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Rivers Fri, Apr-01-05 21:38

Where are you at on CAD?
Today is my first day.
Where are you at and how is it going?
Rivers :daizy:

momto4boys Sat, Apr-02-05 12:41

I have been on CAD since Sept 04 with a 2 mth break where I did Low Carb, but I am back to CAD. I just love this plan to much to stray too far :D Its so livable!

Rivers Sat, Apr-02-05 17:01

Well today is day 2.
I have eaten much more protein than I usually do.
I can't even imagine how I am going to keep it interesting.
It sure does make you feel more full though.
That is a definite plus!!!

TwoCats Sat, Apr-02-05 22:17

Hi Rivers,

Welcome to the CAD/CALP forum! I'm new too, but I've been reading the posts for a while and everyone is really nice and helpful. It's great to be able to ask questions and get advice from others.

In another post you were asking about the difference between CAD and CALP. CAD was the Hellers' first book, and they have continued to refine the plan and present it in different ways - they've also written one for people concerned about heart health, and that was actually the first one that I read. To me, they're all variations of the same plan. I've read all three of the ones I mentioned, and it helps to know which parts of the program have stayed constant, and which they have improved on as they have learned from people's experiences.

Good luck! --TwoCats

Rivers Sun, Apr-03-05 06:27

Hi TwoCats and thanks for your reply!!
I think I did okay on the first couple of days.
I think I am going to move on to day 2 of the plan
Glad to see it is working for others!!!!
Rivers :rose:

selfcare Sun, Apr-03-05 13:30

I have been on for a month and a half and have found it the easiest diet I have ever done. As for "keeping it interesting" I have found that doing routine CMs is OK for me because I get all the variety I want in the RM. I'd rather just grab something quick and mindless during the day, and then relax and enjoy at my RM. I feel like a kid in a candy store knowing I can eat whatever I want at that time of day.

My weight loss has been slow but steady, and the biggest factor for me is whether or not I exercise. If I exercise, I lose, if I don't, I maintain, whether I balance my RMs or not. If I go off plan -- I gain. When I go back on plan -- the gain disappears. Simple as that.

Here's wishing you the best of luck on your CAD journey!

Rivers Sun, Apr-03-05 14:58

Thank you SelfCare!!
I know I bought the other CAD book and it is in the house somewhere!!!! I was searching today and have not come across it. I want to see what happens after the 7 days lol
I need to start moving more too. The snow melted off of our cement pad so I am thinking of pulling out the skipping rope and skipping. My husband says it is excellent exercise for the heart and will wear off the fat too!!!

pre3teach Sun, Apr-03-05 19:01

Hey Selfcare I am the exact same way!!!!

Welcome: Rivers! I find that I don't need as much variety either since i have the rm's but I am trying to get variety this week as I try to eat more healtfully! (making sure to get those veggies and things like that)

Rivers Sun, Apr-03-05 20:10

Well I found my book so I am very happy about that!!!
I need to work more veggies into my plan and will start doing that tomorrow.

TwoCats Sun, Apr-03-05 22:02

I think I am like selfcare and pre3teach in that I don't need all that much variety in my cm's since there is the daily excitement of the rm. In fact, I tend to find one or two cm's that work and then eat the same thing day after day. It's probably healthier for me to rotate my proteins and veggies, though.

Oddly enough, I haven't noticed my weight loss corresponding with exercise like selfcare has, though that would make more sense. In fact, when I work out really hard (like lifting weights), I tend to put on a half pound. I tell myself it's all muscle so it's a good thing, and don't let it stop me from working out when I am inspired. But most of the time I do yoga and go for walks, which are both pretty mellow.

Rivers Mon, Apr-04-05 06:16

So how much do you eat for a RM? And how do you balance it?
Rivers :daizy:

TwoCats Mon, Apr-04-05 22:56

It really varies. If I eat well all day and make a point to have enough fat, then I am not starved at night and I eat a regular meal for my rm. However, sometimes (especially if I don't eat high fat all day), then I am ravenous for my rm and I can eat quite a bit of food. I am tall (5'10") and I seem to eat a lot of food in general. Also, this need to keep fat up does not seem to be something that everyone on CAD has. I've read that some people need to keep their cm's more on the low fat side to do well, so it really varies from one person to another.

