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red1cutie Sun, Oct-03-04 11:33

Hey Wanda! Your food looks good. That roasted red pepper salad w/goat cheese sounds delicious.

I want to get strong like you all. I can't get beyond 12 lb dumbells for shoulders and on some days I can barely make that.

Originally Posted by wcollier

:agree: Sure, likely story! :lol: Actually, I forgot my camera from the office so I can't take pics either. I think I'll wait until after TOM anyway. I've been so crampy for the last 4 days and TOM isn't even due for another week or so. Grrrr!

:lol: I really really was Wanda. Not for public viewing but you will get to see them and you have to be brutally honest.

About TOM, I hate when that happens. It might come early then.

Enjoy your Sunday!


red1cutie Sun, Oct-03-04 12:27

It was "to die for". I can't stop thinking about it!
I would attempt to make it but you know me and cheese. :) And cooking too for that matter. I saw somewhere in your journal where you had turkey and I made some instead of chicken for a change. It was really good. Of course, garlic, lil bit of seasoning pepper & lc BBQ sauce makes everything taste good. :yum:

I'm at my max weight for shoulders. I can't seem to go beyond that, so you have time to catch up!
Until the next workout. It's fun reading what other people can lift. I'm going to incorporate Built's suggestion.

When I went to see my doc about my thyroid, he said he thought that I look really good. Of course, I had to reply..... would you like to see me naked? It's an entirely different picture! He didn't know what to say, the poor guy. Although it's a good thing he didn't call my bluff!
:lol: You know he mant it! Hey my doctor has never said I looked good. :lol: No you didn't say that. Can you imagine your face if he had yes? LMAO!

Oh, don't say that! I want to be a calorie burning machine as long as possible.
Oh yeah fat burning! That's what convinced me to like it. I'm dreading mine when I think of yours.

I know how much you suffer from cramps, you're a kindred spirit.
I hope it's not as bad this time for you. I know about just wanting to curl up into a ball.

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Can you believe how the year is flying by?


ykmaggie Sun, Oct-03-04 16:48

Hi Wanda

Had my appointment yesterday.

He was fantastic, extremely thourogh.

I had $750 worth of tests!!

He's convinced I have estrogen dominance, surprise surprise. If the tests show this, his treatment to get me off thyroid hormones will be a little different.

He's testing other stuff too, not sure what they're for. I'll let you know what I find out, probably in a month, because one of the urine tests I can't do for a couple of weeks.

I feel very optimistic that I'm on the right road and I'm happy about that :)

Let me know what you find out in the meantime, I'll be curious to know.


wcollier Sun, Oct-03-04 17:32

Damn it, damn it! I pulled my back muscle during my workout! :rolleyes: I'm so mad, I could spit! :mad:

ykmaggie Sun, Oct-03-04 18:05

Wanda, sorry about your back! What were you doing? I hope it's better soon.

I posted a message in my log in response to yours.

I'm kind of curious what you're doing to address the estrogen dominance.


red1cutie Sun, Oct-03-04 18:30

Sorry about your back. :bhug: Guess you have to go to your pain doc I mean massage dude.
Hey, what's with this talk about 12 lb dumbbells? I see you did shoulder press with a 40lb barbell!
No not for the main course. I'm talking when I do my high reps low weight.


red1cutie Sun, Oct-03-04 20:41

:lol: Nice try! Dumbbells are harder than Barbells though. You lift a 20lb dumbbell!


mle_ii Mon, Oct-04-04 07:17

I hope you get well soon Wanda. :) As someone who frequently aggrivates a back injury I know about how bad back injuries can be. :(

ykmaggie Mon, Oct-04-04 09:19

Wanda, thank you for your thoughtful post with all the links. That was really helpful.

The ND believes the new 24 hr urine test is the Gold Standard, because it's come to light that hormones are released in spurts throughout the day, and if you happen to test during a spurt, you get an innacurate result. The 24 test is supposed to make the process more reliable.

Mercury huh? Interesting. 2 yrs ago I had my hair tested, mercury levels off the chart. I've had most of my amalgym fillings removed. I have two left. I'm going to make an appointment to have the next two removed, then I'm going to do the chelation.

I actually didn't realize that mercury can affect estrogen levels. I know it affects thyroid levels. I do seem to have a multi system cluster mess of screwed up hormones.

