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miezimau Wed, Sep-29-04 11:07

Heya Good morning all!
And what a good and wonderful morning it is indeed. :)
I finally went back down after my Weekend slip up and it took me 3 days!!!!
I hope I learned my lesson this time not to cheat on the weekends anymore. Started a BFL Challenge, too. Today is day 3 (Lower Body Workout). I plan on going to the gym. Haven't been there in 12 years. I hope I remember how to use the machines LoL.
Have a great day everybody!!!

Oh Amy, Good luck with the Not smoking! I know how hard that is. I quit last year after nearly 15 years of smoking 1 plus pack. I have been smoke Free for about 1 year and 2 months now. I don't even have the desire to put one in my mouth. Just the thought of it makes me wanna puke :)

Tracy, hang in there! I hope you don't have to go thru the stress of a strike! We are here for you!

Nadz Wed, Sep-29-04 16:19

Hello everyone!
Today was far better for me. I feel more in control and that makes me feel good. The worst feeling is feeling out of control. Evenings are my greatest challenge (my nibbling habit), but I need to be strong because I like the way I feel on this way of life.
Have a great evening y'all!

dhborton Wed, Sep-29-04 18:00

Hey everyone!!!
I had a bit of a breakdown the other day, but am feeling much better and back to plan!!!!! I haven't wanted to spend much time here the last few days (my attitude was in the toilet!!! :rolleyes: ), but I was really glad to see this thread!! I know I've learned so much from reading past posts, so it's nice to have new ones to keep me motivated and learn from too!!!!!

Talk to everyone soon!!! Heather :wave:

Dianee Wed, Sep-29-04 19:37

Miez, I hope you didn't overdo the workout today. 12 years is a long time, so I hope you can crawl out of bed tomorrow. :lol: Oh, you are going to be so sore.. Week-ends seem to be the worst time for most people to stay on plan. Oh well, all we can do is keep trying.

Nadz, After you have been on plan for awhile you probably won't even miss the nibbling in the evenings. It will just be a passing thought. Hang in there.

Heather, Don't stress too much about falling off of plan. The main thing is you are back on track again. We all have our slip ups now and then but as long as you get back to the program you will do fine.

Sango Wed, Sep-29-04 19:45

I just wanted to pipe in and say hi...this has been a really difficult time for me lately with CAD, I've been going on and off plan and even the month or so prior I was being a bit too lax with the rules (going over the 60 min rule a little, eating less than perfect CMs). It shows, too...I am back up anywhere from 5-8 lbs! :( Anyway, since the beginning of the week I've been making a real effort, but last night I screwed up again. Today has been all right. For the first three days back on plan I'm concentratin more on clean CMs and following the 60 min rules; after those three days when I feel more in control and less hungry I'll focus on balancing the RM as well. I'm pretty upset at myeslf but I'm trying to forgive and forget and just move forward.

pre3teach Wed, Sep-29-04 20:17

I have had a large weight gain the last 2 weeks...don't panic if you are new to the plan it wasn't the plans fault hehe. I am finding that I need to be more careful with the plan than I used too...the main culprit is not drinking enough water and not exercising! I also have had lc muffins and breads from time to time...that would probably be ok since there are some of those in the books however I think it is causing cravings!
Now more than ever I am intent on staying craving free!!!! That has really been my downfall. Without cravings that drive to eat goes away and I have to make myself!
My goal this week is not only to get on stay on plan but to have carbs in the forms of fruit and high fiber (lc) bread. (Rather than things like a cookie or dessert!)

Good luck to everyone this week and welcome to the new ones!!!