As to what I eat, I tend to eat really healthy, fresh food, almost all organic, free-range, etc. Since I don't eat a lot of junk food, I don't worry so much about balancing my meal - I just eat until I feel satisfied. Some nights it's lots of protein and veggies, other nights it's more carb-heavy. In the past when I did CAD, the main thing for me to be successful was to be strict about my cm's - and maybe have only one instead of two. I found that I could be pretty relaxed about what I ate for my rm. Again, some people have to be really careful about balancing their rm, so you'll have to learn how it is for you, and I think if you eat sugar you will probably have to be more careful to balance since it's such a concentrated carb food. I posted my dinner tonight on the main thread for you, so you can check that out to see the details. My aim is generally to eat at least one serving each of protein, veggies, and fruit or starch at my rm's, and then I let my appetite dictate the rest of the details.

way2goal Tue, Apr-05-05 07:49

I'll chime in here! I think I"m on full week #2 for me...and was down a bit UNTIL EASTER HIT, and my mother-in-law's eggplant parmigiana and ricotta pie. Thank GOODNESS there isn't another 'eating' holiday until July 4!!!

For me...I find that if I am REALLY good w/ my CM"s (which are never the problem) and eat a reasonably sized RM (I'm like Twocats..I can eat ALOT at RM...which is where most of my calories come from)...then I can see some slow progress, maybe 1/2lb every couple of days...

that's my goal now that Easter has passed: at the beginning of the week, I map out my exercise for the week, and commit myself to 5-6x/week, including tennis, walking and some weights. That will really get the metabolic fire going, and I expect to see some real results too.

good luck!

Sueoncalp Tue, Apr-05-05 10:05

Hi everyone - seems everyone has gathered on this thread! :lol:

I am doing okay, but lately I went off plan big time - can't really pinpoint why, but now I am back on track again!

I have to exercise in order to lose weight. CM - usually small for me and typically it is a breakfast-time meal. RM - usually a BIG meal as well. Most of my calories and carbs are concentrated in it. I might have a small snack in the evening too, i.e. another CM.

Low-carbing has taught me to really love my veggies and fruits and low-carb desserty-type things. I used to live off bread, sugary muffins and yogurt and some meat and ate very few veggies and forget salad. LOL Wow! Nowadays I LOVE salad and all kinds of veggies and typically I do get enough protein as well. I feel a lot healthier. I've tried Atkins but find it too restrictive and boring to stick to long term. I like CALP - the framework of this diet is much more flexible, especially when visiting friends or dining out. At home, I mostly choose to eat low-carb and I tend to skip rice and pasta (except for Dreamfields occasionally), but I like potato and I like yams and other starchy vegetables, so I eat 'em! I also like raw carrots. This is a livable diet and what surprises me is that it is such a well-kept secret. It's a wonder more people are not doing it.

selfcare Tue, Apr-05-05 11:39

That suprises me too, Sue...sometimes I wonder if we should sneak over to the other boards and try to make some converts out of people who are having trouble with Atkins!

way2goal Tue, Apr-05-05 11:59

I already 'snuck' over....
selfcare...I already 'snuck' and posted a 'did you ever consider CAD' post in the thread within the General category called "higher carbs=higher loss". I think we ALL need to be challenged and consider our own personal needs, and perhaps CAD is just what they needed, and didn't know it! I feel strongly about CAD (as it is much easier for me to live with vs Atkins); I know some are TOO tempted and not self controlled to be given a 5 minute window to eat ANY carb they want every day...but for many, it sure beats abstinence!!

Sueoncalp Tue, Apr-05-05 14:37

:lol: Good idea, Selfcare! I think there are probably plenty of people that try Atkins and find it a bit hard - this might easier for those folks, who knows?

Sueoncalp Tue, Apr-05-05 14:39

Oh, Way2goal - you posted the same time as me! ;)

Good for you posting on the appropriate thread. I am sure that won't be too threatening and maybe you have helped someone over there.

pre3teach Tue, Apr-05-05 17:53

have you ever noticed how protective people are over thier plans? Some would rather quit than try another. (the one size fits all mentality.

