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AnniMin Mon, Aug-13-12 05:49

Ok, I read the PP plan and also compared it to Atkins and, for me, Atkins is better so I'm sticking with that one for now. I'm also taking chlorella and spirulina several times a day and chromium picolinate once a day. I've noticed its a little easier to resist the compulsion to over eat since adding these supplements, that constant urge to eat isn't as urgent as it was, and that feels really good. Its not just that it helps with the diet, its nice to know that maybe the reason for my cravings are physical as well as emotional. At my age there's not much I can do about the emotional reasons for overeating, but its encouraging that I can do something about the physical reasons. Thanks Werebear! :wave:

SBZ2621 Sun, Aug-26-12 12:39

I just finished reading the PP "30-Day Low Carb Diet Solution" and immediately ordered the original PP book. I started out with SBD then switched to Atkins, trying to find the best program for myself. But after reading "30-Day," and these posts, I really think PP is going to work best for me. No complaints about the others though - I'm down 20 lbs so far and feeling pretty darned good!

WereBear Sun, Aug-26-12 13:23

Originally Posted by AnniMin
Ok, I read the PP plan and also compared it to Atkins and, for me, Atkins is better so I'm sticking with that one for now. I'm also taking chlorella and spirulina several times a day and chromium picolinate once a day. I've noticed its a little easier to resist the compulsion to over eat since adding these supplements, that constant urge to eat isn't as urgent as it was, and that feels really good. Its not just that it helps with the diet, its nice to know that maybe the reason for my cravings are physical as well as emotional. At my age there's not much I can do about the emotional reasons for overeating, but its encouraging that I can do something about the physical reasons. Thanks Werebear! :wave:

I'm thrilled! You are so welcome.

And... we are never too old to renew ourselves.

Ms Arielle Fri, Sep-28-12 08:07

2 summers ago I looked for every LC diet book I could find at the used book stores. That is how I found Protein Power. And severel others.

I like both PP and Atkins, they are almost the same. Atkins talks about the higher nutritional benefits of the lc vegies and fruits; eat more food for the same carb count. THe nutitional value of lc salads is a boon to good health. He also mentions breaking a log jam by changing up food intake, and IMO PP is a great solution. Very close to Atkins without getting far off from Atkins.

I will need to reread Atkins, but I don't see where he recommends a specific %fat. He does present studies in which a higher % fat and lower calories can be very effective, again to get off a platueau. Maybe I missed something, but I don't remember Atkins being HIGH fats if you don't want to.

What I do like about PP is the reminder that a body does need sufficient protein to maintain itself everyday, for repairs and building block for biochemicals. SO the more exercise the more protein every day. I did find the calculation incorrect for me. It is based on standardized body shapes and I fall outside that general design. If I ever weigh 135# I would look sickly thin. But overall I do like the reminder that each meal should be based on 1/3 of the daily protein requirement.

I like both PP and Atkins. THe carbohydrate Addicts diet put me right into binge eating with in 24 hours--not a good one for me.

jmh6251 Sat, May-10-14 10:30

I guess I must have been following PP all the while i thought I was following Atkins last time I went Low Carb, which was a while ago now. I have to admit though I have a difficult time limiting my food choices. PP appears to be more liberal

Ms Arielle Sun, Aug-03-14 11:18

THis summer has been a challenge = kids home for summer eat a greater variety of fruits and veg, and some higher carb foods too that are off limits to me. Self control has always been a struggle ) and I know why now, it's an ADD thing) and while I can work to control the ADD, it will not be cured. For the summer I have been follwing PP more than Atkins.

Whatever gets us there , right??

AnniMin Mon, Aug-04-14 07:59

What's the difference between the 2 diets, and which one do you prefer? Just curious. Sorry about the ADD, its a tough thing to cope with. Went through that with my son in school, he's the complete opposite now as far as hyperactivity goes, but its still a struggle for him to focus and concentrate on some things depending on his interest level. Remembering is also hard for him, especially requests and instructions.

Benay Tue, Sep-16-14 04:11

Originally Posted by AnniMin
What's the difference between the 2 diets, and which one do you prefer? Just curious.

In 2007, I managed to lose 80 pounds following PP. It took a seemingly long time but I finally made it to goal. PP is (or was) more liberal on protein (although they made recommendations on the amount of protein per meal based upon a calculated lean body mass--but I paid no attention to that) and was constantly cautioning against too much fat. No more than this many eggs in a meal or no more than this much cheese as they contain too much fat. Like Atkins, they suggested a gradual increase in carbs after goal had been reached. (I did not pay any attention to that advice.) Except for the cautions on eating too much fat, the 2 programs are much alike.

Ignore the 6 week cure . 2 weeks of shakes are a pain and the rest of the book is just repetition. I go back to the original Protein Power now and again, just as I go back to the original Atkins. The Protein Power Life Plan , like the New Atkins for a New You is more flexible in that it acknowledges that people are different and you can choose a plan more suited to your own desires and metabolism.

