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Zer Fri, Oct-13-06 01:23

Savoring a bit of butter is a meltingly long process, as it melts its way into a liquid state on one's tongue. I suppose it's the same with nut butter, except that kind of sticks to the roof of one's mouth and there's the arachibutyrophobia angle of getting the sticky stuff off the roof of one's mouth. Butter is better in that respect. Pure butter never sticks to the roof of a mouth.

ButterSnacking is a matter that might trigger angst in the Half-Empty-Glass population that frets at simple pleasures like melting butter in a mouth mindful of that butter's place in a LC lifestyle. Satisfying all cravings, butter soothes a LC craving, calms the LC soul. We of the Half-Full-Glass population accept the joy of satisfaction, the appeasing of a craving by a curl of butter judiciously eaten.

Yep, hold the toast, give me a curl of buttery butter, please!

Stardust Fri, Oct-13-06 02:05

When I was about 4 years old I was always in trouble for sticking my finger into the butter set on the table and eating it. I couldn't resist the home churned butter.

Now I don't have to sneak now. I don't slice off pieces and eat it, but I lick utensils sometimes and I love extra butter on my eggs and to dip my meat in.

Fat is good for you.

liddie01 Fri, Oct-13-06 03:37

I love Butter, and I pound of butter has only .o3 carbs, so on Atkins butterry goodness is A Okay, had a 2.5 pound whoosh last night, thats 40 gone! :wave:

Uliana Fri, Oct-13-06 07:48

I eat butter, both by licking off a knife or spoon or by slicing off a piece straight from the fridge. I've been doing it since I was a little kid (except for that brief "low fat" period when I only used margarine in cooking, and that stuff tastes terrible straight.) :lol: My brother (who thinks LC is unhealthy, but eats tons of pizza and pasta) thinks eating butter is disgusting, though he did it when he was little too, he just has forgetten. My DH indulges every once in a while too, but he doesn't go out of his way like I do. :o

Zer Fri, Oct-13-06 10:25

Amazing how we guilt ourself - or allow others to guilt us! I am so glad to find this thread and to hear all the ButterSnackers in harmony - and losing weight too! I used to wake up thinking of toast or grits or something hot that I could put butter on. Now that I'm getting positive feedback on butter as a snack, I think I can let go of the notion that I need starch to go with butter!

Julia Child's "My Life in Paris" contains a marvelous bit in which a French chef explains to her that adding butter or cream to a dish was a way to stop the cooking, to flavor a finished dish. She had formerly thought of sizzling butter as a way to START cooking eggs. He taught her to coddle an egg to custardy finish and then add butter or cream to enrich the dish. Oh, yum!

Think French! Bring on the butter! A little dab'll do ya' - me too!

Bon Fri, Oct-13-06 10:35

Originally Posted by TarHeel
I could probably eat a spoonful of butter. Rather have peanut butter or coconut oil however.

Coconut oil is lovely stuff.


I'm with Kay... I'm a coconut oil junky. I eat spoonfuls of it... liquified or solid! :yum:


Zer Fri, Oct-13-06 10:54

I'm beginning to think about whipping up some butter with oil to see if that is even better than plain butter. Coconut oil or olive oil might be a nice variation on straight butter. Adds different nutritional elements too; cuts cholesterol (as if I believe in that myth of cholesterol, which I do NOT!). My current coconut oil is so fragrant that I suspect it will be a delicious nosh with butter.

Dillinger5 Fri, Oct-13-06 15:17

Originally Posted by Zer
I'm beginning to think about whipping up some butter with oil to see if that is even better than plain butter. Coconut oil or olive oil might be a nice variation on straight butter. Adds different nutritional elements too; cuts cholesterol (as if I believe in that myth of cholesterol, which I do NOT!). My current coconut oil is so fragrant that I suspect it will be a delicious nosh with butter.

