it doesn't if you don't. There's no way around it.

I don't do induction, either. I don't track or measure. I jumped in at phase/level 2 and do well there.

Thanks again!

Jessica Mon, Apr-09-18 10:52

Hi! I'd like to join your group thread too!!! I'm pretty much Atkins '72....I have done the yoyo-ing many times and really want to stick to it this time.

Jessica Mon, Apr-09-18 10:54

Originally Posted by barb712
What trips me up every time, though, is getting jaded down the road, believing I can have a little bit of this or that once in a while and then it becomes mountains of this or that. I need the support, encouragement and camaraderie of others like me who know the truth, that it works if you stick with it and it doesn't if you don't. There's no way around it.

This is where I am too! Cheating just doesn't work for me, even planned cheats. Too much guilt involved and then it spirals. Best of luck to you :wave:

Rob77 Mon, Apr-09-18 11:03

Originally Posted by Jessica
This is where I am too! Cheating just doesn't work for me, even planned cheats. Too much guilt involved and then it spirals. Best of luck to you :wave:

Cheating doesn't work for me either. Or to put it more accurately: cheating wouldn't work for me. I'd never try it, because I know myself and all that would happen is I would lament the fact that I can't keep having something I only got to taste briefly. It's better for me to just accept that I can't have it. To have a planned 'cheat' day would only bring the cravings back in full force and make me feel not only guilty, but deprived. It would make what feels so easy now feel like a harder task.

If it works for some people, more power to them of course! :cool:

Bernie2014 Mon, Apr-09-18 11:59

Good Morning Atkin 72 believers

I have been doing A72 induction since 2013. I was able to lose 100 lbs and keep it off to date.

I have had to increase my veggies from induction level since I am trying to get my LDL down.
I usually eat egg whites, chicken and fish. I found that I have some difficulty adding the higher carb veggies. My stomach does not do well with cauliflower or broccoli. So have a larger portion of spinach, leafy greens and green beans so far.
I am extremely carb sensitive so it is very anxiety producing for me to add higher carb veggies.
However, cholesterol must come down so I have to fill up on veggies and limit my protein!
Paulette so glad to see you back!
Welcome to all our new posters!

DelaneyLC Mon, Apr-09-18 13:19

Welcome Barb, Jessica & Rob... :wave:

I couldn’t do a cheat day either, just wouldn’t work for me.

Sticking to Atkins 72 has worked well for me. I keep the book out for reference.

It’s good for me to have a place to hang out other than my journal :D

DelaneyLC Mon, Apr-09-18 13:27

Hi Bernie :wave:

I’m very carb sensitive too, but I do well with most vegetables.

You still have snow there Bernie? Wow. It’s really warming up here in the desert! It’s not too hot yet though.

PauletteB1 Mon, Apr-09-18 14:49

Hello All! :wave: Daily drop in.

Today I had a shrimp salad on a handful of spinach for lunch. I don't measure the spinach because it is pretty low. A handful is about a cup. It is just the right amount. I used ranch dressing.

And I have had a lot of coffee so far today. I have grown used to using almond milk in my coffee! Just like you, Jo! :agree: :thup:

One thing I have learned is that I do not need a lot of excess fat. I maintain ketosis on less fat. Too much fat just seems to increase the calorie load and prevent me from losing. With me, calories DO matter. So I don't bother with the fat. I get plenty in my meats.

Dinner tonight will be some leftover pork ribs. No sauce. ;)

I hope you all have a great Monday! :wave:

DelaneyLC Mon, Apr-09-18 15:25

Hi Paulette :wave:

Your lunch sounds good!

This morning I had coffee, turkey sausage and red & yellow bell peppers with hummus. It’s more brunch than breakfast. My later meal will be a big salad topped with chicken, peppers, onion, mushrooms, olives and olive oil-vinegar dressing.

I have to be mindful of calories too and I don’t eat a lot of fat. When I was eating too much fat my cholesterol was way up. I had to up my carbs a little, doctor’s orders.

I wish I liked almond milk in my coffee, but I don’t.

I made some sun tea and am enjoying that today.

PauletteB1 Tue, Apr-10-18 07:43

Good morning everyone! :wave:

I am down 1.8 lbs today. :cheer: Less than 10 lbs to go until I hit Onederland! Can she do it? YES she can!

Today I am planning on another spinach salad for lunch, but with chicken & Ranch dressing.