I'll do organic as much as I can. I can also buy a vege wash to clean our veges if I buy non organic. You would not believe the cost of organic food here. Luckily we get half a cow from an organic farmer a year, plus we hunt for moose and cariboo.

Re the low carb, it's well documented that going below 60 gms of carbs per day reduces conversion of thyroid hormones from active to inactive. The whole point of Wilson's protocal is to stop your body from making R T3 (reverse T3, or inactive hormone). So reducing/managing all stress, including dietary is important. I may have to change my weight workouts, but I was going to do this in November anyway, since I'll be preparing to start cross country skiing. So I have around a month before I have to make the changes.

I gotta believe that if I balance my hormones, I can lose the remaining weight by sking alone. I'm not talking about 300 gms of carbs/day, but more likely about 120-150. Sking burns 800 to 1000 calories an hour, so surely it will help?

The ND also said that women who live in cold climates like the Yukon, have a redispostion toward estrogen dominance.

Have you had your estrogen retested since you've started working on reducing it? I'm curious to know if it's been successful.

Thanks so much for the thoughtful post Wanda, I appreciate that so much!


ykmaggie Mon, Oct-04-04 10:45

Hi Wanda

A drug that stopped you from producing hormones for 6 mo?? I can't even begin to imagine how much damage that could do.

What kind of chelation are you going to do?

Unfortunately, the dentist here uses a dam, but not oxygen. I could do it down in Vancouver, but we're not going there for a while. I really want these things OUT of my mouth!

RT3 is an expensive test, you could get it through your ND. My last ND told me it wasn't worth doing, since he was so sure I had this problem, and it wouldn't change the way I'm treated.

Heres a link for the Wilson's Syndrome website that explains what I'm doing and all about R T3.

I think you might benefit from trying Wilson's Protocal, let me know what you think. Also, your test results for Free T3 could help you decide too.

Thanks for everything Wanda!


mle_ii Mon, Oct-04-04 11:29

Originally Posted by wcollier
Thanks mle! I had a lower back injury a few years ago that required physio, so I can relate. Were you lifting at the time of your injury? What did you do, work around the injury or rest until you were recovered?


Yes, the first time was an overhead DB shoulder press. I couldn't get the normal bench I used so I used a different one and moved it so the seat was straight up. I had no problem with the weight, but near the end of the set the bench moved to the side while I was pressing and... Ouch! So I went in to a physical therapist and they did some exercises, massage and stim work. Along with drugs.

After this when I reinjured it I usually just stopped working out for a while, used ice and rest.

The time before the last time I went into a chiro. Seemed like it helped and healed quicker, but I can't remember how long it took when the PT did their work. I didn't like the chiro so I might find someone different if I hurt it badly again.

The last time I hurt it was about a month ago. What's strange is though it hurt I was able to work out through it, in fact after lifting my back felt better. Strange. Endorphins??? Who knows. But I couldn't stand taking more time off and just pushed through it, but then perhaps I didn't injure it as bad as before.

The thing is you don't want to mess with the back. It's so debilitating to injure the back, I'm always suprised what I can't do when I injure it. :(

How did you injure it? Where is the pain? How badly did you injure it? What does it feel like? Pain level and type. What makes it feel better? When does it feel the worst?

mle_ii Mon, Oct-04-04 12:09

I hate to say it, but I think that if you think your body is telling you to take a break, then you're probably right. I haven't been following your workout program, so perhaps built or liftnlady can help you out as to whether you might be working out too hard or for too long and your body needs a break.

Yes, don't you just love muscle spasms... I find it really strange some of the things your body does to fix or repair itself. I mean it does make sense for your back to protect the vertibrae by spasm, but then why doesn't it just go away when it sees that your back is ok? Or when you sprain your ankle, why does it need to get huge and inflamed when it needs to do something different to fix it? Very strange indeed.

I really hope you get well soon, you were on such a high from lifting I could tell. Sending a prayer your way. :-)

red1cutie Mon, Oct-04-04 18:01

Wanda! :bhug:

Originally Posted by wcollier
:lol: OK, the challenge is on. Try using dumbbells and see what you can do. You may surprise yourself, kiddo. :)

Yeah baby! (in my testerone voice! :lol: )

ykmaggie Mon, Oct-04-04 20:03

Wanda you're amazing

I'd get emotional too if this were me!

I think you're doing great :agree:


red1cutie Mon, Oct-04-04 20:09

Yeah, I worked them so hard I smelled rubber! :lol:

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