If it tastes anything like the butter/coconut oil packets that you use in the commercial popcorn poppers... which we have, you will LOVE it...NOSH AWAY!! :yum:

FrecklFluf Fri, Oct-13-06 16:28

Originally Posted by KoKo
Somehow there is just something totally WRONG about this. On a weight loss board. There might not be any carb difference between the two, but the whole principle is WRONG. The point is not to see how easily you can scarf down a hundred or so calories, but how much satisfaction you can get from them. For most people having to chew something and then swallow it would give them more satisfaction for calorie/carb dollar than sucking it down in one liquid moment. It’s just WRONG.
Easy? Fast? :D

I really have to question if you have ever tried eating a spoonful of peanut butter.

KoKo Fri, Oct-13-06 17:06

Originally Posted by FrecklFluf
Easy? Fast? :D

I really have to question if you have ever tried eating a spoonful of peanut butter.

LOL I get the easy and fast bit, that's what I have a problem with. And for the record I DO like butter, I like it far too much. I don't like peanut butter much but maybe once every year I'll get a craving for it and yes it's icky sticky and gums up your mouth and makes you want to grind your teeth.

But my point is why make eating easy and fast. Most people here have either portion control or impulse control problems when it comes to eating and it's pretty well accepted that calories do count, if not in the beginning then by the time you are near goal. So if you are allowing yourself a set number of carbs/calories per day - doesn't it make sense to make them a food that takes TIME to eat, time to enjoy and not just be something that is easy to eat.

For the people that do enjoy it and are losing weight great, I have no problem with it. But I'm pretty sure that when people are a few pounds from goal that they might wish they'd never developed a butter addiction :lol:

Originally Posted by Zer
Oh my! I'm having an orgasm!

ps - if thinking about eating butter gives you an orgasm - well all the butter you want ;)

KoKo Fri, Oct-13-06 17:09

Oh my! I'm having an orgasm!

or you could make "butter me up baby" your slogan :lol:

TarHeel Fri, Oct-13-06 17:23


There are times when a spoonful of crunchy natural peanut butter takes longer to eat and completely swallow (all that working your tongue around in your teeth part) than, say, it would to eat a salmon patty. And since I wouldn't really enjoy the salmon patty unless it was fried in some combination of olive oil, butter, and/or coconut oil, the spoonful of peanut butter wins in the carb/calorie race.

Though I have to say that neither one has been known to satisfy my sexual needs.....That I remember, anyhow....oh, never mind, we have to stop this.


KoKo Fri, Oct-13-06 17:33

Originally Posted by TarHeel

There are times when a spoonful of crunchy natural peanut butter takes longer to eat and completely swallow (all that working your tongue around in your teeth part) than, say, it would to eat a salmon patty. And since I wouldn't really enjoy the salmon patty unless it was fried in some combination of olive oil, butter, and/or coconut oil, the spoonful of peanut butter wins in the carb/calorie race.

Though I have to say that neither one has been known to satisfy my sexual needs.....That I remember, anyhow....oh, never mind, we have to stop this.


Oh I realize that, a spoonful of peanut butter would be much more time consuming than a spoonful of butter.

However (trying to ignore the obviously sexual reference of the tongue working around the teeth part here) and if only I had thought to google it.... duh on me. You could make a very nice scheazewan(sp I know....) sauce with the peanut butter and some fiery hot chili peppers. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh I can feel it now. Flames searing through my body and driving me to slurp up every golden drop of buttery dew from my iron enriched pan that ensures I'll never suffer from anemia(sp).

.oh, never mind, we have to stop this.

oh? and why? :lol:

TarHeel Fri, Oct-13-06 17:50

And then what to do we do with the Schechwan (sp?) sauce?

I'm talking WHAT foods do we put it on/in?

Back on topic, I used to go through about a pound of butter a week. Now I'm lucky if I don't have to throw a quarter pound out every month. (I keep in in a butter keeper on the counter). It takes a very long time for unsalted butter to go rancid at room temperature. Depending upon where you live and what your room temperature is, of course.

I've pretty much switched to olive oil and coconut oil. But I might qualify for a a job with the the peanut butter council.


KoKo Fri, Oct-13-06 17:55

Schechwan (sp?)

I'm not sure Kay, but I don't think you need to use the (sp?) when you spell the word correctly.

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