The Eades have an ongoing blog discussing current research and whatever interests Dr Mike. Dr Mary Dan uses her blog for cooking.

Today, the 2 plans are much alike. They are just presented differently. Both offer valuable information and advice. For those of us who struggle to loose, expanded sources of support and information is helpful.

bkloots Fri, Oct-17-14 08:59

I'm bumping this thread to keep it at the top. I sent someone over to this Forum today, and she may find this discussion helpful.

Thanks everyone.

beansdogta Thu, Jan-15-15 09:50

I am so glad that I found you guys! I suspected that 1200 calories was way too low for me! I calculated my BMR and used the Harris Benedict equation, and found that my daily caloric needs to maintain is 2392.

Well, I don't need to maintain, I need to lose. So, if I knock off 500 calories a day, that leaves me with 1800 calories to consume. Way more reasonable than 1200!

I'm thinking that PP will be more reasonable for me. I like the flexibility of eating whatever carb I want, as long as I stay within my carb limit. I love my fruit.

Waiting for the PPLP book to come from the library.

Anything you can share will help!

Benay Tue, Jan-20-15 07:38

Originally Posted by beansdogta
I am so glad that I found you guys! I suspected that 1200 calories was way too low for me! I calculated my BMR and used the Harris Benedict equation, and found that my daily caloric needs to maintain is 2392.

Well, I don't need to maintain, I need to lose. So, if I knock off 500 calories a day, that leaves me with 1800 calories to consume. Way more reasonable than 1200!

I'm thinking that PP will be more reasonable for me. I like the flexibility of eating whatever carb I want, as long as I stay within my carb limit. I love my fruit.

Waiting for the PPLP book to come from the library.

Anything you can share will help!

Actually, PP does not say you can eat any carb you want so long as it stays within the limit. Also, the 2392 calories/day seems high as does the 1800 cal/day. In the Gardener study, comparing 4 weight loss diets. the low carb (Atkins) group starting gaining weight again at 1800 calories/day.

Do you have the original PP? It is well worth having and reading as well as the PP Life Plan. Both are good for your reference library.

In PP, the Eades give you a daily protein/meal as well as a daily protein/day based upon your calculated lean body mass, gender and age -- in addition to the recommended daily carbs (under 30). Bread is not on the introduction phase. So, not all carbs are allowed.

Even in PPLP when the Eades give you the Hedonistic as well as Paleolithic plans, bread and sugars are not on the plan.

Calories will be based upon what you actually eat and if you follow the plan and track it, you will find that you are not eating 1800 calories. More like 1200.

Beware of the fruits! No LC diet suggests fruits at the beginning and all suggest eliminating fruit juice until the very end when you are experimenting with adding carbs slowly back into your eating plan.

Always read the books. They are text books teaching you about your chosen diet. Don't rely on forums to give you the basic information you need to know. Forums are great for support and adding to your basic knowledge base but you are expected to also inform yourself about the plan you are using. Ask questions. Surf the net. Read the books. Track the foods you eat by weight and volume and keep a food diary.

Good luck.

DeannaK Tue, Jan-20-15 07:51

I too recommend reading all you can. This forum is a super wonderful place to discuss different approaches and we all will see things a bit different. But nothing can replace the textbook knowledge.

As Benay states, fruit and juices are no where to be least in the beginning. Reading books that discuss how your body processes everything will aid in the understanding of your plan. It's not just watching the number of carbs, it's understanding what carbs are acceptable.

My favorite reading has been books from Gary Taubes, Davis and also Perlmutter. "Why We Get Fat..." by Gary Taubes is a great beginner book in my opinion but "Wheat Belly" and "Grain Brain" rank pretty high too.

Best wishes in your journey - we are all here to help you achieve the success you want!

Seejay Tue, Jan-20-15 08:10

Originally Posted by Benay
No LC diet suggests fruits at the beginning
Protein Power allows fruits in the beginning as I recall. Berries only. Primal Blueprint, Life Without Bread, Optimal Diet, all allow whole fruits like berries in the beginning in the carb guidelines. These are plans that begin as you mean to continue (no induction). No juices or high carb ones like bananas though.

DeannaK Tue, Jan-20-15 08:50

Thanks, Seejay - I didn't know those facts about the other plans. The OP (from Jan/2015) above shows Atkins as the plan of choice so that's why I think Benay and I said no fruit.

BUT - that's a good thing for her if she loves fruit.....there really is a plan for everyone!

Thank you again for the information,

Benay Tue, Jan-20-15 09:17

PP does allow fruit--my bad. 1/4 C blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries. At a daily limit of 30 gm carbs and 25 grams of fiber, that's not a lot. pg. 113. If you eat all your carb allowance as fruit, not much left over for the vegetables.

Pg. 116 "Do not allow the total carbohydrate content of any meal to exceed 12 grams or the total for the day to exceed 30 grams."

So do not be fooled into thinking that "just one apple (or orange or 1 C of berries or 1 C of cantaloupe) won't hurt."

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