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IslandGirl Tue, Jun-26-07 16:57

Here's the MasterCook detail for the Lemon Gelato, it's SO simple and easy and VERY lemony and good. I think I've gone over to the no-cooking-of-the-eggs-side, nice as a the classic French Custard style of ice cream might be...


* Exported from MasterCook *

Gelato, Lemon

Recipe By : Jude, IslandGirl
Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Desserts, Frozen -- Veggie Ovo-Lacto

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
4 fluid ounces Whipping Cream 35% -- ~ 1/2 C
6 fluid ounces Natrel low lactose Milk 2% -- ~ 3/4 C
22 grams protein powder, 100% whey PerfPro FruitBlast Lemonade -- ~ 4 T level
4 3/4 grams Crystal Light Singles, 1 pkt, Lemonade
1 pinch salt

15 milliliters glycerine -- ~ 1 Tbsp
15 milliliters Simple Syrup #2 -- ~ 1 Tbsp

Blend the dry items together; stir together the liquids in a large bowl (I use a 4 C Glass Measuring Cup with a pour spout) then whisk in the dry ingredients til well dissolved.

Churn "following manufacturer's direction" in your ice cream maker of choice.

Description: "JUN 2007"
Copyright: "©®/The' Kitchen Counter™"
Yield: "2 cups"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 165 Calories; 12g Fat (59.7% calories from fat); 7g Protein; 11g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 44mg Cholesterol; 72mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 5 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Fat; 1/2 Other Carbohydrates.

Serving Ideas : Fabulous with Blueberries!

NOTES : 2007-06-01

Whole Recipe: 660 Calories; 48g Fat (59.7% calories from fat); 29g Protein; 43g Carbohydrate; 13g Dietary Fiber; 177mg Cholesterol; 288mg Sodium.

Yield before churning: 10-12 fl oz
Yield after churning: 16 fl oz roughly, or 4 1/2 C servings.

cnmLisa Sat, Oct-20-07 09:55

Bumping this up a notch!!

Any new combos??

cnmLisa Sat, Oct-20-07 17:07

Today--Butterscotch. I'm trying the idea with the alcohol. I perused my booze closet (doesn't everyone have one???) and low and behold I had a mini bottle of butterscotch liquer (can't figure out why I bought it) (not mention an unopened bottle of butterrum Davinci). I made the basic vanilla custard with only 1 TBS glycerine and added 1 TBS NOT SUGAR to the warm base along with the mini of liquer (about 50ml). The NOT SUGAR thickened the base beautifully and it stayed thick after adding everything else. It's been about 7 hours in the freeze and it's hardened but extremely pliable than the usual recipe. Not for the "purist" low carber because the liquer has about 11 carbs per oz (mostly from sugar since it's a liquer) but at ~ 4.2 carbs per serving (my recipe makes a nice generous 4 servings per batch), it beats the Ben and Jerry's that I ate a week ago (my bad!) Yep, back to making my own ice cream again.


PS--and yes, I made it in my "old fashioned" cuisinart maker--not the fancy schmancy refrigerated version that some of my ice cream experimenters are lucky enough to have--big sigh....maybe santa will bring me one (probably not--I haven't been that good;) )

cnmLisa Sun, Oct-21-07 12:22

Could it be!!!!??? Did I crack the puzzle or am I late and someone has already figured it out??!!!

I didn't have a chance to eat any of the ice cream last night--too full from dinner (when does that ever happen that I'm too full for ice cream??) anyhooo....

took a spoon ful this morning because I was curious as to the texture (aka pliability ;) )--wasn't hard as a rock, was able to spoon it out of the container, had a nice mouth feel on the tongue and it was awfully tasty in my opinion.

Maybe I've found the right combo for my taste--1 TBS glycerine, 50 ml of liquer (a mini bottle for those who are wondering) and 1 TBS NOT/SUGAR.

My next flavor--banana cinnamon. Yep--they have a banana liquer!!

I wonder if I could omit the glycerine.....hmmmmmm......

cnmLisa Sun, Nov-11-07 12:03

New flavor!!