Rivers Tue, Apr-05-05 17:55

I am willing to try anything to see what works for me!!!
Right now I am really enjoying CAD and spring and being able to get out more!!!

Sueoncalp Tue, Apr-05-05 21:07

Karen - I've noticed!!! It's really weird, but you can't even criticize another's way of eating - even a little bit! :agree:

TwoCats Tue, Apr-05-05 21:39

Did any of you have a good experience on Atkins/Protein Power/General low carb plans? I have tried them many times, and it's always a similar story for me. At first I feel great, and my hunger is quieted and I like being able to eat any time I get hungry (unlike with CAD). And I usually drop several pounds, like one a day for a while. But then the weight loss slows and I usually gain back a pound or two. Then I start feeling irritable and craving carbs and I just do not want any more fat or protein. These feelings keep building and building until finally I can't take it, and I do something like eat several pieces of fruit and make a huge bowl of popcorn. Then for the next phase I feel really unbalanced for a while, like my body is making up for the lop-sided eating, until I gain back all the weight I lost (and maybe a few extra pounds as well) until I finally feel normal again. And this pattern seems very consistent, no matter what level of carb intake I aim for - and the same thing happened when I tried The Zone. CAD is the only plan (so far) that really seems to work for me.

Sueoncalp Wed, Apr-06-05 08:24

I have a dickens of a time sticking to Atkins longterm too. I always make low-carb treats and I tend to snack on 'em through the day and keep the insulin going. I have had days where I seem to graze on the hour. I also like the freedom to eat whenever, and I do throw in Atkins days here and there, but the structure of CALP is the best for me, when I'm serious about losing weight. I don't eat as often and it's easier to cut calories.

amyvr Wed, Apr-06-05 12:10

Hey it's Amy, I haven't posted for a while. I have to admit something. I only maintain when I am cading, because I can't control my rms, so I saw a book called "fit for life" that says you should eat nothing but fruit in the morning to kick start your metabolism and you'll lose weight. Well, nothing could be further from the truth, and now I feel guilty for trying something else. Anybody got any suggestions on how to control the rms. If so, I would appreciate any advice. Thanks for reading this. Amy.

ps: I'm not going to abandon cad again. I love the woe

Rivers Thu, Apr-07-05 07:04

I think for me, for my reward meal I plan to just have a little thing from each food group. Each piece of equal size . (besides my salad) then I am going to walk away!!!!!
Run away if I have to!!!!! LOL

skeeweeaka Thu, Apr-07-05 14:04

I tried CAD last week to see how I liked it...prior to CAD I had been on Six Week Body Make Over, and used to eating 5-6 meals a day...extremely low fat...carb at each meal with protein... I had gotten accustomed to the plan but it lacked flexibility and I began to think that for maintenance I could not continue that... So I thought I would try and sample CAD for a week to see how my body wold react... Well I maintained my weight loss and even lost my appetite, however, I used the reward meal to have some sweets...too many sweets...the last couple of days were not balanced...well that threw me into a true 5 day binge... Please I felt awful afterwards, but I did learn something... That CAD works if you follow it the correct way, healthy carbs at the reward meal, and an occasional treat every once and a while... I think this would be great for maintenance for me or for special occasions until I get the weight off...but as far as weight loss, I noticed I lost 2 pounds and gained it back when I added the sweets... I have heard of some very low carbers using this to maintain when they go on vacation, etc... For me, my body needs less carbs to lose weight, even on 6WBMO, the good carb (fruits, yams, brown rice)...created a 3-4 week I am going to try induction and see how that goes, although I am like some of you who have tried Atkins, I get sick of eating hugh amounts of protein after a while, and the high fat also eventually turns my stomach...I need something with more moderation, so after induction I'm just going to do my own plan and try to get fats in but good fats...and at least a fruit every day because otherwise I feel deprived...with an occasional CAD meal as I said for special occasions...

Hope you guys don't mind me posting here...I like this thread...