Dinner will be a couple of these delicious looking chicken Italian Sausages I found. I hope they are good! :yum:

I am still not a breakfast person. Seems like coffee and vitamins suffice for me just fine. :lol: But I do have a snack in between sometime. Normally about 1/2 cup of yogurt (plain fat-free yogurt). I used to make my own yogurt, but the stuff I found now is pretty darned good! No extra weird ingredients, gums or thickeners. Just milk. Provides lots of protein with minimal calories!

You all have a great day! :wave:

DelaneyLC Tue, Apr-10-18 07:57

Good Morning!

Trying to wake up this morning with my first cup of coffee!

I’ll be going to get my granddaughter this morning for the day. It looks like a nice day to take her to the park. :thup: she’s so sweet, but a bit of a handful too :lol: I love my day with her, one day a week. I might take her shopping for an outfit today too.

Last night we ended up with turkey and green beans, plus a couple of shrimp instead of the salad I planned. :thup:

Paulette... that’s Awesome that you’re so close to Onderland :hyper: congrats on the 1.8 lbs down :thup: :thup:

Happy Tuesday All :wave:

Jessica Tue, Apr-10-18 10:17

Good morning all! Pretty fair day yesterday. Breakfast: Fried eggs with chorizo/jalapeno/cheese. Cauliflower with ranch. Lunch: Leftover smoked sausage with broccoli and ranch. Dinner was chicken shish-ka-bobs (sp?) that I picked up on clearance at the grocery store. They were pretty good....would have preferred beef though :) Snacked on sunflower seeds quite a bit (probably too much, but still feeling hungry). Also morning coffee with heavy cream, of course.

I bought some ketostix this morning to see if I've hit it yet, still feeling hungry so probably not. I've only been back on this for less than a week.

Hope you all have a great day!!

Jessica Tue, Apr-10-18 10:19

Originally Posted by PauletteB1
I am down 1.8 lbs today. :cheer: Less than 10 lbs to go until I hit Onederland! Can she do it? YES she can!

Yay! Congratulations!!!! Of course you can do it :D

Bernie2014 Tue, Apr-10-18 10:35

Hello A-72 buddies,

Today is work and granddaughter during the day then all three after 3:30 for one hour. Not to bad but I am usually tired so it a long hour!
De. Dinner sounded delish last night. I forgot to try peppers low carb and I like them. The broccoli Brussels sprouts and cauliflower rip up my stomach!
Paulette... Congrats on a 1.8 drop. Of course you will get to wonderland. I do like plain yogurt chobani but I can’t stop eating it so definitely not a good thing for me.
Jessica you meal plan sounds delish. I would not be able to limit myself on any type of nuts either.
Have a terrific Tuesday and take care of yourself!

Just Jo Wed, Apr-11-18 05:29

Happy HUMP Day everybody! :wave:

Just a quick drive by to say hello to everyone and WOW, this thread is hopping! :thup:

Looks like everyone is doing well! And wishing each of you continued success on your journeys!

Have a wonderful day! :)

PauletteB1 Wed, Apr-11-18 05:51

Good morning everyone! :wave: I am so happy this thread has started. I missed the camaraderie and accountability of having a group of friends to report to and relate with. :agree:

I am down another 1.6 lbs this morning and marching onward toward Onederland! Being as I lost a lot the past couple days, I suspect my body will now take a breather to recoup before the next whoosh. :lol: Seems to be the typical rhythm of weight loss. :roll:

Today I have a pork shoulder roast to put in the oven. I think I shall place some cauliflower in the pan to roast along with it! That will be dinner. I have some leftover chicken soup in the freezer which I will take out to thaw for lunch.

My chicken soup is made with chicken breast, celery, onions, garlic and broccoli. I add herbs that I grow in my own garden: Sage, Rosemary & Thyme. The only thing I add from the jar is the Parsely! :lol: Actually, even the garlic is my home grown baby. And this year I will be growing my own onions, too. :thup:

I hope everyone is having a great Hump Day! lol :lol:

Jessica Wed, Apr-11-18 06:19

Good morning!

It's another beautiful day :) Down 2 pounds this morning. I did buy the ketostix and yes, fat burning mode has commenced!

Paulette: I also love to grow my own herbs. We keep them in the pots in front of the house instead of flowers :lol: It's so enjoyable finding ways to incorporate them into our meals....tasty too :) Your soup sounds delicious.

Hope you all have a fantastic Wednesday!

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