Sango you can do it! It wasn't long ago you were doing great. Exercise was really helping you then too...You helped me then now we need to help eachother!!! we can stay on this plan...our rm is only 24hours away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tgirl80382 Thu, Sep-30-04 08:03

3rd day and 5 pounds melt away!
WOW this site may have saved my life! I the last month on weight watchers only to gain then loose then gain with a total net loss of 4 pounds. Just not enough for me. I have lost 89 pounds over the past 3 years on and off diets, but the most successful to date was the protein shake that was high in whey protein. BUT I got so bored and craved food. I must know the opportunity to have a sweet treat is there or I fail. It has taken 3 decades to figure that out for me and I want out of this body so I can run around naked for my husband. I just can't feel confident enough and I want to be! I read the Hellers 1st chapter and it was like reading about my life. I have ALWAYS been worried I would loose my man to a thinner woman. I have beaten myself up too long! I am possessed by weigth loss as I am reaching the 40 mark and with the help of all of you I will succeed!

Dianee Thu, Sep-30-04 08:25

Theresa, WTG on the 5 lb loss :cheer: :cheer: You are off to a great start. You have already done so well by losing 89 lbs :thup: CAD is a great program . Keep up the good work.

Will post again later as I am running late for work..

Everyone have a great day.. :wave:

Nadz Thu, Sep-30-04 17:19

Thank you all for being consistent in the frequency of your posting. I've really felt supported since I restarted my plan. And so far so good. I'm feeling more in control and I've done a good job of resisting eating inappropriate foods.
Have a great rest of the day, all!

Sango, hang in there! We're here to support you. I know what it's like to really mess up, but we just have to get right back on the wagon. You've done the right thing to try to move forward. You can do it!

Theresa, congrats on a permanent change that you can do for life. You've also come to the right place. Welcome, and feel at home...I do ;)

Thanks for the support, Diane.

Sango Thu, Sep-30-04 23:23

So far I think I'm still doing weight is slowly creeping down and I've been sticking to plan. It's great to peek in here and see that I'm not the only one wrestling with these issues. Wishing everyone a happy Friday :)

Nadz Thu, Sep-30-04 23:52

Good Morning all!
I just popped out of bed and couldn't go back to sleep. (This is very unlike me at one in the morning). Just want to wish everyone a great start to a great day.
Does anyone plan special RMs for Fridays? I'm thinking Chinese. hmm? I have no intention of cooking dinner tonight. So we'll see.

Take care!

llwilson Fri, Oct-01-04 00:30

Hello everyone!

I have been mainly posting on the "over 50" forum, but so glad to see this forum taking off.

I rec'd my WATP tapes this week and have exercised Wed. and Thurs. I can do the walking exercises without hurting my arthritic back, knees, hip and ankle. I also have a glider that I glide on while Richard Simmons sweats to the oldies. I love the music! Grew up with those tunes!

I love CAD. I was on Atkin's for 1-1/2 years and had beautiful blood work, but the pounds weren't dropping. Now since CAD which I've been doing about 1 month, I don't feel deprived. I'm drinking my water and trying to stay loyal to the diet. I do well through the week, but really have to concentrate on the weekends.

Been dealing with a lot of stress this week. I am a radiology transcriptionist in a hospital and our contract is up 11/30. It gets really tense at times. Oh well, I'm really trying to not think about the possibility of striking. Been helping train some new prns in the dept and who-o-e-e talk about stress!

Keep in touch! I love the postings!


liser Fri, Oct-01-04 06:55

Hi everyone!

I love CAD, it's such a great program and so easy. Then why did I give into cravings (TOM, I think) yesterday? I usually don't have cravings, but yesterday, I had no control and the scale shows it. It's like I didn't even care what I shoveled into my mouth, but.... I really do care! OK, thanks for listening.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and sticks to plan this weekend!


Shirl 1 Fri, Oct-01-04 07:15

Yesterday, I sort of blew it, but I am back on track today. It is so hard for me to not eat between meals. I sure feel better tho. I weigh tomorrow, but I may put it off until next week as I didn't have a full week. I don't weigh eveyday.

Sammy my dog is waiting for a walk, but looks like rain so may wait. He want's me out the door at 6:00 am. Lol.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Shirl 1 Fri, Oct-01-04 07:18

By the way, I love the support everyone gets on this thread. Everyone here is so nice.

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