Enomarb Thu, Apr-07-05 14:55

I am on maintenance, and have been on CALP for 21 months (but who's counting - LOL) and love it.
I think that a week is not enough to give CAD or CALP a try. I think it takes longer than that to get your body issues with insulin corrected. Plus, if you do the weight average the daily fluctuations change. The key is BALANCE in the RM. It is not a carb fest, a permission slip to binge, or a signal to lose your mind. It is a meal with carbs, protein, vegies and a salad. If it is balanced and moderate, you will feel bettter. Maybe at first you have to take 4 bowls and put salad in one, vegies in one, protein in one and the carb of your choice in one. Notice the carb is only in one! You can really balance and see what you are eating this way. Planning is the key- plan what you are going to have for your RM. have lots of protein and vegies in the house.If eating out is too hard, eat home. You need to make a commitment to this plan for it to work. It really is livable and really works.
I usually don't get on a soapbox like this, but it sounds like people want some ideas. HTH-

Sueoncalp Thu, Apr-07-05 19:55

Cool, Eno. This is obviously a plan that works beautifully for you! :)

We don't mind you posting here at all Skeeweeaka. I think a moderate carb approach is a good one and including fruit is great too, as well as a variety of veggies. I like to do it in the parameters of CALP, however. I never use CALP as an excuse to eat sugary or white flour type things at RM. It would send me on a 5 day binge too, unfortunately! I have low-carb treats, fruit and potato or starchy veggies. When I do CALP properly (and often I fall off plan and do moderate low-carb Atkins-style, but don't lose weight, as I eat too frequently), I do lose weight.

HTH too! :wave:

TwoCats Thu, Apr-07-05 22:43

Wow, Enomarb, that is so impressive that you have been doing CALP for so long and have maintained your weight loss - even past your original goal by quite a bit! I am hopeful that I can make CALP a long-term woe for me too, so it's really encouraging to hear from people who have done it for a long time like you have. And I liked the idea of the four bowls. That gets right back to basics and is a good visual image to help think about balance. And I also really appreciate your perspective that one week is not enough time to really see if CALP is a workable woe. Someone may spend that whole first week just reacting to what they had been doing previously. I'm looking for a livable, healthy way of eating that works for me and gives me good energy. How have you adjusted CALP now that you are maintaining instead of losing?

And Skeeweeaka, it's great to hear from others, so feel free to post anytime! So far I have found this to be a really friendly and supportive place and I'm so happy that I found my way here. It sounds like you are still working out a good way for you to eat. It's taken me a long time too, with much experimenting and learning from plans that didn't work, or that worked for a while and then stopped working, etc. But I totally agree with Sue, that if I ate too much sugary foods for my carbs I wouldn't feel balanced. One thing that really helped me was to keep a journal of all my food intake, supplements, exercise, weight, energy, etc. It really helped me pinpoint what made me feel good and what didn't.

Palann Fri, Apr-08-05 00:38

Thinking of switching to CAD
Hi... I'm new at this, and just joined this forum on Monday. I have been on Atkins for a week now, and the first couple of days went by pretty good, but I was craving sweets so bad that I did have a couple of 2c Carb bars and also tried the indulge bar by Atkins. Tastes just like o-henry. I found that even though I still was within my limits, I felt like I had a sugar withdrawal or insullin release. I think I'm going to try to go without artificial sweetened foods for the next couple of days and see if that helps. I will try to keep on atkins for another week or so, just to get my sugar addiction under control, and see how it goes, but I know from past yo-yo dieting that I'm not as strong as I used to be. I just turned 48, and my goal would be to look great and thin at 50. I tried CAD before, but used my rm as an excuse to binge, and in the end I was eating so much candy, and carbs for dessert that I would end up with serious gut ache. I really agree with Enomarb, that the reward meal isn't a permission slip to go nuts and eat the carb cupboard dry, like what I did. I'm going to give it another try, and be more sensible about the reward meals this time. I haven't read the other CAD book, but am going to get it and read up on this new plan. I just know from trying atkins twice before, that it's just too restricted. I am starting to get sick of meat and salad all the time, so have made some good veggie dishes, and my favourite stuffed mushrooms. It's so good to hear other people who are successful at the CAD plan, as that's the plan that would suit me alot better. I just need to be more sensibile about it. Reading everyone's stories is going to help me stay focued this time "hopefully".... :help:

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