The last 2 batches I've used about 50cc of a "liqueur", a TBS of NOT SUGAR and decreased the glycerin to 1 TBS. I'm really liking the texture, and the liqueur adds about 4 grams to each serving (which for me in terms of taste and scoopability is worth it because that's still waaaaaay less than B&Js or Hagaan Daz)

The banana flavor came out very subtle--I was scared it would be some freaky yellow color and the taste of Laffy Taffy:eek:

I'm going to have it tonight with crushed macadamia nuts sprinkled on top.

My next flavor--either Amaretto or White Chocolate.

IslandGirl Sun, Nov-11-07 15:46

Ok, you going to make me dig for the overall proportions, somewhere buried in this thread, or are you going to be a sweetpea and post your "new" recipe proportions, including the fluid ounce (or 1.5 or 2 or ?) of liqueur, etc.?


Save me, Lisa... ;)


cnmLisa Sun, Nov-11-07 15:47

Here it is. I've used it for the past 3 batches.

200ml "milk" (2-3 TBS heavy cream and water)
200ml heavy cream
3 egg yolks
1 TBS Fiberfit
8 drops Sweetzfree
30-60 cc liqueur of choice
30-60 cc Davinci of choice
1 TBS Not Sugar
1 TBS glycerin
1 capful Vanilla extract
1 capful extract flavoring (or equiv flavoring of choice)

The directions are the same--but once the hot milk/egg mixture is cool a bit whisk in the Not Sugar.

I've also been straining it before it goes into the ice cream maker--eliminates those pesky pieces of scrambled egg;)

Works out to be about 6.2 grams carb per serving--the whole batch makes 4 servings for me--but then, I can eat a carton of HD while watching TV:roll:


gwynne2 Thu, Aug-12-10 09:11

Originally Posted by kevinpa
Mine is...........:lol:

OK, I followed Lisa's directions with the following ingredients.

3 egg yokes
175 ml. hood lc 2 % milk
25 ml davinci carmel syrup
1/8 t sweetzfree (1/2 c. equivilant)
1 T. ThickenThin not/ Sugar
2 t. glycerine
1 oz. Nestles pre-melted unsweetened chocolate
200 ml. half/half

2 mins before it was done I added

2 T unsweetened coconut
2 T chopped pecans

I omitted
100 ml water
4 t. glycerine
1 T fiberfit
green tea

Texture and taste is super creamy and quite Yummy :yum:
I will report back about the hardness of it tomorrow.

Oh man.

I was directed to this thread when I posted some ice cream maker questions, and now I have to make this.

Buttoni Thu, Dec-30-10 10:43

I really have to try some of these ice cream recipes in this thread. :)

ImOnMyWay Wed, Aug-28-13 20:47

Bumping this thread as I just bought an ice cream maker (Cuisinart)!


ImOnMyWay Wed, Feb-05-14 07:53

Kayso, I FINALLY made some ice cream! Strawberry. Yes, I KNOW it's winter, TYVM.

I read through this entire thread before starting. I didn't have any PolyD. Didnt have Thicken/Thin NotSugar (I think this product has been discontinued.) Have xantham gum but didn't use it. This is what I used:

Strawberry Ice Cream

200 mL cream
2Tbs cream plus SF simple syrup to make 200 mL "milk"
150g strawberries, puréed
3 egg yolks
1 T glycerine
50 mL Chambord liqueur (one of those cute little bottles)
1 tsp vanilla extract

I found the glycerine at Whole Foods, in the supplements section. They sell it as a moisturizer (but it is food grade).

To my knowledge, neither DaVinci nor Torani sell SF simple syrup, but I found this at my local liquor store. It is sweetened with erythritol and sucralose:

It did seem like a lot of fuss to make - I used my double boiler for the first time EVER to make the custard - and for such a small quantity. But I understand the need to make small quantities of ice cream LOL.

The addition of liqueur did increase the carb count quite a bit. I probably could have used half the quantity and still had a very scoopable product. but then, what would I have done with the other 25mL? Poured it down the drain? I dont think so, mon ami!

Still, per serving it ended up as 8g net carb per half cup. Not bad for an LC dessert.

Next time I will try using no liqueur, one of the previous posts. I wonder if vodka would work, or if it would give the product an "off" flavor?

The ice cream was soft and scoopable even the next morning! Good mouthfeel, great fruit flavor, and oooh la la, si delicieux!

deb34 Tue, Feb-11-14 11:43

just so you know, Davinci does have the SF simple syrup, I have two bottles currently.

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